Gay Day at Disney

Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Do they advertise when the freaks from the Southern Baptist Convention "descend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour"?

To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!

Most of these deviants not spawned in Hell were spawned by normal heterosexual families - and were rejected or rejected it. THEY are well aware what normal behavior looks like.
To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...
And a Constitutionally protected choice, just ask the Supreme Court.

Moreover, Disney has the right to have a gay day if it so desires, and there’s not a thing you can do about it, save that of not patronizing their theme parks.
To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...

The point is that none of it, no sexualized theme or advertisement of any type belongs at Disney. Particularly unannounced like "gay days" are..

Again, the inappropriate exposure of a sexualized topic at Disney is exactly like the creepy guy with the trench coat showing up at the playground and flashing the kids.

Let me say one word....Bi Sexual. And there are a lot of them out there. :D
To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...
And a Constitutionally protected choice, just ask the Supreme Court.

Moreover, Disney has the right to have a gay day if it so desires, and there’s not a thing you can do about it, save that of not patronizing their theme parks.

Clayton, don't you have to dissect a Rat or something - or go kill some zombies like normal Middle School kids ?

Nobody ever said it wasnt constit. protected - and nobody ever said Disney didnt have the right to help Homos. push their Agenda - we are discussing whether we agree with it or not - YOU DON"T LIKE THAT ? TOUGH SHIT ! Sue Us !
“The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering,” said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pornography and violence. “Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

What about Female gay women? Under your logic - correct me if I'm wrong - we should consider being anti-gay because of molestation rates, etc.

HOWEVER, using that same logic doesn't that mean we should be pro-gay women because they typically have the LOWEST molestation rates, LOWEST crime rates, etc across the board? It's like you're picking and choosing your arguments. You need to remain consistent.

I Do Not invent facts to suit my needs . Lesbians do not molest Children - I probably couldn't find a single case if I tried.

As far as being Pro-Gay women- I thought you already were - lol? Come on Kevin - you can tell Beanie - you getting some nooky on the side from a pair of Dykes {Wink wink}

Getting back to business ... You want to know about Lesbians and Kids - take a look at the Girl Scouts , and what goes on in that organization.


Women role models the Girl Scouts list in their Journey books. These are the women that young girls are supposed to look up to as Role Models, to emulate and strive to be like. Of the more than 50 women listed as role models for girls in the Girl Scout Journey books, why are there only two non leftist non feminist non lesbians (Sojourner Truth, and Mother Teresa)?
Girl Scouts Lesbian Infiltration


Well, you're correct:

Seaching "Gay Day" yields no results on Disney World's website for events.

So BUYER BEWARE. At anytime, anywhere, queers will decend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour in which they engage. My solution is to develop a sence of humor and use the occassion to educate children about how they will be expected to accept freaks into their world.

Do they advertise when the freaks from the Southern Baptist Convention "descend upon you like locusts to demonstrate that you cannot avoid the deviant behaviour"?

To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

Sarcasm challenged I see. I hear they have groups for that now.
Nice Try - but not good enough. This is what your link has to say ...

The APA has no credibility - they are not a scientific organization and haven't been one for quite some time - they are a politicized one.

The link also delves into the possibility of Pedophilia being relative to head trauma, but points out it is only a theory and does not have any pop based studies to back it up.

The APA has no credibility? :lol: ouch...irony poisoning!

Put Up or Shut Up Bitch ! Yeah that's right you Bitch -and get your friggin finger out of your twat . You wanna play with the Big Boys - stop masturbating all over the damn keyboard , put the fuckin crack pipe down and start Googling - maybe you'll learn something although I highly doubt it.

You got a point to prove ?- then work at it - if all you can do is send dumb ass little snide comments across the internet , you're accomplishing not a fucking thing ! You're just another Dumb Dyke sitting at the keyboard.

Your asinine little barbs and fantasy families have no effect whatsoever on the larger scheme of things.

What's got you so upset, Stringbean? You're coming off a little unhinged.

I can't believe it was so subtle that you missed it. My point is that it's horribly ironic that someone posting links from a site called "looneybird" is disparaging a well renowned professional medical association like the APA.

It's not just the APA either, Bean, it's the American Academy of Pediatrics too.

U.S. pediatricians back gay marriage, adoption rights

There's nothing to Google, String since your theory that gays are pedophiles has been debunked from here to Sunday. It even lost in court.
Yes Kevin, you do have a valid point , Child Molestation is exclusively a Gay Male issue and does not apply to Lesbians . The purpose of the Girl Scout link was to demonstrate the devious aspects of Gay Feminism - which is well documented - I'm sorry you don't like the name of the link I provided - but tough noogies- that's what the site is called .

No, child molestation isn't. What "it" usually turns out to be is a male family member or friend of a young girls family and yes, women have been known to molest children, including lesbians. It is not sexual orientation that makes someone likely to molest children.

Since it is a subject that seems to fascinate you so, you really should learn more about the fact that it's not anyone gay doing most of it (therefore rendering any argument you think you have absolutely moot)

Dozens of Experts Dispel Anti-Gay Activists' Myth About Gay BSA Leaders

Gay Myths: 2 Bits Of Misinformation Debunked
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The APA has no credibility? :lol: ouch...irony poisoning!

Put Up or Shut Up Bitch ! Yeah that's right you Bitch -and get your friggin finger out of your twat . You wanna play with the Big Boys - stop masturbating all over the damn keyboard , put the fuckin crack pipe down and start Googling - maybe you'll learn something although I highly doubt it.

You got a point to prove ?- then work at it - if all you can do is send dumb ass little snide comments across the internet , you're accomplishing not a fucking thing ! You're just another Dumb Dyke sitting at the keyboard.

Your asinine little barbs and fantasy families have no effect whatsoever on the larger scheme of things.

What's got you so upset, Stringbean? You're coming off a little unhinged.

I can't believe it was so subtle that you missed it. My point is that it's horribly ironic that someone posting links from a site called "looneybird" is disparaging a well renowned professional medical association like the APA.

It's not just the APA either, Bean, it's the American Academy of Pediatrics too.

U.S. pediatricians back gay marriage, adoption rights

There's nothing to Google, String since your theory that gays are pedophiles has been debunked from here to Sunday. It even lost in court.

Yes, and I salute the Pediatricians - I too support Gay Marriage - So What ?
The APA has no credibility? :lol: ouch...irony poisoning!

Put Up or Shut Up Bitch ! Yeah that's right you Bitch -and get your friggin finger out of your twat . You wanna play with the Big Boys - stop masturbating all over the damn keyboard , put the fuckin crack pipe down and start Googling - maybe you'll learn something although I highly doubt it.

You got a point to prove ?- then work at it - if all you can do is send dumb ass little snide comments across the internet , you're accomplishing not a fucking thing ! You're just another Dumb Dyke sitting at the keyboard.

Your asinine little barbs and fantasy families have no effect whatsoever on the larger scheme of things.

What's got you so upset, Stringbean? You're coming off a little unhinged.


"A little unhinged?"


No, Gary Busey is a little unhinged, Greenbean's door to sanity has completely flown off the wall.
A sexualized movement or theme like LGBT has no place advertising itself to children at a childrens' theme park; most especially unannounced and purposefully on the busiest days that children attend that park.

Taken together, there is no other way to look at this than inappropriate exposure of children to sexuality at a place where it does not belong. It is one and the same as the creepy guy in the trench coat flashing kids on the playground at the exact moment he knows that recess will start. Pedophiles groom their targets psychologically first. This is nothing but grooming children to accept deviant sex acts in their minds...
To the deviant, the world of normal behavior seems strange!


Color me shocked.

As you are aware, religion, unlike Queerness, is a choice.

LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...

The point is that none of it, no sexualized theme or advertisement of any type belongs at Disney. Particularly unannounced like "gay days" are..

Again, the inappropriate exposure of a sexualized topic at Disney is exactly like the creepy guy with the trench coat showing up at the playground and flashing the kids.

Let me say one word....Bi Sexual. And there are a lot of them out there. :D

Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.
Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.

True, many however are MADE that way:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Speaking of social learning....look at the "classes" going on at Disney the busiest youngest child attendance days of the year [see this thread topic]
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LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...

The point is that none of it, no sexualized theme or advertisement of any type belongs at Disney. Particularly unannounced like "gay days" are..

Again, the inappropriate exposure of a sexualized topic at Disney is exactly like the creepy guy with the trench coat showing up at the playground and flashing the kids.

Let me say one word....Bi Sexual. And there are a lot of them out there. :D

Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.

So basically you're saying that I'm "choosing" to think that the female body is attractive, and at the "flip of the personal switch" I can instantly find the hairy chest and muscles a turn on?

I don't think so, bucko. Not a choice. There's nothing I could possibly think or do that would make me find other men to be attractive.
LGBT is also apparently a choice. Just ask Anne Heche...

The point is that none of it, no sexualized theme or advertisement of any type belongs at Disney. Particularly unannounced like "gay days" are..

Again, the inappropriate exposure of a sexualized topic at Disney is exactly like the creepy guy with the trench coat showing up at the playground and flashing the kids.

Let me say one word....Bi Sexual. And there are a lot of them out there. :D

Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.

It proves people are confused.

Again, no great revelation.
Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.

True, many however are MADE that way:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Speaking of social learning....look at the "classes" going on at Disney the busiest youngest child attendance days of the year [see this thread topic]

Oh I believe that, I believe that behind every gay person is someone who has been abused. No different than almost every pedophile was themselves a victim.

And the ones who are "bisexual" I believe do it strictly for the "naughtiness"
Indeed. There are a LOT of bisexuals. Proving that it is all a choice. NO ONE is born gay or bisexual.

True, many however are MADE that way:

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Speaking of social learning....look at the "classes" going on at Disney the busiest youngest child attendance days of the year [see this thread topic]

Oh I believe that, I believe that behind every gay person is someone who has been abused. No different than almost every pedophile was themselves a victim.

And the ones who are "bisexual" I believe do it strictly for the "naughtiness"

...except that I know a lot of gay people very well who were not abused as a child or as an adult, lol.

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