Gay Day at Disney

Child molesters have no choice in their attraction. Thrill killers have no choice in their compulsions . Sadists have no choice in their method of achieving sexual release. What's the difference between these deviants and homosexuals? Homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal behavior.

Oh my, Katz. You compare two consenting adults who reach a mutual agreement with one another with cold-blooded murderers and individuals who will forcefully penetrate innocent children against their will.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're an asshole. I really mean that with all my heart.

Agreed, I prefer to compare queers with dwarves, who are deviants as a result of birth defects, and are as often placed in performing arts for employment opportunities.
Child molesters have no choice in their attraction. Thrill killers have no choice in their compulsions . Sadists have no choice in their method of achieving sexual release. What's the difference between these deviants and homosexuals? Homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal behavior.

Oh my, Katz. You compare two consenting adults who reach a mutual agreement with one another with cold-blooded murderers and individuals who will forcefully penetrate innocent children against their will.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're an asshole. I really mean that with all my heart.

Change the law and the age of consent can be five years old. It's arbitrary anyway. The point is none of them had any choice in how they feel. Which is exactly why homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal, the lack of the ability to make a different decision in their feelings translates to a lack of ability to make an alternative decision as to their behavior. Incidentally something I can understand. That does not mean that their inability means that everyone else must accept deviancy as normal.

Sorry but consenting adult when the adult who consents is also a deviant is not a reason to consider deviancy normal. After all, there was never a question that the man killed and eaten by gay lover Armin Meiwes was anything but a consenting adult . It was always known that the murder was done in privacy. Were both killer and victim not insane perverts?

Pedophilia has already been removed from the list of mental deviancy, just like homosexuality was years ago. I have no objections to homosexuality. In the main it is benign. When homosexual behavior becomes a form of normal behavior it becomes toxic and opens the door for any perversion to demand normalcy.
Change the law and the age of consent can be five years old. It's arbitrary anyway. The point is none of them had any choice in how they feel. Which is exactly why homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal, the lack of the ability to make a different decision in their feelings translates to a lack of ability to make an alternative decision as to their behavior. Incidentally something I can understand. That does not mean that their inability means that everyone else must accept deviancy as normal.

Sorry but consenting adult when the adult who consents is also a deviant is not a reason to consider deviancy normal. After all, there was never a question that the man killed and eaten by gay lover Armin Meiwes was anything but a consenting adult . It was always known that the murder was done in privacy. Were both killer and victim not insane perverts?

Pedophilia has already been removed from the list of mental deviancy, just like homosexuality was years ago. I have no objections to homosexuality. In the main it is benign. When homosexual behavior becomes a form of normal behavior it becomes toxic and opens the door for any perversion to demand normalcy.

You bring up an interesting point here. People who are mentally ill are not capable of legal consent to sex. Considering all that gays know about HIV, when gay men go out and have scores of anonymous partners without protection, as is often the case from their hypersexuality [see: survivors of child molestation and mental symptoms], they are nothing but suicidal. Ergo, they are mentally ill....

...and not, therefore, capable of consent...
Child molesters have no choice in their attraction. Thrill killers have no choice in their compulsions . Sadists have no choice in their method of achieving sexual release. What's the difference between these deviants and homosexuals? Homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal behavior.

Oh my, Katz. You compare two consenting adults who reach a mutual agreement with one another with cold-blooded murderers and individuals who will forcefully penetrate innocent children against their will.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're an asshole. I really mean that with all my heart.

Agreed, I prefer to compare queers with dwarves, who are deviants as a result of birth defects, and are as often placed in performing arts for employment opportunities.

Are you still going on about deviance, squid man? :eusa_eh:
Child molesters have no choice in their attraction. Thrill killers have no choice in their compulsions . Sadists have no choice in their method of achieving sexual release. What's the difference between these deviants and homosexuals? Homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal behavior.

Oh my, Katz. You compare two consenting adults who reach a mutual agreement with one another with cold-blooded murderers and individuals who will forcefully penetrate innocent children against their will.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're an asshole. I really mean that with all my heart.

Change the law and the age of consent can be five years old. It's arbitrary anyway. The point is none of them had any choice in how they feel. Which is exactly why homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal, the lack of the ability to make a different decision in their feelings translates to a lack of ability to make an alternative decision as to their behavior. Incidentally something I can understand. That does not mean that their inability means that everyone else must accept deviancy as normal.

Sorry but consenting adult when the adult who consents is also a deviant is not a reason to consider deviancy normal. After all, there was never a question that the man killed and eaten by gay lover Armin Meiwes was anything but a consenting adult . It was always known that the murder was done in privacy. Were both killer and victim not insane perverts?

Pedophilia has already been removed from the list of mental deviancy, just like homosexuality was years ago. I have no objections to homosexuality. In the main it is benign. When homosexual behavior becomes a form of normal behavior it becomes toxic and opens the door for any perversion to demand normalcy.

No, Katz, don't backtrack here. I understand fully that you have an opinion that being gay should never be considered "normal". That's NOT what I was upset about.

I was upset that you compared gay people to the likes of murderers and molesters, individuals who are violent, ruthless, sociopaths who have no regard for any life but their own. It's total bullshit.
No, Katz, don't backtrack here. I understand fully that you have an opinion that being gay should never be considered "normal". That's NOT what I was upset about.

I was upset that you compared gay people to the likes of murderers and molesters, individuals who are violent, ruthless, sociopaths who have no regard for any life but their own. It's total bullshit.

Whoo boy, then do I have a post for you to read pal. It's post number #1354 Here: which is my response to "Seawytch's" unbelievably calloused and frankly apathic statement about a child being sodomized by a man. These are actually her very words regarding Harvey Milk's "sexuality", I kid you not :

Yes, he should have been prosecuted for statutory rape. Of course, someone would have had to give a big enough shit about a 17 year old homeless hustler living on the streets, to press charges.

Your compassion for the plight of homeless/orphaned runaway teens is noted for the record Seawytch... You're a lesbian, right? A proud member of LGBT nation, yes? And a parent of some two or three kids. Didn't you give away a son or two to a pair of gay men? I think that's what you said before. Something about a deal you had with some gay men where they kept one of the boy twins you had and you kept the other?

Jack Mckinley, the "homeless hustler" that nobody should "give a shit about" was 16, not 17, the key difference [as you know already] between his being a legal minor in the state of New York where Milk began sodomizing him.

So, once again, you are making excuses for the inexcusable. Why do you keep lying about how old Jack McKinley was when Milk began sodomizing him? Milk was 33 and McKinley was 16. The place: New York NY. The age of consent: 17. Is that why you keep lying about it? So it doesn't look like statutory rape?

And Jack McKinley's life was complicated. Like many teen boys with troubled home lives that run away, he turned to whatever he could to make money, and was addicted to drugs and quite hopeless. He struggled with suicidal thoughts all the time. Do you think Milk was taken advantage of by McKinley or the other way around? Note the age difference, and Milk's professed sexual appetite for "young waifs with substance abuse problems.."

What McKinley needed was a father figure who didn't bend him over at the waist for his jollies. McKinley needed a good home without abuse. But instead he found Harvey Milk and this final straw on his back caused him to jump to his death on Milk's birthday in NYNY where Milk began sodomizing him as a minor. McKinley and the dozens of other teen boys on drugs that Milk found his jollies with was nothing more than a wad of kleenex to Milk. Once the boy [then grown into a man/unacceptable sex partner beyond its shelf life] called Milk after Milk dumped him for fresher meat. McKinley was suicidal, missing his father/sodomizer. Milk told the person who answered the phone and was relaying the message, "tell him not to make a mess" [when he committed suicide] and then hung up on the Jack McKinley.

Since McKinley jumped to his death from a tall structure, I imagine he made quite a mess. You know how boys can be so rebellious towards their fathers...
Child molesters have no choice in their attraction. Thrill killers have no choice in their compulsions . Sadists have no choice in their method of achieving sexual release. What's the difference between these deviants and homosexuals? Homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal behavior.

Another person who cannot or will not see the OBVIOUS difference between behavior that hurts others and behavior that is consensual and hurts no one.

Pretty scary to have someone like that walking around. Very sociopathic.
No, Katz, don't backtrack here. I understand fully that you have an opinion that being gay should never be considered "normal". That's NOT what I was upset about.

I was upset that you compared gay people to the likes of murderers and molesters, individuals who are violent, ruthless, sociopaths who have no regard for any life but their own. It's total bullshit.

Whoo boy, then do I have a post for you to read pal. It's post number #1354 Here: which is my response to "Seawytch's" unbelievably calloused and frankly apathic statement about a child being sodomized by a man. These are actually her very words regarding Harvey Milk's "sexuality", I kid you not :

Yes, he should have been prosecuted for statutory rape. Of course, someone would have had to give a big enough shit about a 17 year old homeless hustler living on the streets, to press charges.

Your compassion for the plight of homeless/orphaned runaway teens is noted for the record Seawytch... You're a lesbian, right? A proud member of LGBT nation, yes? And a parent of some two or three kids. Didn't you give away a son or two to a pair of gay men? I think that's what you said before. Something about a deal you had with some gay men where they kept one of the boy twins you had and you kept the other?

Jack Mckinley, the "homeless hustler" that nobody should "give a shit about" was 16, not 17, the key difference [as you know already] between his being a legal minor in the state of New York where Milk began sodomizing him.

So, once again, you are making excuses for the inexcusable. Why do you keep lying about how old Jack McKinley was when Milk began sodomizing him? Milk was 33 and McKinley was 16. The place: New York NY. The age of consent: 17. Is that why you keep lying about it? So it doesn't look like statutory rape?

And Jack McKinley's life was complicated. Like many teen boys with troubled home lives that run away, he turned to whatever he could to make money, and was addicted to drugs and quite hopeless. He struggled with suicidal thoughts all the time. Do you think Milk was taken advantage of by McKinley or the other way around? Note the age difference, and Milk's professed sexual appetite for "young waifs with substance abuse problems.."

What McKinley needed was a father figure who didn't bend him over at the waist for his jollies. McKinley needed a good home without abuse. But instead he found Harvey Milk and this final straw on his back caused him to jump to his death on Milk's birthday in NYNY where Milk began sodomizing him as a minor. McKinley and the dozens of other teen boys on drugs that Milk found his jollies with was nothing more than a wad of kleenex to Milk. Once the boy [then grown into a man/unacceptable sex partner beyond its shelf life] called Milk after Milk dumped him for fresher meat. McKinley was suicidal, missing his father/sodomizer. Milk told the person who answered the phone and was relaying the message, "tell him not to make a mess" [when he committed suicide] and then hung up on the Jack McKinley.

Since McKinley jumped to his death from a tall structure, I imagine he made quite a mess. You know how boys can be so rebellious towards their fathers...

Is Seawytch the spokesperson for gay people, and does everything she does or say apply to all gays? Not sure I follow.

And Harvey Milk. I don't know much about him beyond the normal stuff, but even if he was with a minor what does that have to do with comparing gays (as a group) to murderers and child rapists? There are a lot of Christians that do really bad things, but it's unfair to say that "because you're Christian" you molest alter boys - for instance - because a handful of priests engaged in such acts.

Another thing, in Harvey Milk's era, I think the 16 was much more of an acceptable age for engaging in consensual sex. Remember when Elvis was with that young, young cousin of his? Didn't the relationship begin at 14? Not saying it's right or wrong, just saying it was a different day and age and you have to take that into consideration. 16-18 was considered an adult.
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Is Seawytch the spokesperson for gay people, and does everything she does or say apply to all gays? Not sure I follow.

And Harvey Milk. I don't know much about him beyond the normal stuff, but even if he was with a minor what does that have to do with comparing gays (as a group) to murderers and child rapists? There are a lot of Christians that do really bad things, but it's unfair to say that "because you're Christian" you molest alter boys - for instance - because a handful of priests engaged in such acts.

Another thing, in Harvey Milk's era, I think the 16 was much more of an acceptable age for engaging in consensual sex. Remember when Elvis was with that young, young cousin of his? Didn't the relationship begin at 14? Not saying it's right or wrong, just saying it was a different day and age and you have to take that into consideration. 16-18 was considered an adult.

Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Cananda that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?
And yet I am a gay person and I can assure you that I made no choice in my attractions.

The insistence that gays choose their orientation is the lie.

Well then, stop the presses, tell the scientists to go home and roll up the carpet...the hard data is in! Seawytch has pronounced that gays are "born that way". Nothing more to see here..


We had a stallion that we trained artificial insemination too young and never let him cover a live mare. From then on all he would get excited at was the sight of his "special halter" and the dummy mount. He wouldn't give mares the time of day after they also squealed & kicked at his young advances. He was both conditioned to the dummy and aversion conditioned away from mares. If you could interview him, his kneejerk erections at the sight of the dummy or the halter would absolutely feel to him "born that way". Yet we know for a fact he was not.

As astute as Seawytch's "objective observations" are, the Mayo Clinic leaves us with plenty of room to doubt:

And of course there's this, a compilation of over 300 studies backing the name of the title:

Conditioning and Sexual Behavior, A Review

James G. Pfaus,1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno

Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia

University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

Scientists are in consensus that it isn't a choice either, but in a free country, who cares?

No one should care, cept that you keep lying about it.

After reading some of your posts its quite clear that you HATE men and so chose to be "born gay"

The reasons for your hatred are less clear, and even less of my business. Just stop lying and pretending like you were born gay and we should all have to accept it as normal
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Is Seawytch the spokesperson for gay people, and does everything she does or say apply to all gays? Not sure I follow.

And Harvey Milk. I don't know much about him beyond the normal stuff, but even if he was with a minor what does that have to do with comparing gays (as a group) to murderers and child rapists? There are a lot of Christians that do really bad things, but it's unfair to say that "because you're Christian" you molest alter boys - for instance - because a handful of priests engaged in such acts.

Another thing, in Harvey Milk's era, I think the 16 was much more of an acceptable age for engaging in consensual sex. Remember when Elvis was with that young, young cousin of his? Didn't the relationship begin at 14? Not saying it's right or wrong, just saying it was a different day and age and you have to take that into consideration. 16-18 was considered an adult.

Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Cananda that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?

One other thing, it was Jerry Lee Lewis, not Elvis, who married his cousin, and she was 13.
Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Cananda that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?

Please, can we not do this? I'm trying to have a respectable conversation here. I stated EXPLICITLY that I didn't know much about the Harvey Milk situation. My comment of 16 being considered an "adult" in the 1950s/60s/70s was under the assumption the relationship was consensual and that the parties involved did not have any serious vulnerabilities.

And regardless (going back to the original point - again) you can't pull a singular story out from a singular gay man and say it somehow represents the entire gay population. I can find straight murderers, rapists, serial killers, fraudsters, etc - but none of those people "represent" the population at large. I can even find very prominent and famous straight figures who were sexual monsters (queue BILL CLINTON).

A person is innocent until proven guilty. No one should be compared to a rapist because they choose to sleep (as an adult, consensually) with members of the same sex. No one.
One other thing, it was Jerry Lee Lewis, not Elvis, who married his cousin, and she was 13.

Good point, my mistake. Elvis's wife however was pretty young when the relationship began regardless...

She was 14 when they met, I'm not sure when sexual relations began.


Yes, perhaps Elivs wasn't the best example (was just something from off the top of the head). Jerry Lee Lewis was a better one.

Ultimately, I think it's universally accepted that 60 years ago the "age of consent" was much younger - that's the main point.
Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Cananda that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?

Please, can we not do this? I'm trying to have a respectable conversation here. I stated EXPLICITLY that I didn't know much about the Harvey Milk situation. My comment of 16 being considered an "adult" in the 1950s/60s/70s was under the assumption the relationship was consensual and that the parties involved did not have any serious vulnerabilities.

And regardless (going back to the original point - again) you can't pull a singular story out from a singular gay man and say it somehow represents the entire gay population. I can find straight murderers, rapists, serial killers, fraudsters, etc - but none of those people "represent" the population at large. I can even find very prominent and famous straight figures who were sexual monsters (queue BILL CLINTON).

A person is innocent until proven guilty. No one should be compared to a rapist because they choose to sleep (as an adult, consensually) with members of the same sex. No one.

You do however admit that when gays such as SeaWytch try to make excuses for the guy rather than just saying he was an asshole it appears that the entire community supports what he did , don't you?

Pretty simple, I condemn assholes whether they are in my demographic or not, I'm sorry but many liberal groups do not. They simply excuse the behavior with some snide remark about he doesn't represent all of us, then they bring up some irrelevant bullshit and move on.

In the 50s and 60s and before even younger women married than do today. But marriage is FAR different than rape. Even today consensual sex laws make allowances for marriage to underage women
Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Canada that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?

Please, can we not do this? I'm trying to have a respectable conversation here. I stated EXPLICITLY that I didn't know much about the Harvey Milk situation. My comment of 16 being considered an "adult" in the 1950s/60s/70s was under the assumption the relationship was consensual and that the parties involved did not have any serious vulnerabilities.

And regardless (going back to the original point - again) you can't pull a singular story out from a singular gay man and say it somehow represents the entire gay population. I can find straight murderers, rapists, serial killers, fraudsters, etc - but none of those people "represent" the population at large. I can even find very prominent and famous straight figures who were sexual monsters (queue BILL CLINTON).

A person is innocent until proven guilty. No one should be compared to a rapist because they choose to sleep (as an adult, consensually) with members of the same sex. No one.

No, we cannot "not do this" because the topic of the church of LGBT's messiah, Harvey Milk is germane to the topic of inappropriate access/exposure of children to deviant sexuality which is the topic of this thread.

Your claims that Harvey Milk is a "singular gay man" are falling on deaf ears. See the part above in bold red for the explanation as to why. Harvey Milk was made into more than just a "singular gay man" by the LGBT movement itself.
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Oh my, Katz. You compare two consenting adults who reach a mutual agreement with one another with cold-blooded murderers and individuals who will forcefully penetrate innocent children against their will.

Sorry to be so blunt here, but you're an asshole. I really mean that with all my heart.

Change the law and the age of consent can be five years old. It's arbitrary anyway. The point is none of them had any choice in how they feel. Which is exactly why homosexuals want their deviancy considered normal, the lack of the ability to make a different decision in their feelings translates to a lack of ability to make an alternative decision as to their behavior. Incidentally something I can understand. That does not mean that their inability means that everyone else must accept deviancy as normal.

Sorry but consenting adult when the adult who consents is also a deviant is not a reason to consider deviancy normal. After all, there was never a question that the man killed and eaten by gay lover Armin Meiwes was anything but a consenting adult . It was always known that the murder was done in privacy. Were both killer and victim not insane perverts?

Pedophilia has already been removed from the list of mental deviancy, just like homosexuality was years ago. I have no objections to homosexuality. In the main it is benign. When homosexual behavior becomes a form of normal behavior it becomes toxic and opens the door for any perversion to demand normalcy.

No, Katz, don't backtrack here. I understand fully that you have an opinion that being gay should never be considered "normal". That's NOT what I was upset about.

I was upset that you compared gay people to the likes of murderers and molesters, individuals who are violent, ruthless, sociopaths who have no regard for any life but their own. It's total bullshit.

All of whom, like gays, feel that they had no choice and were "born that way". Yet we somehow do not consider the behavior of those born that way normal behavior. At least not right now. That will come.
Well then, stop the presses, tell the scientists to go home and roll up the carpet...the hard data is in! Seawytch has pronounced that gays are "born that way". Nothing more to see here..


We had a stallion that we trained artificial insemination too young and never let him cover a live mare. From then on all he would get excited at was the sight of his "special halter" and the dummy mount. He wouldn't give mares the time of day after they also squealed & kicked at his young advances. He was both conditioned to the dummy and aversion conditioned away from mares. If you could interview him, his kneejerk erections at the sight of the dummy or the halter would absolutely feel to him "born that way". Yet we know for a fact he was not.

As astute as Seawytch's "objective observations" are, the Mayo Clinic leaves us with plenty of room to doubt:

And of course there's this, a compilation of over 300 studies backing the name of the title:

Scientists are in consensus that it isn't a choice either, but in a free country, who cares?

No one should care, cept that you keep lying about it.

After reading some of your posts its quite clear that you HATE men and so chose to be "born gay"

The reasons for your hatred are less clear, and even less of my business. Just stop lying and pretending like you were born gay and we should all have to accept it as normal

Since I don't hate men that makes you a complete idiot. You may have been born that way, but you can change.
Seawytch may not speak for all gays, but over 60+ gay groups in the US, Mexico and Canada that also know about Milk's biography did lobby the US Postal service, successfully, to make a commemorative stamp for their icon who in California law is described verbatim as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". That same law requires school children as young as kindergarten to celebrate Milk's sexual-political achievements.

As to the second part in bold above, I duly note that you also are apologizing for and defending a sexual crime against a minor boy who was on drugs and mentally ill. You do realize as you defend, that those are three situations which rendered the boy incapable of legal consent, yes?

Your logic appears to be "since the messiah committed these felonies in the past when these abuses of children were more acceptable, it mitigates the abuse and makes it something less than what it actually was"...

..which is a very disturbing viewpoint for someone advocating for LGBTers to get access to adoptable orphans via marriage in a state like Utah...

Would you like to rephrase what you just said or will you stand by it?

Please, can we not do this? I'm trying to have a respectable conversation here. I stated EXPLICITLY that I didn't know much about the Harvey Milk situation. My comment of 16 being considered an "adult" in the 1950s/60s/70s was under the assumption the relationship was consensual and that the parties involved did not have any serious vulnerabilities.

And regardless (going back to the original point - again) you can't pull a singular story out from a singular gay man and say it somehow represents the entire gay population. I can find straight murderers, rapists, serial killers, fraudsters, etc - but none of those people "represent" the population at large. I can even find very prominent and famous straight figures who were sexual monsters (queue BILL CLINTON).

A person is innocent until proven guilty. No one should be compared to a rapist because they choose to sleep (as an adult, consensually) with members of the same sex. No one.

No, we cannot "not do this" because the topic of the church of LGBT's messiah, Harvey Milk is germane to the topic of inappropriate access/exposure of children to deviant sexuality which is the topic of this thread.

Your claims that Harvey Milk is a "singular gay man" are falling on deaf ears. See the part above in bold red for the explanation as to why. Harvey Milk was made into more than just a "singular gay man" by the LGBT movement itself.

Once again (and this is a very fair statement) you can't judge the entire gay population off the actions of one man. That's fucking ridiculous! If he was indeed a child molester, of course I think it would be wrong to admire him - however regardless he was just one man.

Can we call all straight people "perverted rapists" because hundreds of millions of people look up to Bill Clinton? That man has a dark, twisted history - btw - if you haven't looked into it.

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