Gay Grooming in the public schools

We don't have to say the word to know what they are.
The odd thing is -- the term doesn't have to mean groomed for sex at all.

The reality of the situation is that the vast majority of the grooming is for political, not sexual purposes, and yes, a good many posters here DO support the grooming of children in that regard.
In the case of these children it is being groomed for sex.
There are times when both are happening simultaneously.

I do know that I find it exceedingly creepy that people can be so fixated on the sexuality of prepubescent children as they are.

Prepubescent children are not SUPPOSED to be sexual even if self-appointed experts say they are. That is why they are prepubescent. Once again, the radical left fails at biology.
They believe that if they can thoroughly indoctrinate children they c will have an entirely, bisexual, if not fully homosexual people.
The level of absolute nuttery going on is mind boggling. Fire up the base? Wave the red pedo flag in front of the political bull and you have a pitchfork and torches movement guaranteed to carry you into the next election since commies, Antifa, BLM and Soros just aren't cutting it anymore. The right NEEDS a demon to fight against, even if most of time it is largely made of straw.

Cue: "...we are pushing back because of all the crap evil leftists have pushed on us! " might shock ya but leftists have been pushing back against all the crap evil rightists have been pushing on us. So it's a chicken and egg moment isn't?

Only difference is that it is largely untethered from reality and driven by emotion, just another aspect of the culture wars that the left pushes through cultural change and the right pushes through legislative fiat.

First thing to do is change the commonly accepted definitions of words. "Groomer" in relation to children was associated with the actions of pedos in manipulating vulnerable children. But now, it is going to mean any actions you decide is "indoctrinating" children" in anything to do with non heteo sex and fuzzy enough to imply the person supports if not engages in pedo activities. Rationale? If you can tar it with pedo, you can demonize anyone who is critical. Object to any of the anti transgender laws? You are labeled a groomer and pitchforks come out. Sound familiar? It isn't too different than the left's constant pulling of the race card, with one notable exception: pedo is a crime and the most abhorrent and vile crime in our culture. A child that is a victim is deeply damaged for life, but so too is an innocent person accused of it because it never goes away either, the "where there is smoke..." adage".

The problem with this new movement is laws are being passed without ascertaining if there is an actual problem first. Because this really more political than anything and group really being targeted is a tiny minority that is finally feeling secure enough to be open about who they are: no. NOT pedos, but transexuals.

Look at at some of the laws passed: transgender athletes...ok, what are the issues?

Pro sports - adults. That IS an issue because at that point in development, physical differences are there. But kids? Pre-puberty, what difference is there? And you are talking about a tiny subset of kids. I brought this up in another thread: when Utah wanted to pass such legislation, the governor noted that he was only aware of 5 transgender kids in the public school system in the entire state, of which only one would be affected by the atletic ban. So essentially, a law is proposed that singles out one kid, of a tiny minority, that is already deeply troubled and struggling for acceptance.

Then you got the tranch of "don't say gay". Like a lot of rightwing legislation being passed these days, these are not the products of local grass root activities but of national think tanks that create pre-packaged templates for the rightwing agenda. Nationalized politics are now local politics. the arguement isn't about not saying gay, it's about protecting the innocence of children. Really?

These laws tend to be very broad and vaguely worded, essentially boiling boiling down to "age appropriate" and conflating it all with pedo grooming and DEI. Like it's all the same. Instead of targeted laws, you have broad laws open to interpretation that feed peoples fears, ENCOURAGES a belief that pedo grooming is WIDESPREAD in public schools, without actual evidence beyond individual incidents widely published across the internet and shared as somehow typifing a "widespread problem".

Some of the false claims being promoted here....

Teachers are "grooming" students to be transgender. Really? Any actual here? If kid is trandgender, the parents likely know it. If the kid is lucky. the are supportive, seek out counseling, and IF recommended, medical care. If the kid is unlucky, the parents will humiliate him or beat the shit out of him. These kids don't often have anyone to turn to. Case in point, the parents reached out to the teachers...and a supportive environment was created for the child. Again, this is a tiny minority of kids! NOT some kind of big movement!

Because this bill would BAN, under threat of LAWSUIT any such discussions between student and teachers, these kids are going to be increasingly isolated.

Because bills like these want to ban any discussion of gender identity (and the broad and vague wording guarentees that even age appropriate discussions on tolerance and inclusivity can't be had) these will be even more bullied. So how can that handled?

Second...the claim "but they can still discuss why Heather has two mommies" questio able because the also requires that teachers must promote the values of a monogomous HETEROSEXUAL family.

A good article on the pros and cos:

Is it possible to have a good discussion on this here without accusations of groomer,
pedo, pedo supporter? Probably not, after all an actual discussion won't gin up the appropriate outrage against the left that a good old pedo pervert redflag will against a tiny minority of ready at risk kids and their families will.

A couple more points to address. The claim that puberty blockers are not reversable. These drugs are not just used for transgender issues, they were originally used for a syndrom that causes early puberty in kids (like kindergartners) adverse widespread effects reported reported when they were stopped and allowed to progress at a normal age. It isn't any different with transgenders.

Now cue the predictable resonses from my "buddies" Dogma and Bobbie: pedo supporter, kiddie rape supporter, blah blah blah.
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Here's another fact, while we are at it.

The misrepresentation of another member's comment on "sexual awakening" of a child and distorting to imply is pedo despite the fact member refered to older children, NOT kindergartners. Nor was he "waxing poetic" about it, it was two word statement of fact.

According to the National Institutes of Health, puberty usually begins in girls between 8 and 13 years of age, and in boys between 9 and 14 years of age.

Now I guarentee someone here is going to distort this into somehow claiming that thisinto somehow thinking sex is appropriate at that age. Of course it isn't! But kid's bodies begin to change and it's
not like they are oblivious. If they are lucky they cantLk to their parents and understand what is going on. If not, let's hope the schools have appropriate education on this.
And more pedophiles, groomers, and those willfully complicit therewith, continue to out themselves.
Ding Ding Ding

Just as I predicted from the predictable duo. If you disagree or try to make it about the issues you are a groomer i.e. pedo or pedo supporter.

Next up, I predict supporting the rape of children will be claimed.
Ding Ding Ding

Just as I predicted from the predictable duo. If you disagree or try to make it about the issues you are a groomer i.e. pedo or pedo supporter.

Next up, I predict supporting the rape of children will be claimed.
Ding Ding Ding

Just as I predicted from the predictable duo. If you disagree or try to make it about the issues you are a groomer i.e. pedo or pedo supporter.

Next up, I predict supporting the rape of children will be claimed.
We are predictable in our desire to protect children from predation, yes

You are nothing, if not utterly predictable as well.

In fact, you are not only predictable but you bring your very predictable attitudes regarding children and sexuality into the the way this forum is moderated.
We are predictable in our desire to protect children from predation, yes

You are nothing, if not utterly predictable as well.

In fact, you are not only predictable but you bring your very predictable attitudes regarding children and sexuality into the the way this forum is moderated.
And again. The predictable response from the sites biggest whiner. Did I call it?

You just can't help yourself from implying critics of policies are sexualizing children.

Puberty starts around nine. How should teachers responsibly handle discussions in schools in an age appropriate way. How should topics like gender and sexual orientation be handled? Pretend they don't exist?
We are predictable in our desire to protect children from predation, yes

You are nothing, if not utterly predictable as well.

In fact, you are not only predictable but you bring your very predictable attitudes regarding children and sexuality into the the way this forum is moderated.
Google controlled ring a bell?
This a university, not grade school. Why should we care?
LOL you have to ask what’s the problem and poke at its a University bahhaahhah. Who the hell do you think teaches and spreads this trash and teaches our children how to be predators!! Whats wrong with omfg!!!!!!
And again. The predictable response from the sites biggest whiner. Did I call it?

You just can't help yourself from implying critics of policies are sexualizing children.

Puberty starts around nine. How should teachers responsibly handle discussions in schools in an age appropriate way. How should topics like gender and sexual orientation be handled? Pretend they don't exist?
I realize the number 9 is important to Muslims because it was the age of Aisha When your "prophet" nailed the child for the first time, but the actual average age for the onset of puberty in girls is 11 and boys 12.
Ah - a p ersonal attack from the site's most

I realize the number 9 is important to Muslims because it was the age of Aisha When your "prophet" nailed the child for the first time, but the actual average age for the onset of puberty in girls is 11 and boys 12.
I believe the number is 19.

I do not agree with the article.

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