Gay Grooming in the public schools

Delaying puberty IS irreversible treatment.
There are variables to consider such as the age at which it is started and the length of time that it continues. If done correctly it is reversable. But of course of that you can do is dumb it down by bleating out a blanket statement without have done any research on it.
The entire goal of teaching gender identity to children is to damage them. The entire point is to deny children the most basic education. Every moment spent on sexualizing children, then over sexualizing them, then teaching racial fabrications from crt, is a denial of foundational educational needs. It begs the question of the Chinese paying for this just to eliminate American children from any competition in the future. Children are denied math, science, history, geography any form of education in favor of effective blow jobs and favorable mastubatory techniques. Most high school students cannot even write their own names. They cannot figure a tip on a restaurant bill or identify their country on a map.

The robbery that's being done is criminal.
There are variables to consider such as the age at which it is started and the length of time that it continues. If done correctly it is reversable. But of course of that you can do is dumb it down by bleating out a blanket statement without have done any research on it.
It is evil. Nothing should happen until someone is at least 18 and can make semi rational decisions.
There are variables to consider such as the age at which it is started and the length of time that it continues. If done correctly it is reversable. But of course of that you can do is dumb it down by bleating out a blanket statement without have done any research on it.
Have you followed the story of transgender icon Jazz Jennings? He has a TV show on Discovery, I am Jazz, he makes appearances promoting the acceptance and promotion of transgenderism. You can find episodes and clips on You Tube. Upon reaching 18 Jazz went for genital surgery. Specialists in male to female surgery could not perform the operation. He had started taking puberty blockers very young. As a result his penis was infantile. This is what happens when boys are prevented from maturing. There wasn't enough penis to form a vaginal canal. After being turned down by doctor after doctor, one agreed to form a vagina using a portion of his lower bowel. That's what happens. A bowel resection. Life long difficulty with defecation.

Stop. Just stop. This is NOT reversible. It is NOT harmless. Anyone who wants to give children puberty blockers belongs in prison.
Adults are NOT "awakening" anything. It just happens and adults have to deal with it in an appropriate way. Children are damaged when their questions and concerns are ignored.

Children are damaged when some depraved pedophile fucks with their bodies or with their minds.

And there is no spin you can put on it to hide the hard, ugly truth, that that is exactly what you are defending.

Your kind need to keep your filthy perversions away from children.
Adults are NOT "awakening" anything. It just happens and adults have to deal with it in an appropriate way. Children are damaged when their questions and concerns are ignored. Children are damaged when they have feeling that they don't understand but are rejected and scorned. And children are damaged when they are subjected to ostracization and bullying by their peers who have not been taught to be tolerant of those who are different.

I would like to know what you consider appropriate intervention by adults in order to help these kids have an easier time of it, and where you get your information

You are the one who originally introduced the theme of awakening child sexuality and it IS adults who are doing the initiating. Your talking about awakening sexuality is downright creepy considering the age range in question.

It is not a teacher's job to affirm a child's sexual identity, especially when it is actually teachers leading the charge by way of initiating the discussions in the first place.

Why do you think there has been such an unprecedented increase in transgenderism in young people, anyway? It sure isn't arising from the kids. It is being ENCOURAGED.
Have you followed the story of transgender icon Jazz Jennings? He has a TV show on Discovery, I am Jazz, he makes appearances promoting the acceptance and promotion of transgenderism. You can find episodes and clips on You Tube. Upon reaching 18 Jazz went for genital surgery. Specialists in male to female surgery could not perform the operation. He had started taking puberty blockers very young. As a result his penis was infantile. This is what happens when boys are prevented from maturing. There wasn't enough penis to form a vaginal canal. After being turned down by doctor after doctor, one agreed to form a vagina using a portion of his lower bowel. That's what happens. A bowel resection. Life long difficulty with defecation.

Stop. Just stop. This is NOT reversible. It is NOT harmless. Anyone who wants to give children puberty blockers belongs in prison.
No You stop! This anecdotal crap is just that, worthless crap. Neither you nor I can know the particulars of this one case. It says nothing and it sound like it was botched. Do some fucking research!
You are the one who originally introduced the theme of awakening child sexuality and it IS adults who are doing the initiating. Your talking about awakening sexuality is downright creepy considering the age range in question.

It is not a teacher's job to affirm a child's sexual identity, especially when it is actually teachers leading the charge by way of initiating the discussions in the first place.

Why do you think there has been such an unprecedented increase in transgenderism in young people, anyway? It sure isn't arising from the kids. It is being ENCOURAGED.
You are misrepresenting me, either deliberately and dishonestly, or out of ignorance and the inability to fully comprehend the written word. My policy is and always has been to start where the child is at. They initiate the discussion and the adult responds as needed and appropriate.

Teachers and other adults need to be supportive and respectful of a child's feelings and experience with regards to gender identity and sexual orientation . You can call that affirming if you want to, but the fact is that the alternative leads to depression and suicide.

You ask: "Why do you think there has been such an unprecedented increase in transgenderism in young people, anyway?" My response is that you don't know that that is true. What we know is that there has been an increase in the number of people who are coming out as transgender. In that past, many may have been suffering in silence. Now there is a more accepting environment and that is not a bad thing.
So, basically, what the Frankensteins did was to build a man with two assholes.
Basically because that lower bowel secretes mucus, much like a vaginal canal, except its not the same mucus so it will have an odor different from a woman. Guess what that smell is? Normally trans women have to use a moisture replacement and have no odor at all.
Children have no real sexual awareness nor identity at least until around the time of puberty. It may taken them another five years after that to sort out their feelings. Therefore, any imposed sexualization by adults before that can only be considered CHILD ABUSE.

That is why this one poster referring to prepubescents as sexual beings is so disturbing.
Children have no real sexual awareness nor identity at least until around the time of puberty. It may taken them another five years after that to sort out their feelings. Therefore, any imposed sexualization by adults before that can only be considered CHILD ABUSE.
You are just another idiot who has deluded themselves into thinking that they are an expert on childhood development and human sexuality

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