Gay Grooming in the public schools

I am so impressed with you people's vast knowledge about transgender people. No doubt that you both attended the most prestigious institutions of higher learning and have advanced degrees in Medicine, biology, developmental psychology, and psychiatry. As always you raise the bar on intellectual discourse on the USMB to new and dizzying heights. Please keep sharing your pearls of wisdom . I hang on your every word

Just one question for now. EvilCat Breath

Where in the name of holy franken fuck do you get that shit from?

YOU are lying! Stop listening to the voices in your head

Too much of a coward to answer?

This is why you Nazis are facing an extinction level event in November.

Again, why do you Nazis support genital mutilation of children?

Oh, did you lie?

Why does your filthy party support genital mutilation of America's children?
Thank you again Bobby Boy. I see that you put a lot of brain power into that response. God Bless You!
What brain power does it take to talk about the "awakening sexuality" of children like you do?

When I was a child, if a man mentioned his interest in my "awakening sexuality" to my father, who knows what he might have done.
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Too much of a coward to answer?

This is why you Nazis are facing an extinction level event in November.

Again, why do you Nazis support genital mutilation of children?

Oh, did you lie?

Why does your filthy party support genital mutilation of America's children?
You claimed that gender reassignment surgery is being performed on prepubescent children, Non of these articles say that. Gender affirming care in young children involves delaying puberty until that child is old enough to give informed consent for any irreversible treatment
What a chillingly dystopian euphemism you offer to describe child abuse.

If you see a boy playing with dolls, you fuck with his head by encouraging him to think of himself as a girl and then inject him with hormones.

What monsters you are.

The better to turn that boy into a compliant toy for wannabe pederasts.

I think the motive behind this is pretty obvious, don't you? It's not just heads of little boys that this sort wants to fuck.
The better to turn that boy into a compliant toy for wannabe pederasts.

I think the motive behind this is pretty obvious, don't you? It's not just heads of little boys that this sort wants to fuck.
All I can say right now is that I do not like people referring to the awakening sexuality of children if I am even allowed to say that in this forum.
You claimed that gender reassignment surgery is being performed on prepubescent children,

I didn't "claim, I proved with half a dozen links. Your lack of integrity doesn't render reality moot, Nazi.

{"For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system," the NCTSN wrote in their release. "It may include evidence-based interventions such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones."}

That your Nazi Reich engages in and promotes genital mutilation of children is established fact.

The question is why you SUPPORT genital mutilation?

Non of these articles say that. Gender affirming care in young children involves delaying puberty until that child is old enough to give informed consent for any irreversible treatment

That you didn't read any of the supplied links is no surprise, you're little more than a bot spewing hate for your Reich.
You are the one who displays a profound and willful ignorance about gender identity and child development
Ah, yes, I see we are back to your theme about the awakening sexuality of children.

Is it really the awakening sexuality in these children or their sexuality BEING awakened when it is the adult introducing those sexual themes to them, eh?
What about gay grooming in the churches?

"Don't Say Gay" Isn't About "Grooming" — It's About Reactionary Homophobia​

This comes as part of a terrifying wave of attacks on LGBTQ+ children nationwide, particularly against trans children. In 2021, a record 34 states introduced 147 anti-trans bills. This is objectively a matter of life or death: Research from the Trevor Project shows that LGBTQ+ students in affirming school environments are 40% less likely to attempt suicide, and a January study of theirs found that 85% of transgender and nonbinary youth say debates surrounding recent anti-trans bills have negatively impacted their mental health.

NOBODY attacked trans kids in K-6th. THese bills are NOT ATTACKS on anything gay. They are DEFENSES AGAINST NEW efforts to sexualize young children at inappropropiate ages. Just like the invasion of Ukraine. The INVADED ARE FIGHTING BACK.

Get your villians straight here. WE DID NOT START THE WAR !!!!! Sign up DUDE for the frontlines. With the hundreds of stupid assertions you've made on this -- You should be an activist warrior for FORCING sex/gender indoctrination on 6 yr olds.

The INVASION of the Public School GROOMERS is what PROVOKED the war.
Ah, yes, I see we are back to your theme about the awakening sexuality of children.

Is it really the awakening sexuality in these children or their sexuality BEING awakened when it is the adult introducing those sexual themes to them, eh?
I suggest that you do some reading on it, and not from anything published by the Heritage Foundation or Mas Resistance
I suggest that you do some reading on it, and not from anything published by the Heritage Foundation or Mas Resistance
I have already read about the damage done to children by adults who seek to awaken sexuality in a child.

It usually results in damaged goods - cases of arrested development where the targeted child never grows into real adulthood because they were sexualized at too early an age.

There is a reason our species has such an extended childhood. We need that time for cognitive development and there is no reason for you or anybody else to awaken their sexuality before tjey are ready.
I have already read about the damage done to children by adults who seek to awaken sexuality in a child.

It usually results in damaged goods - cases of arrested development where the targeted child never grows into real adulthood because they were sexualized at too early an age.

There is a reason our species has such an extended childhood. We need that time for cognitive development and there is no reason for you or anybody else to awaken their sexuality before tjey are ready.
Adults are NOT "awakening" anything. It just happens and adults have to deal with it in an appropriate way. Children are damaged when their questions and concerns are ignored. Children are damaged when they have feeling that they don't understand but are rejected and scorned. And children are damaged when they are subjected to ostracization and bullying by their peers who have not been taught to be tolerant of those who are different.

I would like to know what you consider appropriate intervention by adults in order to help these kids have an easier time of it, and where you get your information

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