Gay Grooming in the public schools

When the teachers bring in a cross dressing pervert with no underwear to hide its stuff that is forcing the subject on the children
Oh you silly! You must be referring to the Drag Queen Story hour. It's another one of you favorite lightening rods that you fear because you don't understand it and never bothered to try. Here, educate yourself. I don't know where you got that no underwear stuff from though

What an amazing way to teach individuality, empathy, and acceptance! Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are. Through books, songs, arts and crafts, and movement activities, they explored these issues and had an amazing time doing it! During our debrief after DQSH, they were preaching the incredible lessons they had learned, like “It’s ok to be different,” and “There’s no such thing as ‘boy’ things or ‘girl’ things.” I was proud to be able to have DQSH at my school and will definitely be planning another story hour for next year!”
Oh you silly! You must be referring to the Drag Queen Story hour. It's another one of you favorite lightening rods that you fear because you don't understand it and never bothered to try. Here, educate yourself. I don't know where you got that no underwear stuff from though

I visited your link and they must be hiding the really freaky ones like this demented creature:
What about gay grooming in the churches?

"Don't Say Gay" Isn't About "Grooming" — It's About Reactionary Homophobia​

This comes as part of a terrifying wave of attacks on LGBTQ+ children nationwide, particularly against trans children. In 2021, a record 34 states introduced 147 anti-trans bills. This is objectively a matter of life or death: Research from the Trevor Project shows that LGBTQ+ students in affirming school environments are 40% less likely to attempt suicide, and a January study of theirs found that 85% of transgender and nonbinary youth say debates surrounding recent anti-trans bills have negatively impacted their mental health.
Unitarian Universalist ? eckankar ?? Pagan / Wiccan ???
Parents have a 100% right to protect their children from Gay Grooming

Is this a big problem in the schools in your area?

Parents also have a 100% right to protect their children from CRT hate and racism indoctrination in their child's school.

Is that also a big issue in the schools in your area? What part of CRT do you hate the mostest?
Faggotry has become a religion unto itself.

"faggotry"? That's an interesting word. I hadn't heard that one before. Are you an expert on "faggotry"? Can you tell us more about this topic?

All social issues fall into one of two categories: pro survival of the human race or anti survival of the human race.

My wife and I chose to not have children. Given that we are a male-female couple of heterosexuals are we involved in the "anti-survival of the human race"? Is this part of "Faggotry"?

Spreading gay propaganda is a direct attempt to end the human race over an extended period of time.

When homosexuality is the MAIN sexual orientation you might have a topic of discussion. But until that time it would be hard to find a significant signal. But then, I'm not an expert on "faggotry" as you are. Perhaps you can outline it for us.

How many faggots are enough for the Church of Queers?

I think the College of Queer Cardinals in the Church of Queers is established to be 69 but sometimes they have to "pack the college" if you know what I mean.

Fifty percent of the human race?

Do you find it hard to remain a heterosexual? Are you tempted a lot by the gay people you encounter? I feel sorry for you. I don't know what that feels like because I'm not tempted by gay sex. Stay strong, my friend.

Seventy? Since time immemorial the human race has survived and flourished by the act of procreation between men and women,

Well, until about 1850 when homosexuality was invented.

which depends on the natural attraction of men to women, women to men. Spreading gay propaganda in schools is an act of national and species suicide.

Uh huh.

Eventually, so many men and women would become gay only a very small percentage of our species would procreate, leading to a downward spiral and crash of the human race.

That seems unlikely. Is that what the scientists who study "faggotry" tell you?

Nevertheless, champions of the Church of Queer, namely left leaning politicians, continue to support spread of gay propaganda, proliferating it further and further every year. This truly is a highway to oblivion for the human race.

Keep the faith. There are still some straight people left. And when the gay people try to tempt you, stay strong! Yes those dudes are often very "fit" and attractive, but I bet you have the moral strength to not fall into their trap.

Stay strong.
"faggotry"? That's an interesting word. I hadn't heard that one before. Are you an expert on "faggotry"? Can you tell us more about this topic?

My wife and I chose to not have children. Given that we are a male-female couple of heterosexuals are we involved in the "anti-survival of the human race"? Is this part of "Faggotry"?

When homosexuality is the MAIN sexual orientation you might have a topic of discussion. But until that time it would be hard to find a significant signal. But then, I'm not an expert on "faggotry" as you are. Perhaps you can outline it for us.

I think the College of Queer Cardinals in the Church of Queers is established to be 69 but sometimes they have to "pack the college" if you know what I mean.

Do you find it hard to remain a heterosexual? Are you tempted a lot by the gay people you encounter? I feel sorry for you. I don't know what that feels like because I'm not tempted by gay sex. Stay strong, my friend.

Well, until about 1850 when homosexuality was invented.

Uh huh.

That seems unlikely. Is that what the scientists who study "faggotry" tell you?

Keep the faith. There are still some straight people left. And when the gay people try to tempt you, stay strong! Yes those dudes are often very "fit" and attractive, but I bet you have the moral strength to not fall into their trap.

Stay strong.

Triggered much? Much less a sardonic grin than fairy tears, eh?
Triggered much? Much less a sardonic grin than fairy tears, eh?

You were telling us all about "faggotry" with such knowledge I rather hoped you could hold forth more on the topic.

I'm not triggered as I am not that familiar with "faggotry" (certainly not as much as you), and unlike you I don't spend my days in fear of being tempted by gay men to engage in gay sex.

Just hoped you could fill in the blanks there a bit.
That's what the problem is. There is no reason why very young children should know anything about drag. It isn't equal to anything. It's dress up.
The fact is that they do know and it is not from teachers or parents. It is out there. These kids are not stupid and they do not live in a bubble. The adults in their lives have to deal with it in a responsible way. It can't be ignored
The fact is that they do know and it is not from teachers or parents. It is out there. These kids are not stupid and they do not live in a bubble. The adults in their lives have to deal with it in a responsible way. It can't be ignored
Children prior to perhaps 8 years old do not even care about gender and never think about gender identity. They want to be kitty cats or bunny rabbits. So stop with sexualizing very young children before some irate parent puts you down.
Children prior to perhaps 8 years old do not even care about gender and never think about gender identity. They want to be kitty cats or bunny rabbits. So stop with sexualizing very young children before some irate parent puts you down.
You're just making that shit up. You have no idea what you're talking about. Kids are aware of gender at a much younger age. And to equate gender identity with "sexualizing " is beyond stupid.
You're just making that shit up. You have no idea what you're talking about. Kids are aware of gender at a much younger age. And to equate gender identity with "sexualizing " is beyond stupid.
Very young children don't care. They aren't even very much aware of gender differences. These perverts should stop putting their hands in children's pants while they still have hands. And children really don't think of drag at all.

I do believe it will take drastic action to make pervert adults leave children alone.
Very young children don't care. They aren't even very much aware of gender differences. These perverts should stop putting their hands in children's pants while they still have hands. And children really don't think of drag at all.

I do believe it will take drastic action to make pervert adults leave children alone.
Hands in children's pants? How stupid are you?
**WARNING** This is USA Today far left hate mongering

Florida's "Parental Rights in Education" bill, which would restrict classroom discussions about LGBTQ people, is just the tip of the iceberg for similar legislation across the country, data shows.
Florida's bill has inspired national backlash, but it contains language similar to many other bills – branded "Don't Say Gay" legislation by critics. Those proposed laws are currently in various stages of moving through state legislatures.
The barrage of legislation represents a widespread attack against LGBTQ people and their allies, according to policy experts. Young people, who identify as LGBTQ at higher rates than older generations of Americans, stand to be harmed the most by the bills, experts said.

When Left Wing journalists use the term "experts say" it means that it is made up bullshxt.
Parents have a 100% right to protect their children from Gay Grooming being conducted in their child's school.
Parents also have a 100% right to protect their children from CRT hate and racism indoctrination in their child's school.
These far left bigots are not respecting Parent's Right or respecting their children's rights.
"teacher teacher leave them kids alone"
The only "gay grooming" going on in public schools is happening in the locker rooms.
Coaches using their power over kids to do what McCarthy did in Oho.

See Also:
Gay grooming in religious schools
Gay grooming in the scouts

Perhaps the parental rights of people like you should simply be revoked to protect children from your bigotry, fear, anger and hate.

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