Gay Lions hold Safari Park Orgy - Parents shocked

So this proves that it is natural! How could you hate something that is natural?

Time to accept it.
See the post above yours. It is most definitely not natural. It is born out of frustration where the males can't get to the females they really want.

Gay men use a hole in the lower end of their partner to get off by sticking their penis into it. Lesbians use dildos to stimulate each other. Closeted hetero behavior in people otherwise frustrated with or too shy or homely to approach the opposite sex.
Yes, because Gay folks are generally shy and retiring.

It's confusion.

Actually it's stress from confinement and inability to access the estrus females they're smelling. Happens on farms a lot too where males and females are routinely kept away from each other to control breeding. Not natural behavior at all.

It's very natural - and - in some cases unnatural, as in the examples you give.

On the other hand, in the wild homosexual behavior is very normal:
Are there any homosexual animals?

But it's debatable as to whether an animal is truly homosexual. Except....

Only two species have been observed showing a same-sex preference for life, even when partners of the opposite sex are available. One is, of course, humans. The other is domestic sheep.

In flocks of sheep, up to 8% of the males prefer other males even when fertile females are around. In 1994, neuroscientists found that these males had slightly different brains to the rest. A part of their brain called the hypothalamus, which is known to control the release of sex hormones, was smaller in the homosexual males than in the heterosexual males.

That is in line with a much-discussed study by the neuroscientist Simon LeVay. In 1991, he described a similar difference in brain structure between gay and straight men.
I can see a lot of irony here...of men and sheep :lol:
So this proves that it is natural! How could you hate something that is natural?

Time to accept it.

Are you saying you would rather have sex with the opposite sex if you could but your situation prevents it?
I think he is saying he wants to have sex with the lion...
So this proves that it is natural! How could you hate something that is natural?

Time to accept it.
It only proves that you are a demented fool. Only when a male lion can get up and articulate how he likes other males lions to ram his asshole, then maybe well have some proof. Until then you'll just have to keep wishing for more faggotry.
So this proves that it is natural! How could you hate something that is natural?

Time to accept it.
It only proves that you are a demented fool. Only when a male lion can get up and articulate how he likes other males lions to ram his asshole, then maybe well have some proof. Until then you'll just have to keep wishing for more faggotry.
And surely as they can do movie cameos they can write a book..
Actually homosexual behavior is pretty natural
Common does not equal natural...

When it occurs in nature among wild animals, I think it qualifies as natural.
Gay animals confound Darwin but scientists say they could be key to survival of species

More than 450 species of animals display gay behaviour, scientists have found.

In a paper, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, they suggested that homosexuality among animals may be vital for the survival of the species.

The evidence is overwhelming.
lmfao! Faggotry being necessary to the survival of the species!
There is a lot of gay sex in prison too but it has nothing to do with love or desire...or anything close to natural..

Actually homosexual behavior is pretty natural.
No, it isn't. Read my last two posts.

It is most definitely not natural. It is born out of frustration where the males can't get to the females they really want. It's stress from confinement and inability to access the estrus females they're smelling. Happens on farms a lot too where males and females are routinely kept away from each other to control breeding.

Gay men use a hole in the lower end of their partner to get off by sticking their penis into it. Lesbians use dildos to stimulate each other. Closeted hetero behavior in people otherwise frustrated with or too shy or homely to approach the opposite sex.

Nothing scream "closeted hetero" like two men having anal sex. Dunce.
Three lions had a gay orgy at a safari park

“We have been to the park before and they were really excited about seeing the lions, tigers and elephants close up again.

“We stopped on the track through the lions’ area and told the kids to look at the daddy lions who were literally just 30 feet away.

“Then it all kicked off with them mounting each other and getting very intimate and growly.

“Archie realised the daddies were up to something before we sped off.”

So there you have it. Nature cannot be denied.
You are demented.

If anybody is an expert on demented, it would be you.
There is a lot of gay sex in prison too but it has nothing to do with love or desire...or anything close to natural..

Actually homosexual behavior is pretty natural.
No, it isn't. Read my last two posts.

It is most definitely not natural. It is born out of frustration where the males can't get to the females they really want. It's stress from confinement and inability to access the estrus females they're smelling. Happens on farms a lot too where males and females are routinely kept away from each other to control breeding.

Gay men use a hole in the lower end of their partner to get off by sticking their penis into it. Lesbians use dildos to stimulate each other. Closeted hetero behavior in people otherwise frustrated with or too shy or homely to approach the opposite sex.

Thanks or the plumbing lesson. i as never sure how that worked.
Three lions had a gay orgy at a safari park

“We have been to the park before and they were really excited about seeing the lions, tigers and elephants close up again.

“We stopped on the track through the lions’ area and told the kids to look at the daddy lions who were literally just 30 feet away.

“Then it all kicked off with them mounting each other and getting very intimate and growly.

“Archie realised the daddies were up to something before we sped off.”

So there you have it. Nature cannot be denied.
You are demented.

If anybody is an expert on demented, it would be you.
Yes I agree. I've seen enough perverse demented liberals here defending all manner of sickness, and now they are into lions corn holing each other. So yeah, I can tell a demented freak pretty easily.

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