Gay man files $70M suit against Bible publisher

By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He has always claimed to be a Christian on this board but Christians do not tell lies, they do not slander other Christians and they do not continue on in their deceit without repenting. Unless they are backslidden and no longer interested in following Christ.
I am Christian, and I call your lies, which is correction not deceit. I will always do so as long as you act like a Jesuit plant. Only such a creature would write as do you.
"He's not Republican, not Christian, probably not male and certainly not hetero."

I am all of those, and kg is morally insane.

You would be hard pressed to prove it by your actions and words, Jake. What you say you believe on this board does not line up with the Word of God. God isn't an advocate for homosexuality or homosexual marriage.

Therein you cannot claim to be that which you are not without having others question it and rightfully so.
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
George Bush Jr was in office then, times have changed - we will see what happens soon enough.

You think this 7 year old lawsuit is suddenly going to gain traction? I sure as hell don't. The judge at the time practically laughed him out of court, which is exactly what should happen.
He has always claimed to be a Christian on this board but Christians do not tell lies, they do not slander other Christians and they do not continue on in their deceit without repenting. Unless they are backslidden and no longer interested in following Christ.
I am Christian, and I call your lies, which is correction not deceit. I will always do so as long as you act like a Jesuit plant. Only such a creature would write as do you.

Not according to the Bible. You have not corrected me on anything. I've been quoting Bible Scripture in my discussions and you have yet to disprove a single one! You have no ground in which to defend your position as Christian concerning your approval of homosexuality and homosexual marriages or the false doctrines of your Roman Catholic Institution and its crimes against children. Your hatred of Christians who take the Bible literally hasn't gone unnoticed either. I find you to be an enemy of Jesus Christ, Jake. You need to repent and be saved.
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
No, because most conservatives and most Christians aren't insane.

Most progressives are.

See how that works?
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
No, because most conservatives and most Christians aren't insane.

Most progressives are.

See how that works? was foolish of me to attempt to have a rationale conversation with you. Have a wonderful Friday!
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
No, because most conservatives and most Christians aren't insane.

Most progressives are.

See how that works? was foolish of me to attempt to have a rationale conversation with you. Have a wonderful Friday!
No it was foolish of you to pull that relativism crap on me. I'm not interested in it.
This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
No, because most conservatives and most Christians aren't insane.

Most progressives are.

See how that works? was foolish of me to attempt to have a rationale conversation with you. Have a wonderful Friday!
No it was foolish of you to pull that relativism crap on me. I'm not interested in it.

Yes, it clear you are not interested in anything that doesn't confirm your bias.
"He's not Republican, not Christian, probably not male and certainly not hetero."

I am all of those, and kg is morally insane.

You would be hard pressed to prove it by your actions and words, Jake. What you say you believe on this board does not line up with the Word of God. God isn't an advocate for homosexuality or homosexual marriage. Therein you cannot claim to be that which you are not without having others question it and rightfully so.
Only in your Pentecostal insanity is any of that true. I am not RCC. Your conspiracy theory about the Jesuits is insane. No one thinks you are God's servant or messenger. Your words are exactly why we have separation of church and state. kg and you are morally insane.
The King James Bible isn't in any trouble of not being published in this nation. Why must you try turn this into another one of your attacks on the Catholic Church?
Because she's a lunatic
She is in fact a jesuit creation.

Actually I have begun to wonder that about you, Starkey. Your claim of being a Republican - a Christian - yet you never mentioned Catholic - quite a few things are adding up about you now. Your going to answer to God one day for your deceitfulness with others. You should know that. It's a sin to lie.
Good grief, it's taken you this long to figure that out? He's not Republican, not Christian, probably not male and certainly not hetero.

He has always claimed to be a Christian on this board but Christians do not tell lies, they do not slander other Christians and they do not continue on in their deceit without repenting. Unless they are backslidden and no longer interested in following Christ.
so what does that make you and jack chick?
First off I am NOT a christian I do not believe in ANY god period. That being said. This suit win or lose will be used by the cultural marxists as a example of what they truly want done. They have gone after bakeries,flower shops etc next will be the bible printers and pastors etc all it takes is 1 judge persuaded and 5 SC justices persuaded to interpret the constitution the way THEY think it says something and there goes a chunk of the 1st amendment. We will more than likely in my lifetime see book burnings of traditional books,bibles,etc anything that DOES NOT abide by these new rules of "freedom of speech". It will make the National Socialists book burnings look tame in comparison. They burned filth,pornography things written by jewish authors etc. Along with the book burnings I think we will see mass lawsuits against churches and pastors,confiscation of their churches and homes and property and them and their folowers thrown in prison or re education camps or just plain out executed along with ANYONE not willing to bend to the new rulers orders. It will be 1984 mixed with Brave New World. Not just for christians but for ANYONE who is socially conservative. Its coming and I think A LOT of us can see it....seems far fetched now but give it a little bit of time. 40 years ago we said queers "marrying" was far fetched did we not? Look around folks...this ain't grand ole America anymore...its becoming a cesspool of politically correct drones willing to do WHATEVER it takes to not be called racist or bigot or nazi and soon those buzz words will be joined by conservative,christian,traditional.
First off I am NOT a christian I do not believe in ANY god period. That being said. This suit win or lose will be used by the cultural marxists as a example of what they truly want done. They have gone after bakeries,flower shops etc next will be the bible printers and pastors etc all it takes is 1 judge persuaded and 5 SC justices persuaded to interpret the constitution the way THEY think it says something and there goes a chunk of the 1st amendment. We will more than likely in my lifetime see book burnings of traditional books,bibles,etc anything that DOES NOT abide by these new rules of "freedom of speech". It will make the National Socialists book burnings look tame in comparison. They burned filth,pornography things written by jewish authors etc. Along with the book burnings I think we will see mass lawsuits against churches and pastors,confiscation of their churches and homes and property and them and their folowers thrown in prison or re education camps or just plain out executed along with ANYONE not willing to bend to the new rulers orders. It will be 1984 mixed with Brave New World. Not just for christians but for ANYONE who is socially conservative. Its coming and I think A LOT of us can see it....seems far fetched now but give it a little bit of time. 40 years ago we said queers "marrying" was far fetched did we not? Look around folks...this ain't grand ole America anymore...its becoming a cesspool of politically correct drones willing to do WHATEVER it takes to not be called racist or bigot or nazi and soon those buzz words will be joined by conservative,christian,traditional.
Yeah I said almost the exact same thing.
By the way, this hand written suit was filed back in 2008. It seems nothing has come of it.

Man Sues Publishers Over Bible Verses - Conservative Crusader
Just proof that the left continues to try to restrict religious (and all other) freedom. Except the freedom to be criminal and violent. They're okay with that.

This guy isn't 'the left' he is just some nut job swindler looking to get paid. It seems his absurd case went exactly nowhere. Hells bells, any idiot can file a lawsuit.
He's a convict homosexual, undoubtedly mentally ill. Generally that's synonymous with progressive.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals - NBC News

This women is undoubtedly mentally ill as well. Is she synonymous with conservatives or Christians? Not hardly. She is a nut job just like the idiot that filed the aforementioned suit 7 years.
No, because most conservatives and most Christians aren't insane.

Most progressives are.

See how that works?

LOL- so says our resident Nazi!

When the Nazi's are saying that progressives are insane....
First off I am NOT a christian I do not believe in ANY god period. That being said. This suit win or lose will be used by the cultural marxists as a example of what they truly want done. They have gone after bakeries,flower shops etc next will be the bible printers and pastors etc all it takes is 1 judge persuaded and 5 SC justices persuaded to interpret the constitution the way THEY think it says something and there goes a chunk of the 1st amendment. We will more than likely in my lifetime see book burnings of traditional books,bibles,etc anything that DOES NOT abide by these new rules of "freedom of speech". It will make the National Socialists book burnings look tame in comparison. They burned filth,pornography things written by jewish authors etc. Along with the book burnings I think we will see mass lawsuits against churches and pastors,confiscation of their churches and homes and property and them and their folowers thrown in prison or re education camps or just plain out executed along with ANYONE not willing to bend to the new rulers orders. It will be 1984 mixed with Brave New World. Not just for christians but for ANYONE who is socially conservative. Its coming and I think A LOT of us can see it....seems far fetched now but give it a little bit of time. 40 years ago we said queers "marrying" was far fetched did we not? Look around folks...this ain't grand ole America anymore...its becoming a cesspool of politically correct drones willing to do WHATEVER it takes to not be called racist or bigot or nazi and soon those buzz words will be joined by conservative,christian,traditional.

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