Gay Marriage Is About to Be Legal in Alabama

As same-sex couples cannot procreate and, in fact, have the potential to harm any children they might raise, it is certainly in the interest of the federal government to maintain the stance it presented in the Defense of Marriage Act. That's the only truth.

How does having same-sex couples as parents cause harm to their children?
It deprives the child of either a mother or father, which in turn creates many a child that becomes a drug addict, a criminal, depressed, and suicidal.
Homosexuals state we are looking into their bedrooms, hardly, homosexuals wear their bedrooms as a medal of pride, pushing themselves into the schools, so they can teach heterosexual children, in our schools, the virtues of homosexuality.

the same-sex advocates, while we squabble over yes or no, are pushing for the government dollars to teach our children, in our schools, that mom and dad have been bigots their entire life.

It will be under the guise of bullying, it will not be in the sex education classes, they learned that won't fly in schools, so now homosexuality will be taught in tolerance classes to end the bullying.

Any Psychological problem a child of homosexuals has, will be blamed on heterosexuals, because we are bigots, hence its us, indirectly hurting homosexuals.

Even now, when teenage homosexuals commit suicide because they struggle with their own demons and feelings over homosexuality, its not their fault, its yours, even if your life never touches theirs, everything is blamed on the bigoted heterosexuals.

What homosexuals are wearing with pride is the fact that their relationships are based on love and not on sex. That is what you and your ilk cannot get beyond. I know quite a few homosexuals who want to marry. All of them have been in long term, monogamous relationships. Some for longer than many of their straight friends. It is about love and about the committed relationship, and the equality that allows them access to the same benefits that straight couples have enjoyed simply by going to the courthouse and getting "hitched". Many of those straight couples engage in the same sex acts that gays do. But no one claims that is why they wanted to marry.
There is just no way to make the people accept the edicts. There are a myriad of ways gays forcing themselves on normal people can have their lives be made absolutely miserable. All while following the letter of the law.
If you feel strongly enough, then go for that last box. I think you will be surprised at the number of people who will be against you. And many of us are quite capable with that box as well.
There are many kinds of ammunition. You just won't be able to fight them all.

As I said. There are myriad ways normals can make the lives of forceful gays absolutely miserable. Isn't that something gays point to when they address the high number of gay suicides? Go. Fight that.

I have and I will continue to do so. The tide has turned and homosexuality is more accepted today than ever before. You are losing. If causing more teens to commit suicide is your goal, you are simply a despicable human being.
That's because once a culture starts on the path of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until that culture is dead.

Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.
As same-sex couples cannot procreate and, in fact, have the potential to harm any children they might raise, it is certainly in the interest of the federal government to maintain the stance it presented in the Defense of Marriage Act. That's the only truth.

How does having same-sex couples as parents cause harm to their children?
It deprives the child of either a mother or father, which in turn creates many a child that becomes a drug addict, a criminal, depressed, and suicidal.

Do you have any evidence that children raised by gay couples have a higher rate of drug addiction, criminal behavior, depression or suicide?
There are many kinds of ammunition. You just won't be able to fight them all.

As I said. There are myriad ways normals can make the lives of forceful gays absolutely miserable. Isn't that something gays point to when they address the high number of gay suicides? Go. Fight that.

I have and I will continue to do so. The tide has turned and homosexuality is more accepted today than ever before. You are losing. If causing more teens to commit suicide is your goal, you are simply a despicable human being.
That's because once a culture starts on the path of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until that culture is dead.

Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
I am still amazed at the vehemnce against same-sex marriage. What the hell difference does it make to any of you?

I am 55 years old and have been married twice. I have also been divorced twice. Once it was a big church wedding, and once it was a civil ceremony. Did that have any effect on you?

Does anyone think recognizing gay marriages will mean we have more gays? If so, you are an idiot.
So you completely support forcing 3 year old orphans into homosexual lifestyles, that is what you wanted for yourself if your parents died and left you an Orphan, or is it simply okay for everyone else's children if they happen to suffer the lost of both parents?

Three year olds are not being forced into a homosexual lifestyle. They are being adopted and raised by homosexuals. There IS a difference. A 3 year old has not learned to hate yet. They will see that they have 2 parents that love them and wantto create a solid, supportive, loving home for them. My daughter knew that her aunt was with another woman from the time she could understand that people were in relationships. She is fine. All 3 of my children lived in a household run by 2 lesbians. They turned out better than most kids. Perhaps it will improve the overall lives of children and teens everywhere.
Homosexuality will improve the lives of teens and children? Orphans always adopt to homosexual parents when that is not true of children of heterosexual parents?

Sounds like a fantasy to me. Contrary to what you think, children have a mind of their own, some will be repulsed see dad and dad kiss, some will be repulsed knowing what homosexual sex entails.

There is a reason there is an extreme minority of people who practice homosexuality, people are actually repulsed by the sexual act of anal sex, for most of us nothing but smells come out of our butt. Not many children will be okay with dad and dad getting it on.

What is true, of Orphans, and all children, they want a mother and father, who love one another, and nothing will or can ever replace that, and to do so if they are Orphaned is horrid abuse.

Your children were not Orphans.

Your kids are perfect, I hope your not in denial.
I have and I will continue to do so. The tide has turned and homosexuality is more accepted today than ever before. You are losing. If causing more teens to commit suicide is your goal, you are simply a despicable human being.
That's because once a culture starts on the path of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until that culture is dead.

Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.
I am still amazed at the vehemnce against same-sex marriage. What the hell difference does it make to any of you?

I am 55 years old and have been married twice. I have also been divorced twice. Once it was a big church wedding, and once it was a civil ceremony. Did that have any effect on you?

Does anyone think recognizing gay marriages will mean we have more gays? If so, you are an idiot.
So you completely support forcing 3 year old orphans into homosexual lifestyles, that is what you wanted for yourself if your parents died and left you an Orphan, or is it simply okay for everyone else's children if they happen to suffer the lost of both parents?

Three year olds are not being forced into a homosexual lifestyle. They are being adopted and raised by homosexuals. There IS a difference. A 3 year old has not learned to hate yet. They will see that they have 2 parents that love them and wantto create a solid, supportive, loving home for them. My daughter knew that her aunt was with another woman from the time she could understand that people were in relationships. She is fine. All 3 of my children lived in a household run by 2 lesbians. They turned out better than most kids. Perhaps it will improve the overall lives of children and teens everywhere.
Homosexuality will improve the lives of teens and children? Orphans always adopt to homosexual parents when that is not true of children of heterosexual parents?

Sounds like a fantasy to me. Contrary to what you think, children have a mind of their own, some will be repulsed see dad and dad kiss, some will be repulsed knowing what homosexual sex entails.

There is a reason there is an extreme minority of people who practice homosexuality, people are actually repulsed by the sexual act of anal sex, for most of us nothing but smells come out of our butt. Not many children will be okay with dad and dad getting it on.

What is true, of Orphans, and all children, they want a mother and father, who love one another, and nothing will or can ever replace that, and to do so if they are Orphaned is horrid abuse.

Your children were not Orphans.

Your kids are perfect, I hope your not in denial.

I did not say my children are perfect. But I did brag on their accomplishments.

As for anal sex, plenty of straight couples engage in it too. Whether gay couples do or not is up to them and between them and their partner. Not anyone else's business.

Kids raised by gay couples show no greater propensity towards being gay than do children of straight couples.

Oh, and my kids were repulsed when they would see me kiss their mother if it was anything more than just a peck.
That's because once a culture starts on the path of perversion and depravity it doesn't stop until that culture is dead.

Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.

And they find those accepting neighborhoods in the horror that is Palm Springs? lol
As same-sex couples cannot procreate and, in fact, have the potential to harm any children they might raise, it is certainly in the interest of the federal government to maintain the stance it presented in the Defense of Marriage Act. That's the only truth.

How does having same-sex couples as parents cause harm to their children?
It deprives the child of either a mother or father, which in turn creates many a child that becomes a drug addict, a criminal, depressed, and suicidal.

Do you have any evidence that children raised by gay couples have a higher rate of drug addiction, criminal behavior, depression or suicide?
Evidence, what will you accept from me, nothing. I guess you never read all those "studies" your side posts, which end with the we must teach tolerance in schools. All those studies that state that your children will suffer less depression if we teach tolerance of homosexuality in school.

Of course in truth, I have been speaking of Orphans, strictly. Now you quote my post and ask a question not related. Being an Orphan is the game changer there. Of course anyone with half a brain knows that children with a single parent suffer drug addiction, criminal behavior, depression and suicide. The dynamic lost is mother and father. You scream all you want but 2 gay men equal 1 parent just the same as 2 gay women equal 1 parent.

Evidence, its everywhere, open your eyes.
Gays in Alabama will prove their point by getting married. Then they will either form their own insular communities or leave.
As same-sex couples cannot procreate and, in fact, have the potential to harm any children they might raise, it is certainly in the interest of the federal government to maintain the stance it presented in the Defense of Marriage Act. That's the only truth.

How does having same-sex couples as parents cause harm to their children?
It deprives the child of either a mother or father, which in turn creates many a child that becomes a drug addict, a criminal, depressed, and suicidal.

Do you have any evidence that children raised by gay couples have a higher rate of drug addiction, criminal behavior, depression or suicide?
Evidence, what will you accept from me, nothing. I guess you never read all those "studies" your side posts, which end with the we must teach tolerance in schools. All those studies that state that your children will suffer less depression if we teach tolerance of homosexuality in school.

Of course in truth, I have been speaking of Orphans, strictly. Now you quote my post and ask a question not related. Being an Orphan is the game changer there. Of course anyone with half a brain knows that children with a single parent suffer drug addiction, criminal behavior, depression and suicide. The dynamic lost is mother and father. You scream all you want but 2 gay men equal 1 parent just the same as 2 gay women equal 1 parent.

Evidence, its everywhere, open your eyes.

If the foundation of your premise is that 2 gay people equal 1 single parent, we have nothing left to discuss. Your ignorance is beyond my ability to help.
Gays in Alabama will prove their point by getting married. Then they will either form their own insular communities or leave.

Really? My first wife and her partner of 20 years have been living in Alabama the entire time they have been together. They do not live in a special community. They live in a regular neighborhood. They have regular jobs. They are pretty ordinary and boring, actually. Their neighbors don't seem upset at all to have them there.
Our culture already has gays. They are more accepted now than ever before. Marriage does not change that. Nor will it increase the number of such couples.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.

And they find those accepting neighborhoods in the horror that is Palm Springs? lol
Palm Springs is very nice. It is not the tourist destination that it was. West Hollywood is very nice too. No one ever said that the communities gays make are filthy run down ghettos. They are just being guided away from normal people.
Gays in Alabama will prove their point by getting married. Then they will either form their own insular communities or leave.

Really? My first wife and her partner of 20 years have been living in Alabama the entire time they have been together. They do not live in a special community. They live in a regular neighborhood. They have regular jobs. They are pretty ordinary and boring, actually. Their neighbors don't seem upset at all to have them there.
You turned your wife into a lesbian?

Oh wow.
Actually, they are less accepted, people are pushing back against the advocates which is hurting the non-advocate homosexuals. There is an increase in bullying in schools, there is a push against pride parades, people are avoiding places like Palm Springs because it is now a majority Gay City. People are careful about going to disneyland on the gay days. People are voting against Gays at the ballot. In California I see a bigger divide than ever, especially when it comes to the mexicans and blacks accepting what is being forced in the schools.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.

And they find those accepting neighborhoods in the horror that is Palm Springs? lol
Palm Springs is very nice. It is not the tourist destination that it was. West Hollywood is very nice too. No one ever said that the communities gays make are filthy run down ghettos. They are just being guided away from normal people.

Or they choose to move to better places, where bigotry is not the norm.
At least in southern California gays are being pushed into gay enclaves like West Hollywood and Palm Springs by simple social rejection. We have a lot of immigrants here that aren't as easily manipulated by propaganda.

So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.

And they find those accepting neighborhoods in the horror that is Palm Springs? lol
Palm Springs is very nice. It is not the tourist destination that it was. West Hollywood is very nice too. No one ever said that the communities gays make are filthy run down ghettos. They are just being guided away from normal people.

Or they choose to move to better places, where bigotry is not the norm.
Exactly. That is exactly why they move.
So in one thread you bash the illegal immigrants, and in another they are helping CA be a better place? lmao Too funny.
What makes you think that all immigrants are illegal? Isn't that a bit of bigotry there?

I am not saying that immigrants make California a better place. I am saying that many immigrants come from cultures that do not consider homosexuality normal behavior. They come from different cultures that do not accept perversion as a lifestyle. In these immigrant neighborhoods gays are made just uncomfortable enough that they are moved to find more welcoming communities.

And they find those accepting neighborhoods in the horror that is Palm Springs? lol
Palm Springs is very nice. It is not the tourist destination that it was. West Hollywood is very nice too. No one ever said that the communities gays make are filthy run down ghettos. They are just being guided away from normal people.

Or they choose to move to better places, where bigotry is not the norm.
Exactly. That is exactly why they move.

So they move to better places. Doesn't sound negative to me at all.

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