Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Personally, I find it I find it hysterically funny that liberals can be labeled on this board, but questions from liberals can be warped to be labels and then the asker can be bashed by the askee.

Thats hysterically funny.


Well i'm not trying to bash DK, just get him back on track, he seemed to be veering a little bit there. But I can see how comparing him to RWA would seem malicious and like a violent attack. Nobody really deserves that low of a comparison.
Originally posted by OCA
Well i'm not trying to bash DK, just get him back on track, he seemed to be veering a little bit there. But I can see how comparing him to RWA would seem malicious and like a violent attack. Nobody really deserves that low of a comparison.

Go suck paste, bean squirter.
that wasnt only or even necessarily directed at you....just an observation Ive been making and meaning to post. seemed like a good place to put it
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Ah, I new it was only a matter of time before logic left and poetry started! Suck Paste? Bean Squirter?

Thanks RW, I am laughing again!:laugh:

My real name is GoodTime Charley!
as much fun as Im having, I need to get back to work. My kid will need another assignment soon and Im up to my ass in alligators in reference to my own work here. bleh.
Originally posted by OCA
Well thats 1 part of it and the other part of it is, and this has been proved and pointed out in many ways by many different posters on this board that homosexuality is simply not normal behavior. Much like handicapped people are recognized and treated when discovered they have a handicap because there behavior or gait or speech is not normal, homosexuality is not normal behavior and denotes something wrong that may need some sort of treatment.

so you agree then, that homosexuality isn't a choice, its a disorder, abnormality, a treatable pshycosis of some sort?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
so you agree then, that homosexuality isn't a choice, its a disorder, abnormality, a treatable pshycosis of some sort?

No I believe that it is a choice made by somebody who has some sort of short circuit somewhere, whether that be psychosis or what not I don't know. If I take you right now and say DK here is Linda a 5'10 stacked blonde with 36-24-36 measurements and then next to her I say this is Bob who is athletic 6'1 and 175 with a hairy ass and maybe a few hairs on his back and you choose Bob well that denotes something wrong up top, no?

I still believe that we all know inheritently right from wrong from birth but some have a short circuit somewhere that needs to be recognized, sometimes it manifests itself when they choose to be homosexual sometimes its when they choose to lead a thousand people to there deaths ala Jim Jones or somewhere in between.
Originally posted by OCA
No I believe that it is a choice made by somebody who has some sort of short circuit somewhere, whether that be psychosis or what not I don't know. If I take you right now and say DK here is Linda a 5'10 stacked blonde with 36-24-36 measurements and then next to her I say this is Bob who is athletic 6'1 and 175 with a hairy ass and maybe a few hairs on his back and you choose Bob well that denotes something wrong up top, no?

I still believe that we all know inheritently right from wrong from birth but some have a short circuit somewhere that needs to be recognized, sometimes it manifests itself when they choose to be homosexual sometimes its when they choose to lead a thousand people to there deaths ala Jim Jones or somewhere in between.

You're a convoluted mess, aren't you?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You're a convoluted mess, aren't you?

RWA just because you like to suck cock leave your Cartoon Network shit out of it. Will you be contributing anything constructive today or should we consider this another normal day for you?
Originally posted by OCA
RWA just because you like to suck cock leave your Cartoon Network shit out of it. Will you be contributing anything constructive today or should we consider this another normal day for you?

Can I sit on your lap?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You're a convoluted mess, aren't you?

I almost have to agree. You say its a choice due to a short circuit. what happened then? did he get hit on the head or rammed up the ass? what caused said short circuit and if its caused, can it be fixed? If it can't be fixed do we shoot him to put him out of the gene pool or his misery? after all, he must be desperately depressed at choosing bob's hairy ass, right?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
you don't seriously believe that homosexuality was an invention of the 60's 'love generation' do you?

homosexuality and lesbianism has been around for CENTURIES. To believe otherwise would only be showing an ignorance to relative history and common sense.

Of course it was around. But it was hidin as the hidious sickness that it is. It was also "treated" tot he best of medicines abilities. They knew it was a sickness, and made no attempt at dismissing it away as something "alternative", up to as recently as the 1950's.

I guess people used to be smarter than some are now
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Of course it was around. But it was hidin as the hidious sickness that it is. It was also "treated" tot he best of medicines abilities. They knew it was a sickness, and made no attempt at dismissing it away as something "alternative", up to as recently as the 1950's.

I guess people used to be smarter than some are now

tell me, was there any success with those medicines? because I'm sure there are some parents ready to dish out a couple force feedings if thats the case.
DK you ever heard of that group that consists of former or reformed homosexuals? I can't remember their name right now and i'm still waiting on a new hard drive for my pc so this old pos from my neighbor doesn't really allow me to do much searching. Anyway i've seen represenatives of these guys on various talk shows and they say they made a conscious choice to be gay and then not to be gay. Any thoughts? Or are these guys lying to themselves as people like Donahue tried to paint them?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yeah. cuz you voted five times.

Hey whatever lie gets you through the day New Age.

Hey we got alot of job openings in D.C. area. Whadda ya say, job application or welfare application? Which do you want?
Originally posted by OCA
DK you ever heard of that group that consists of former or reformed homosexuals? I can't remember their name right now and i'm still waiting on a new hard drive for my pc so this old pos from my neighbor doesn't really allow me to do much searching. Anyway i've seen represenatives of these guys on various talk shows and they say they made a conscious choice to be gay and then not to be gay. Any thoughts? Or are these guys lying to themselves as people like Donahue tried to paint them?

I've never heard of such a group, however, if a person can come to honest terms with himself/herself and declare that theirs was a choice I have no problem acknowledging that THEIR's was a choice. I believe that that is also a relatively small percentage of the total in that group. Do we accept the minority premise simply because it fits the mold of what you believe?
Originally posted by OCA
Hey whatever lie gets you through the day New Age.

Hey we got alot of job openings in D.C. area. Whadda ya say, job application or welfare application? Which do you want?

Well welfare is against my principles. and I'm not looking for work now, so you can shove them both up your ass. Careful of the papercuts, monkeyjobber.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
tell me, was there any success with those medicines? because I'm sure there are some parents ready to dish out a couple force feedings if thats the case.

Yes I there was. I'm 48 years old, and in my life time, I remember queers being "in the closet", and when they decided it was time to come "out of the closet", there was much discussion about this very subject. At that time there were several articles about how medicine had successfully treated homosexuals.
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