Gay Marriage; Right or Wrong

Gay Marriage; Right or Wrong (Please explain your answer)

  • It is wrong.

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • It is right.

    Votes: 13 68.4%

  • Total voters
The divorce rates in this country are through the roof, I say let gay people get married. Its not all its cracked up to be.
Sure, why not? I'm almost postive it won't effect me in any way...

The divorce rates in this country are through the roof, I say let gay people get married. Its not all its cracked up to be.

Being that I am now officially a part of the divorce rate percentage, all I can say is AMEN!!
Marriage is neither right nor wrong no matter who participates.

Marriage is a legal contract entered into by two consenting adults nothing more.
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Sure, why not? I'm almost postive it won't effect me in any way...

The divorce rates in this country are through the roof, I say let gay people get married. Its not all its cracked up to be.

Being that I am now officially a part of the divorce rate percentage, all I can say is AMEN!!

We will see how gay people like paying child support, alimony and losing half of their stuff in a divorce. Marriage looks so glamorous on the outside looking in.
I am not asking you guys if I should get married I am just wondering if it is right or wrong. A lot of people say gay marriage is wrong, I on the other hand say Gay Marriage is perfectly natural. I do not see what the big deal is either. When I run for congress, one of my campaign promises is I will make gay marriage legal in North Carolina. Currently we have to travel to Virginia to get married because they support gay marriage, North Carolina doesn't.
I am not asking you guys if I should get married I am just wondering if it is right or wrong. A lot of people say gay marriage is wrong, I on the other hand say Gay Marriage is perfectly natural. I do not see what the big deal is either. When I run for congress, one of my campaign promises is I will make gay marriage legal in North Carolina. Currently we have to travel to Virginia to get married because they support gay marriage, North Carolina doesn't.

Pro gay marriage in North Carolina!?!?! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!!
It's wrong for me because I'm hetero. But for a gay person I imagine it would be right.

Not sure why that's so hard to suss out that you need to post a poll with inadequate choices. :dunno:
I am not asking you guys if I should get married I am just wondering if it is right or wrong. A lot of people say gay marriage is wrong, I on the other hand say Gay Marriage is perfectly natural. I do not see what the big deal is either. When I run for congress, one of my campaign promises is I will make gay marriage legal in North Carolina. Currently we have to travel to Virginia to get married because they support gay marriage, North Carolina doesn't.

Virginia allows gay marriage? I thought only a few states allowed it, didn't know Virginia was one of them. People are still pretty conservative there, I lived in Richmond Virginia for 2 years.
It came to me as a shocker to when I found out Virginia was Pro-Gay Marriage.

Do they actually issue marriage licenses for gay couples there though? I was there last year and I did not hear about it, a state can be pro gay marriage but not issue the marriage license.
I think they issue marriage license.

No, they don't.

On Feb. 14, same-sex couples make a stand in Norfolk | |

By Cheryl Ross
The Virginian-Pilot
© February 15, 2011

Garland Tillery and Jim Early approached the counter at the Circuit Court Clerk's Office on Monday, asked for a marriage license and were politely declined.

Tillery, 60, grew hot. "That sounds profoundly unfair," he told Terrie McLendon, who had explained that Virginia code prohibits her from giving the license.

"It will happen one day, and you will issue me a license," Tillery said before he and Early, his partner of more than 30 years, walked off.

The men were among more than a dozen people who converged on the Circuit Court Clerk's Office to demonstrate for the right of same-sex couples to marry. They cannot legally do so in Virginia and most other states.
Marriage is neither right nor wrong no matter who participates.

Marriage is a legal contract entered into by two consenting adults nothing more.


Well said.

The "sanctity" of marriage is long dead.

A better question would've been "is being gay right or wrong"? Even this my answer would've been neither, but it would've been an improvement.

So in other words I think gay marriage should be legal, but I don't think government should have a hand in any marriage. Leave that up to churches, insurance companies, etc.
They're discussing it in the MD assembly now. After years of defeats, it may pass this year, but it's going to be close. I think an adult should be able to marry another adult of their choice. NO, kids and animals ARE NOT going to be next.
Do you think Gay Marriage is right or wrong?

Its neither right or wrong it just is.

If 2 people love each other they should be able to minimally join into a civil union and enjoy the same tax benefits and other benefits of other married couples. Not that I agree with discriminating against those who are not married through the tax code but thats a separate discussion.

I do draw the line at polygamy as far as special treatment under the tax laws goes but if multiply people want to marry its their business not mine.

So yeah its not my business if gay people want to get married, thats their business and I have no right interfering.

I'm a fiscally conservative libertarian if that matters to you.
Sure, why not? I'm almost postive it won't effect me in any way...

The divorce rates in this country are through the roof, I say let gay people get married. Its not all its cracked up to be.

Being that I am now officially a part of the divorce rate percentage, all I can say is AMEN!!

We will see how gay people like paying child support, alimony and losing half of their stuff in a divorce. Marriage looks so glamorous on the outside looking in.

other than child support NOBODY should lose any oftheir own money in a divorce

when tiger and his wife got divorced he should have owed child support but NOTHING MORE!
Sure, why not? I'm almost postive it won't effect me in any way...

Being that I am now officially a part of the divorce rate percentage, all I can say is AMEN!!

We will see how gay people like paying child support, alimony and losing half of their stuff in a divorce. Marriage looks so glamorous on the outside looking in.

other than child support NOBODY should lose any oftheir own money in a divorce

when tiger and his wife got divorced he should have owed child support but NOTHING MORE!

Yes but sadly this is not the case, for many men they leave the court room the shell of the man they were after a divorce proceeding, the women are always favored unless they are criminals, drug addicts or just don't want the kids at all, most do for the child support moneys even if they really don't want the kids.

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