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Gay marriage

-=d=- said:
...so...you felt compelled to invalidate everything else I wrote, because my example didn't meet your standard? Yet, you DO know what I meant by using examples of other behaviour people willingly CHOOSE to partake in. You completely 'got' my point, yet choice to dissent for the sake of dissent?
d, I think my original post said something about 'this is the only statement I have issue with'. nowhere did I say that it invalidates your entire post or argument.


I went back and checked and this is my exact quote "This is a statement I have to chime in upon."
JohnnyB said:
Well if the finger pointer of sin is working...I sure hope you are pointing at yourself too. I also know that the Bible speaks quite candidly about judging others. But I guess the type of "Christian" you are, the rules do not apply unless you are using them to hurt other people. You are SO quick to throw out hatered towards a group of people. I know that Jesus would not have done what you are doing.
Please provide me with an example of "hatred" that I have "thrown out toward a groupd of people".

You are new here so you have no idea about me. Those here know who I am and that I readily admit I am a sinner. However, I do what I can to avoid the tempations that cause me to sin. I love to smoke weed but I don't put myself in positions where I will have access to it. I love sex, but I have made an oath to my wife. I could go on and on and on. Again, I AM A SINNER! I am not proud of it, but I am - we all are. The difference is that I understand that I am supposed to do whatever I can to avoid sin and therefore, that means I have to change certain aspects of my life here on earth. That is okay though, because the reward is worth it! That is why I stated to you that if you truly ask God to forgive you, He will. But to continually live in sin is to say to God, "hey, I don't care".

JohnnyB said:
And YES we do have the right to worship how ever we believe. NO ONE in this country tells Jewish people they are going to Hell because they do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. Their religion says that Jesus was a profit not the messiah. Catholics believe that birth control is an abominason...are they wrong? They also believe that sexual relations between two poeple should ONLY be for the purpose of having children. I'm sure that isn't going to change. Are they wrong too? Who has the right answer? So why don't you get up on your high horse about what they are doing? Point that sin-free finger of yours at them.
Again, you are exhibiting your TOTAL ignorance of the Bible. Therefore, please do not claim to be a Christian if you don't believe what the Bible teaches. That is an oxymoron. Are you just stating such to try and convince us of your sincerity?

Lastly, we DO NOT have a right to worship however we want. That is just total ignorance coming out of your mouth.

JohnnyB said:
If you forced your beliefs on everyone to worship God the way you believe just how many people do you think would be following you? Even the people who have responded against gays & lesbians on this thread would not ALL agree that you are correct in your interpretation of what "Christian" really is.
What have I said that they would not agree with? Point it out. Maybe I have been misunderstood or maybe I mis-stated something, but I seriously doubt it. Throwing out something like that does not clear you.

JohnnyB said:
May God bless you with understanding and not hate,JohnnyB
God doesn't bless anybody with hate. And I do have understanding although I admit I don't know it all. But I read the Bible to learn and to gain understanding. That is how I arrive at my conclusions.
-=d=- said:
Not exactly true...God has blessed me with a Hatred of Sin.

It's GOOD to hate evil. Even the evil within us.
Darn you, you love semantics... the kind of hate he was referring to. God does not bless people with hate toward others. As you so aptly point out so often, "hate the sin, not the sinner".
freeandfun1 said:
Darn you, you love semantics... the kind of hate he was referring to. God does not bless people with hate toward others. As you so aptly point out so often, "hate the sin, not the sinner".

Oh JohnnyB ,
I think you probably already know this but I will warn you anyway . . . you haven't stumbled onto a hillbilly messageboard that doesn't understand the whole "gay thing" . This subject has been debated for years now and we have heard all of the suggested responses from the "How to justify my gay lifestyle" handbook . I am sure there is a chapter on pedophiles , how they are born with a desire to molest children and how God created them that way so it must be OK . I know we will hear that it has to do with adult consent and that there is no relation to the homosexual lifestyle but I would love for you to put the "handbook'' down and tell us in your own words , if homosexuality is OK because you were born that way , why isn't pedophilia justified the same way ? Where is the proof that you were born that way? What study , that has any real scientific merit , can you refer to that states you were born that way . I am old enough to remember the "gay gene" study that was done by a guy that had lost his "partner "to AIDS and was driven to prove that homosexuality was a defect that one was born with and should be recognized as fact so homosexuals could be treated special and receive more money for homosexual causes . By stating that you are born with the desire to mate with other men , are you admitting that you have a genetic defect that would cause the end of the human race if it was the norm , or is it merely a desire for a lifestyle where you act on an overwhelming need to copulate with other men (which is more mental than physical)?
Oh , by the way , I am not judging your lifestyle , do whatever you want but keep it to yourself(it isn't anybody else's business) and play safe so we all don't end up dead from a disease that is spread by the very behavior that people that claim to be just like you engage in to a rediculous degree . I have to be wary of anyone who defines himself/herself by their sexual lifestyle . . . that just seems a bit shallow .
JohnnyB said:
So if God created me this way, then how can it be wrong?

Since God is infallible, and his word is eternal and unchanging, and, since - by my very definition as a human being - I am not only imperfect, but non-perfectible as I exist, I have to ask myself this question:

When what I "know" comes into conflict with the clear, unambiguous, perfect, eternal, and unchanging word of God, which of us is wrong?
musicman said:
Since God is infallible, and his word is eternal and unchanging, and, since - by my very definition as a human being - I am not only imperfect, but non-perfectible as I exist, I have to ask myself this question:

When what I "know" comes into conflict with the clear, unambiguous, perfect, eternal, and unchanging word of God, which of us is wrong?

Check it MM - your Rep points match your birth year!


I am looking for reasons why a married hetero should oppose extending civil union status to same-sex couples. I have actually read through this entire thread and haven't found a single one. There are repeated references to belief systems and social theory but no specific explanation of how gay marriage will cost me money, limit my freedom or in any other concrete, objective way hurt me in my actual life. If someone has a list of reasons, please post it. I want to read it, not argue with you about it. Non-specific answers will be ignored (by me, at least). Thank you.
mrsx said:
I am looking for reasons why a married hetero should oppose extending civil union status to same-sex couples. I have actually read through this entire thread and haven't found a single one. There are repeated references to belief systems and social theory but no specific explanation of how gay marriage will cost me money, limit my freedom or in any other concrete, objective way hurt me in my actual life. If someone has a list of reasons, please post it. I want to read it, not argue with you about it. Non-specific answers will be ignored (by me, at least). Thank you.

non productive...does not contribute to pro creation...medical cost associated with stds...life style not within the norm of civilization...tried during Emperor Calligulas Roman Empire rule...contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire...do you really want to revisit history! :huh:
I can see no reason that the Government should sanction relationships at all, and personally believe that the government stepped in this one only for tax purposes. If you notice, the Marriage Penalty still has not been cleared up.

Marriage is a fundamentally religious institution and should remain so. The Government shouldn't step in unless there is a direct victim, such as a child being forced into marriage, sexually abused, an incest victim, etc.
no1tovote4 said:
IMO the Government's sole duty is to protect people from direct victimization, not to "reward" right action. If you get into that you begin having the government "reward" people by not giving them tickets when they wear their seatbelts, etc. It becomes too intrusive.

We're forgetting one thing in this discussion of legitimate governmental function. The fact is that we the people have the right to regulate conduct and to decide what type of society we want to establish and maintain.

That means we have a right to restrict some conduct and encourage other. Everything from speed limits on the highway to laws protecting children come under this umbrella. Certainly it is no stretch to include laws governing who may marry and who may not. Government does not "sanctify" a marriage, it licenses the union. Governmentally speaking, there is no difference between laws covering who may marry and the requirements for getting a driver's license.

So long as the majority of Americans oppose homosexual unions, then that's the way it is. Those who disagree will just have to suck it up. (oops - unfortunate choice of words there).
mrsx said:
I am looking for reasons why a married hetero should oppose extending civil union status to same-sex couples. I have actually read through this entire thread and haven't found a single one. There are repeated references to belief systems and social theory but no specific explanation of how gay marriage will cost me money, limit my freedom or in any other concrete, objective way hurt me in my actual life. If someone has a list of reasons, please post it. I want to read it, not argue with you about it. Non-specific answers will be ignored (by me, at least). Thank you.

I'll toss in just one specific regarding how this will cost you money. One of the stated reasons that homosexuals want marriage or civil unions deals with emplyer provided health care. Homosexuals want their union to be legally blessed so that the partner who works for an employer who provides a health care plan can now get that coverage extended to his/her "spouse".

Given the fact that the disease rate, particularly among male homosexuals is rampant, this will place an even greater burden on employers who are already have difficulty dealing with the astronomical costs of employee health insurance programs.
suspiria said:
Its the most logical argument for gay marriage!!! Dont like it Dont do it!! Who cares what others do, its not affecting anyone else.

Can I break the law if I don't like it?

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