Gay marriage

mom4 said:
You see, this is a fallacy. Gay people largely do not want to marry. Check out the Netherlands, where gay marriage is allowed. The marriage rate is DOWN. More people allowed to marry, less people actually doing it. Trinity posted some facts about the number of partners homosexuals have. They do not want exclusivity in their relationships, or do not see their relationships as permanent. The quest for marriage is a political statement.

P.S. Stitchman, Honey, where's your mama? Why is she letting you post on a site like this? You go do your homework, and give me your address. I'll send you some homemade cookies. ;)

I think you may have used words that are to big, you might want to simplify the words in your next post so he can understand! ;) Remember he did not know what a journal was!
suspiria said:
so im guessing no one here has any gay friends?

I had a few gay friends , they are dead now , they died at a very young age . They also told me about the weekends at bath houses sharing themselves with 15 to 20 guys . . . I just don't know what is wrong with their lifestyle choices , how could someone get diseases from that ? Duhhhhhh!
Stitchman said:
yeah, and the other 80-60 percent are straight people. So then maybe straight marriage should be illiegal! Hitler was straight! Sadamm was straight! My point is, no matter the category of people, there are good and bad people in them, and you can't argue with that.
Hitler was/is a known queer. My thinking is, anyone that thinks being a queer is ok, has other putrid thoughts and when they get into authority, they carry their puke provoking thoughts with them and try to push them off onto "NORMAL" people as being ok. If a queer was trying to get professional help with his/her affliction, I could tolerate them until they were cured. But until they do, we need to have queer colonies like there used to be Leprosy colonies.
Merlin said:
Hitler was/is a known queer. My thinking is, anyone that thinks being a queer is ok, has other putrid thoughts and when they get into authority, they carry their puke provoking thoughts with them and try to push them off onto "NORMAL" people as being ok. If a queer was trying to get professional help with his/her affliction, I could tolerate them until they were cured. But until they do, we need to have queer colonies like there used to be Leprosy colonies.

And I thought I was
suspiria said:
I bet your childeren are really open minded

Yes they are, they open their minds enough to know that homosexuality is a dangerous and wreckless lifestyle choice rather than swallow the liberal garbage pill they are fed in school, that is to say bury the facts about queerness.
suspiria said:
wow staight people do all these things too!!!

Think per capita, per capita Lolita. You will then see that it is a hundred more times more common in the queer world than in the hetero. Do deny this is to simply ignore facts.
Stitchman said:
You guys say that gay people contribute greatly to the aids crisis because they have sex so much. Well, if you make gay marraiges legal, gay men would stop having so much sex because they are married.

Not true. Gay marriage is nothing more than a political statement aimed towards legitimacy. You seem to think its a magical button towards monogamy, that centuries of proved behavior will change in a flash. The vows of marriage for queers is about worth as much as the paper the marriage certificate is printed on. Yes i'm sure they will stop going to the bathhouses because of it....... :alco:
mom4 said:
Guys, I think he's just a kid.

Yes , judging by the responces of both of these kids I would guess they are quite young . It shows how well the gay propaganda agenda is working . I see it with my nieces and nephews . The shows that glorify the homosexual lifestyle like "Queer Eye" and "Will and Grace" make this lifestyle look like it is just another choice that is perfectly natural . Kids being as easy as they are buy into it . It has become so much more common for a celebrity women to admit they have tried lesbian sex just to see what it was like . When I was growing up nobody would admit to that , we were taught the dangers of such a lifestyle .
JohnnyB said:
I am a 42 year old gay father. Yes, a father. I have two children living at home and one who will be 21 this month living on his own.

I have read your whole post, however, I am going to respond with only these quotes, should you feel them out of context without the others, then feel free to add to my post. Also, you must understand that patience is required. Why? How long were you patient in openly practicing homosexual behavior? A long time. As such, I trust you understand those whom do not readily take to your thoughts.

I have always known that I was gay but was afraid of what the world would do to me if I came out. I had a very close friend in high school tell his parents that he was gay and they kicked him out of their house. He was 17. I did not want that to happen to me and really wasn’t sure what to do so I kept that side of me well hidden.

I got married right out of high school. After 5 years, that marriage failed. Still not ready to deal with who I was, I began dating again and re-married. That marriage lasted for 15 years. It ended because my wife passed away from kidney cancer.

My condolences regarding your wife. She must have been amazing for you to be able to keep your sex life solely between her and you. I commend you for that.

What troubles is our concern over "coming out" (a term I have real problem with) simply because your friend was alienated by his family. At the time you were a God fearing man (I presume, because you said after your wife died that you became angry at God). As you well know, there are consequences for sin. For example, adultery has consequences. Jesus takes it step further by saying that even looking at another woman is adultery. Why is this? Because it centers around lust. God has nothing to do with lust. However, man relates wholeheartedly to it because of his sinful nature. So, based upon my Christian beliefs, it troubles me that you feared what your parents would do over what God would do as a result of committing anal sex, which God has said is an abomination.

After my wife's death, I got really angry with God. I had made a conscience effort to stay in the closet and play the game that the world wants gays & lesbians to play. I was 100% faithful. I had made a commitment to my wife and no matter what, I was going to fulfill that commitment to her even if it meant I had to be unhappy.

At this point I assume that you no longer have a relationship with God, as you are more concerned with the "game the world plays." If I am wrong, please correct me. Again, I commend you for ignoring the sinful ways of anal sex, just as I am sure there are those who wish to commit adultery with other women do not, because they do their utmost to resist sin.

After some real soul searching ...I decided that life was way to short for me not to be the person I was meant to be. Living the lie had to I came out.

Well, not we are at a conundrum, because I don't know your relationship with God. As such, my answer will be a quick two fold response.

If you still have your relationship with God, then life is neve too short to not sin.

If you have let go that relationship and base your values solely on the world's values, then you might have a point. For the world is only concerned with itself (the majority of it). They do not care the consequences of their actions. Even though you may think your actions don't effect others, think about it, they just might.

My parents as well as my children have been very supportive. All of my friends have been great. Several even said that they weren't surprised.

I started dating and have met a wonderful guy. He too played the game that the world thinks we should all play. After 13 years of marriage he got divorced. He and his ex-wife have a very good relationship. She understands completely.

Good for you. Again with the world though. Understand at this point I believe that you no longer consider the Bible a valid reference for your moral authority. As such, if you use the world as moral authority, the world that believes in evolution would probably not like your situation if it followed its logical conclusion. That being, that if we have more people of the same sex sleeping together, who will procreate? Will we procreate simply out of duty? What about love?
JohnnyB said:
There is a web site out there It explains homosexuality from a Biblical perspective. I would like to ask that you take the time to read the letter to Louise on this site.

You know, in the Jewish faith, they do not believe that Jesus Christ was the messiah…should we change our laws to force them to believe he was the Son of God? The Church of Christ doesn’t believe in using instrumental music in their worship…should we legally mandate pianos and organs for ALL churches? Certainly not...that is the beauty of this country. We all get to believe and worship God however we see fit. No one gets to tell us how to believe. That's just the way it is.

And yes, some of us believe MUCH more differently than the next. Some things we believe in may even bother others...but that is the way our country works. You know, Jesus even preached that slavery was ok as long as you treated your slaves with respect. But I'm not so sure that would fly in today's society. Yet, if everyone wants to keep throwing the Bible in our faces and quoting scripture all day long...let's go ahead and reinstitute slavery into the 21st century. Or do we only want to quote the scritpures that fuel discrimination. Divorce isn't something that the Bible allows ...I guess we better start working on that one too.

It really scares me that there is so much hate still in this country. Some of you keep saying things like, "Don't shove homosexuality down our throats." "It's immoral" "It's a mental illness" But for some reason, you feel that it is OK to shove your beliefs down our throats.

My chruch marries same-sex couples on a regular basis. Maybe it isn't "legal" in the eyes of the court system...but as far as I'm concerned, it is a bond between two people and God and NO ONE can take that away. So the government will NEVER be able to stop same-sex marriages. They can however discriminate against them and not give the the same benefits as heterosexual couples who marry...but they cannot stop same-sex marriage.

First, welcome to the USMB.

Second, I certainly hope that you aren't a "one-post wonder" that we get from time to time.

Third, if I may ask: in your own words, how do you reconcile the Biblical prohibitions against homosexual behavior with your lifestyle choices (i.e. being a practicing homosexual and a practicing Christian)? I'm not trying to bait or anything; I've never met anyone who claimed to be both homosexual and Christian. I'd be interested to hear your response.

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