Gay marriage

Should gays be able to get marries?

  • Yes, gays can marry

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • No, gays cannot marry

    Votes: 28 62.2%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Bonnie
Well there in lies a problem, how do you draw the line once pandoras box is opened??

Exactly. Once you legitimize deviant behavior, how do you hit the brakes - ever again?
Originally posted by musicman
Exactly. Once you legitimize deviant behavior, how do you hit the brakes - ever again?

It seems to me it's all part of this moral relativism movement that makes anything fly as long as it so called doesn't hurt anyone else. After a while people become numbed to what was once considered shocking and degrading behavior. It is interesting how anyone who wishes to not be mainstream claim that they don't care what the rest of society thinks, but then go to great lengths to legitamize what they are doing, and then the next step is to go on the offensive by verbally berating anyone who disagrees with them in an attempt to shame their critics into submission.
-not to mention making it a "hate crime" and then beheading for not going along with the program.......
Originally posted by Bonnie
It seems to me it's all part of this moral relativism movement that makes anything fly as long as it so called doesn't hurt anyone else. After a while people become numbed to what was once considered shocking and degrading behavior. It is interesting how anyone who wishes to not be mainstream claim that they don't care what the rest of society thinks, but then go to great lengths to legitamize what they are doing, and then the next step is to go on the offensive by verbally berating anyone who disagrees with them in an attempt to shame their critics into submission.

And, so far, it's been a very effective tactic for them. I like to think we're getting smarter, though. Common sense is beginning to take hold, as ordinary Americans come to realize that Matalie Mains and Barney Frank are the ones who are out of step - not us. At least, I hope so!:usa:
Originally posted by NewGuy
-not to mention making it a "hate crime" and then beheading for not going along with the program.......

Take care that your views are in compliance and your chip is installed properly!
Originally posted by musicman
And, so far, it's been a very effective tactic for them. I like to think we're getting smarter, though. Common sense is beginning to take hold, as ordinary Americans come to realize that Matalie Mains and Barney Frank are the ones who are out of step - not us. At least, I hope so!:usa:

I'd like to think we always were smart, but now we are speaking up more because we see what happens when we don't......And might I add thank god for talk radio and other outlets for mainstream America
Originally posted by musicman
Take care that your views are in compliance and your chip is installed properly!

I was wondering if you would get that!


I knew it wasn't precisely related, but when you consider how closely everything is working these days, it makes your head spin.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I was wondering if you would get that!


I knew it wasn't precisely related, but when you consider how closely everything is working these days, it makes your head spin.

Paul to the Romans sounds like it was taken out of today's newspaper. More and more, we'll be saying the same thing about Revelations.
Originally posted by Bonnie
I'd like to think we always were smart, but now we are speaking up more because we see what happens when we don't......And might I add thank god for talk radio and other outlets for mainstream America

I agree 100%, Bonnie. The value of actually being able to hear the truth spoken over the airwaves cannot be overstated. And, to anyone who doubts the effect it's having, simply note how badly it enrages the liberals. True freedom of the press is their mortal enemy!
Originally posted by Gop guy
I fully support gays and lesbians having all the same benifits as straight couples, JUST CALL IT SOMETHING ELSE!

I've often wondered if the whole "gay marriage" thing isn't some sort of gigantic smokescreen. I think of a guy who asks $2000 for a used car, but will be perfectly happy to take $1500.

If homosexuals can come away with civil unions, they'll have obtained an official government "Imprimatur" for what Americans have always recognized as deviant behavior. Little steps - gradual victories.
Originally posted by musicman
I've often wondered if the whole "gay marriage" thing isn't some sort of gigantic smokescreen. I think of a guy who asks $2000 for a used car, but will be perfectly happy to take $1500.

If homosexuals can come away with civil unions, they'll have obtained an official government "Imprimatur" for what Americans have always recognized as deviant behavior. Little steps - gradual victories.

There is a small paperback book you need.

It is called "Confrontational Politics"

It is by former Senator H.L. Richardson

-he started Gun Owners of California, and Gun Owners of America

It claims the enitre system of politics by the liberal side works exactly like that. -and he states a LOT about how things work behined the scenes.

While it is not my ultimate authority on what goes on, it gives quite a bit of insight.

I've just written it down on my "to read" list - thanks!

Have you ever read "It Ain't Necessarily So"? Co-written by three scientists whose names escape me at the moment. They speak out about how scientific data is often skewed for political ends. There's a chapter on the science of polling that made me want to go on a killing spree.
Originally posted by musicman

I've just written it down on my "to read" list - thanks!

Have you ever read "It Ain't Necessarily So"? Co-written by three scientists whose names escape me at the moment. They speak out about how scientific data is often skewed for political ends. There's a chapter on the science of polling that made me want to go on a killing spree.

It is funny you mention that. I have never heard of the book, but I am well aware of how science is used politically.

You would be amazed what details you find (15 years ago) in lab notebooks put into circulation in the public library in military physics and text books.

Science is not only changed for politics, but if you are careful, you can see trends in timing of advances.

It is easy to see that we operate in exponential cycles of data release to public or industry.

When some new advancement is made, and the military wants to test it, a side technology using 2/3 of the "wow" factor and 20% of the effectiveness emerges. This side technology takes the world by storm for a minimum of 8-10 years (currently) before the real deal ever hits public awareness. By then, the technology is already spread throughout the military. The timing exponentially gets LONGER between cycles because technology advances exponentially every year.

This can be observed by looking at the last 20-30 years of science magazines or popular electronics or other such informative practical hands-on science info as well.

You want a kick?

Look up what a maser is and the history of it.

Then look up the kinetic energy railgun, and look how long that has been toyed with.

Think about how far nuclear physics and computer technology has come and then look back at these two again.

Does something seem a

So, if I'm following you correctly - what everyday people think is "known", and what is actually known, are two wildly disparate things.
Originally posted by musicman
So, if I'm following you correctly - what everyday people think is "known", and what is actually known, are two wildly disparate things.


What's more, it can be pinned down.
Originally posted by musicman
I agree 100%, Bonnie. The value of actually being able to hear the truth spoken over the airwaves cannot be overstated. And, to anyone who doubts the effect it's having, simply note how badly it enrages the liberals. True freedom of the press is their mortal enemy!

Yep!!! I would also add that the true test of how much it does bother the so called Free Speech for everyone but the right, is how much energy they are devoting to shutting down Rush, Hannity, Fox news.....etc The libs are showing their true teeth more and more........:D
Originally posted by mattskramer
As to the first part of your post, I think you're being deliberately opaque. I was referring, as you well know, to your use (and non-use) of the term "mate". Marriage pertains to mating - always has. Since "two men or two women, in and of themselves, can't reproduce", to confer marriage status on whatever it is homosexuals do is a perversion.

What of heterosexual couples who are infertile/sterile or who choose not to have children. Outlaw marriage for them? What of heterosexual couples who enjoy oral or anal sex more than they enjoy vaginal sex? Are we to deny marriage to them? As I explained before, the fact that homosexual couples can't produce children (without help from a sperm bank or surrogate mother) is irrelevant to the question of whether or not they should be allowed marriage.

"Not all marriages have children."

Initially it is easy to resist any suggestion that "marriage" and "family" are essentially connected with "offspring." Clearly, not all families have children. Some marriages are barren, by choice or by design.

This proves nothing, though. Books are written by authors to be read, even if large ones are used as doorstops or discarded ones help ignite campfires. The fact that many lie unread and covered with dust, or piled atop coffee tables for decorative effect doesn’t mean they were not destined for higher purpose.

In the same way, the natural tie of marriage to procreation is not nullified because in some individual cases children are not intended or even possible. Marriage still is what it is even if its essential purpose is never actualized. The exceptions prove the rule, they don’t nullify it. Marriage is intrinsically about and for children.

Ironically, heterosexuals and homosexuals alike confirmed this while lining up to wed at city halls on Valentines day. "After seven years and the birth of a baby," the L.A. Times reported, "Robert Manzo and Anna Parker decided to make their union official for 9-month-old Kyle, who they believe should have the legal protection that a marriage gives to a family."

More than 300 miles away, Kathy Palmer-Lohan stood in line in San Francisco with her partner, Laura, who was seven months pregnant. "We’re having kids," Palmer-Lohan said, "and [marriage] gives some formality to the relationship and the family structure.
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