Gay on gay shaming re: HIV

Gay-on-Gay Shaming: The New HIV War*|*Peter Staley

Apparently gays need to have sex with gays who have hiv to not be a bigot. Insane.

[ame=]CNN Interview - Bug Chasers - YouTube[/ame]

Those who seek HIV are called "bug chasers" and like most people they want to be involved in something that separates them from the rest of humanity. A few find something special by becoming infected with HIV. Dr. Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D. says, "they want to feel accepted and a part of something"(1). Not everyone has the virus, which makes those who are positive different. They are also not alone. "They see those living with HIV as a cohesive group that welcomes its new members and receives vast support"

If libs think not having sex with soneone with HIV is bigotry then is turning down a gay advance bigotry too?
Delta, notice how you are avoiding the topic? I'm just the messenger. I'm not the left wing lunatic at huffpo that wrote it. Do you have any comments on the topic? Or do you want this swept under the carpet?
Some of the huffpo comments. Libs are you going to throw a tantrum at his suggestion? Agree with it but pretend to the rest of the world you don't? He's admitting it's a gay disease for the most part, but that causes liberals to throw tanstrums, BECAUSE FACTS OFFEND YOU.


Posted 3/3/2014 2:56 pm
John-Manuel Andriote (John-Manuel_Andriote)
SUPER USER141 FansHuffPost blogger on health/politics/LGBT issues
Great piece, Peter. Thank you! I've also written and spoken about the need for gay America to reclaim HIV as a "gay" disease--in the sense that it disproportionately affects gay/bi men of all colors and we account for two-thirds of new HIV infections and number of those living with HIV in this country. We need our LGBT organizations to reclaim a leading role in advocating for proportionate resources to support interventions aimed at gay/bi men. And we need individual gay men to make responsible personal choices. Bottom line (so to speak!): You can enjoy yourself with guys who are positive or negative, but tailor your choice of activities to the man. No need to do "everything" with every man, and definitely don't be on the receiving end of bareback anal intercourse with a man whose HIV status you're unsure of. And do NOT trust your health and life to the word of a stranger, no matter how hot and hung he may be. Other than that, have fun!
2 MAR 4:27 PM
Here's another one, I'm sure the libs on the AIDS brigade will love this one.

.r. G. (JRGraff228)
38 Fans
Two things need to happen: HIV criminalization laws need to be ended and those convicted under them freed and their records wiped clean. Those laws are wrong, unjust and contradict with both modern science and other laws like HIPPA and the 5th Amendment (the right to say nothing) We also need to make HIV testing mandatory/without permission for, essentially, every living being in this world; no more looking at social class, identity, risk group. Everyone needs to be tested, regardless. These two things will help the U.S. - and the world at large - get real about this virus. Until then, we're just perpetuating this environment of fear, stigma and death. And all because we can't man-up and face it head on like civilized adults.
1 MAR 9:08 AM
ames Morris (James_v__Morris)
I have been HIV+ for 8 years and my sex life is OVER. Why? Because I refuse to hide my status and every guy I disclose it to treats me like Typhoid Mary. 7 years ago I moved from my native NYC to a small city in upstate NY. The HIV awareness among the local gay men here is appalling. No one seems to know what a condom is, yet everyone is terrified of HIV. They all seem to think that everyone's sero-status is their business, but don't want to learn anything about having responsible, safe sex. My attempts to educate seem to fall on deaf ears. It's easily the most frustrating life situation I've ever encountered. .
1 MAR 12:39 AM

Translation: You have to risk your life so I can pretend I'm normal!
Libs any comments? They are trying to say its wrong to not want sex with HIV positive people.
The proponents of the article are saying that with condoms and PReP your chances of getting HIV from people with HIV is low. And even if you do, there's all sorts of drugs you can take to prolong your life. Thus if you don't want to have sex with someone with HIV you are promoting bigotry and stigma.

However, do they tell people this about herpes? That can't even kill you and I think people would want to avoid getting that too even if there's some med that can make it harder to get it.

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