gay rights

A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as

Gay Marriage is an institution established for the very purpose of honking off Normative Americans. If this pinnacle of High Camp didn't offend people , the homosexual community wouldn't be doing it.

If the world ever reached the point where no one was agitated/upset/irritated about it, it would never be done again, and the light-in-the-loafers crowd would abandon for something even crazier.

The reality is gay marriage is something which is done for the benefit of the so-called "homophobes".
the government has no business in marriage,,,
True enough. Most weddings are in a church or chapel anyways, and the congregation witnesses a commitment before God and His people.

The divorces are the hard part. The child custody, support, and alimony.

Otherwise it's prostitution on the street, but the worst side effect of that is that their desire to steal becomes too strong on the street, sex or no sex, which is why the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" whether it's another man's wife or property, position, goods, whatnot.
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as

Gay Marriage is an institution established for the very purpose of honking off Normative Americans. If this pinnacle of High Camp didn't offend people , the homosexual community wouldn't be doing it.

If the world ever reached the point where no one was agitated/upset/irritated about it, it would never be done again, and the light-in-the-loafers crowd would abandon for something even crazier.

The reality is gay marriage is something which is done for the benefit of the so-called "homophobes".
no it isn't it's done for the benefit of so called people who are in love with someone of the same sex and want to marry said someone
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A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
what does it matter to you though, like just let them be happy
Why did they have to badger me, threaten me and sue me rather than go about their business and be happy? They didn't want to be happy. They wanted to force me into performing a job for them that I did not want to do.
I support gay marriage.

There is no reason to deny gay people the opportunity to be perfectly miserable just like straight people.
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Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.

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