Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

What was the point of this?
It wasnt clear? Just as he looks at their behavior as magical evil sin, i regard his belief as absurd, embarrassingly stupid magical nonsense.

There's not much to read into, there.

Now, out of fairness, make sure to ask him what the point of telling us that his magical sky daddy says homosexuality is a magical evil sin was.

And I clearly said he is free to believe any idiotic nonsense he likes. That's tolerance, ya whiner. I should also cook him breakfast? Stop your crybabying.

So much hate. So much weakness.
What was the point of this?
It wasnt clear? Just as he looks at their behavior as magical evil sin, i regard his belief as absurd, embarrassingly stupid magical nonsense.

There's not much to read into, there.

Now, out of fairness, make sure to ask him what the point of telling us that his magical sky daddy says homosexuality is a magical evil sin was.

And I clearly said he is free to believe any idiotic nonsense he likes. That's tolerance, ya whiner. I should also cook him breakfast? Stop your crybabying.

So much hate. So much weakness.
Whatever fool. He called something evil. I called something stupid. Your hate radar must be from Radio Shack.
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.
Which they are free to do, in their own, poisoned minds. But they aren't free to do it in the marketplace. Its pretty simple...learn to control your idiotic superstitions and fetishes. Easy.
Fetishes? Look whose supportive of fetishists. And who has a poisoned mind and body?
Look whose supportive of fetishists
Irrelevant. You are a fetishist.
Gay sex is nothing but unfulfilling fetishes.
  1. 1.
    a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
    "Victorian men developed fetishes focusing on feet, shoes, and boots"
    synonyms: fixation, sexual fixation, obsession, compulsion, mania;
    weakness, fancy, taste, fascination, craze, fad;
    idée fixe;
    informalthing, hang-up
    "he developed a rubber fetish"
  2. 2.
    a material object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.
    synonyms: juju, talisman, charm, amulet;
    totem, icon, idol, image, effigy, doll, statue, figure, figurine;
    "he worshipped an African fetish"
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.

You mean, like casting the first stone when you aren't free of sin?
Christians are freed from sin because they are redeemed by the shed Blood of Christ through faith. They neither designed GOD nor HIS WORD.


That's not how it works. According to Christian theology, a person can be forgiven their sins, and therefore escape your punishhment. You are never freed from sin.
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.

You mean, like casting the first stone when you aren't free of sin?
Christians are freed from sin because they are redeemed by the shed Blood of Christ through faith. They neither designed GOD nor HIS WORD.


That's not how it works. According to Christian theology, a person can be forgiven their sins, and therefore escape your punishment. You are never freed from sin.
One will have issues; however, repentance means that one is putting up a fight and not simply throwing in the towel and doing whatever. Christians do struggle and the Holy Spirit is fighting in that struggle. A Christian wants to set an example. He isn't perfect but he is pursuing GOD's will and not merely his own desires...
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.

You mean, like casting the first stone when you aren't free of sin?
Christians are freed from sin because they are redeemed by the shed Blood of Christ through faith. They neither designed GOD nor HIS WORD.


That's not how it works. According to Christian theology, a person can be forgiven their sins, and therefore escape your punishment. You are never freed from sin.
One will have issues; however, repentance means that one is putting up a fight and not simply throwing in the towel and doing whatever. Christians do struggle and the Holy Spirit is fighting in that struggle. A Christian wants to set an example. He isn't perfect but he is pursuing GOD's will and not merely his own desires...

A Christian wants to set an example. He isn't perfect but he is pursuing GOD's will and not merely his own desires..."

I guess that proves that trump is NO christian.
Gay sex is nothing but unfulfilling fetishes.
Then stop doing it. PS: nobody gives a ahit what you think your fake sky daddy thinks of gay sex.
Well, you certainly seem to fret what other people think of you. And you "waste" your time here in an attempt to change my mind. GOD has already changed it, and I have no desire to be without GOD's leading ever again...
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.

You mean, like casting the first stone when you aren't free of sin?
Christians are freed from sin because they are redeemed by the shed Blood of Christ through faith. They neither designed GOD nor HIS WORD.


That's not how it works. According to Christian theology, a person can be forgiven their sins, and therefore escape your punishment. You are never freed from sin.
One will have issues; however, repentance means that one is putting up a fight and not simply throwing in the towel and doing whatever. Christians do struggle and the Holy Spirit is fighting in that struggle. A Christian wants to set an example. He isn't perfect but he is pursuing GOD's will and not merely his own desires...

A Christian wants to set an example. He isn't perfect but he is pursuing GOD's will and not merely his own desires..."

I guess that proves that trump is NO christian.
Only GOD knows Trump's heart. But at the very least, Trump is not putting up a facade. Mrs. Clinton was dangerous in that you had no idea what her real intentions were. She lived one way and promoted another.. She was clever but used that to hide her desires and mistakes. We've had enough leaders like that for the past 50 years. They feathered their own beds while looking sophisticated. Trump is pushing back all the pleasantries and tells it like it is. Some people don't appreciate his direct crudeness. They would rather be stabbed in the back politely...

And one thing can be said of President Trump. He moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. And that alone is something no former President had the Gaul or guts to do. And that apparently was GOD's will. This is likely the very reason Trump won the election --- GOD's will.
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It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
As a tried and true american conservative, bite me. Screw the 7th century barbarians. Gay people are not your enemy.
Gay people are the enemy of Christianity and a threat to society.
Religious extremists are a bigger threat than gay people.
Make Hamsters Safe Again !

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