Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

I'm curious, if we adopt this barbaric nonsense, do you think it would eradicate adultery as well?
Let's pray it does. It would MAGA!
Ok, we get to stone donnie first.
You're implying inflicting harm on our magnificent president of the United States.

You were the one who wanted to see the law passed that gets homosexuals and adulterers put to death by stoning. Trump has admitted to adultery.
Trump is our nations leader. He gets a pass!
So if he raped a 13 year old...which he has....that would get him a pass too? Oh wait! You have given him a pass on that too! And if you saw him shoot someone on 5th Ave, you would give him a pass on that too? In your mind, what could he do that you would not give him a pass on? I'm thinking absolutely nothing.

ETA: You are the one who claims that you're such a good Christian and follow the bible, so you think it would give tramp a pass on everything because you say so? Even though it is VERY specific on what it does not?
Let's pray it does. It would MAGA!
Ok, we get to stone donnie first.
You're implying inflicting harm on our magnificent president of the United States.

You were the one who wanted to see the law passed that gets homosexuals and adulterers put to death by stoning. Trump has admitted to adultery.
Trump is our nations leader. He gets a pass!
So if he raped a 13 year old...which he has....that would get him a pass too? Oh wait! You have given him a pass on that too! And if you saw him shoot someone on 5th Ave, you would give him a pass on that too? In your mind, what could he do that you would not give him a pass on? I'm thinking absolutely nothing.

ETA: You are the one who claims that you're such a good Christian and follow the bible, so you think it would give tramp a pass on everything because you say so? Even though it is VERY specific on what it does not?
You're thinking of Roman Polanski.
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.

You think he takes an hour? I think you're being generous... very, very generous...
Ok, we get to stone donnie first.
You're implying inflicting harm on our magnificent president of the United States.

You were the one who wanted to see the law passed that gets homosexuals and adulterers put to death by stoning. Trump has admitted to adultery.
Trump is our nations leader. He gets a pass!
So if he raped a 13 year old...which he has....that would get him a pass too? Oh wait! You have given him a pass on that too! And if you saw him shoot someone on 5th Ave, you would give him a pass on that too? In your mind, what could he do that you would not give him a pass on? I'm thinking absolutely nothing.

ETA: You are the one who claims that you're such a good Christian and follow the bible, so you think it would give tramp a pass on everything because you say so? Even though it is VERY specific on what it does not?
You're thinking of Roman Polanski.
Nice deflection!

Epstein said he was pissed because tramp raped the 13 year old that he wanted to rape first and get her virginity.

And what part of your bible tells you that depending who you are, you can get a pass going against the 10 commandments? The seventh commandment.....Thou shalt not commit adultery..........well, all except for tramp, right?

You really do hate anyone not white, don't you? Guess what? You will be the minority very soon and there's nothing you can do to stop it, even if you try to kill everyone who isn't. And, before you start in on me, I'm white. My grandparents came here from Italy, but my grandfather was light skinned with light hair and gray eyes. And do a DNA research and I'll bet you're not a lily white as you think.

You hate the Jews, but according to the bible, they're the chosen people, unlike the white asses such as yourself.
You're implying inflicting harm on our magnificent president of the United States.

You were the one who wanted to see the law passed that gets homosexuals and adulterers put to death by stoning. Trump has admitted to adultery.
Trump is our nations leader. He gets a pass!
So if he raped a 13 year old...which he has....that would get him a pass too? Oh wait! You have given him a pass on that too! And if you saw him shoot someone on 5th Ave, you would give him a pass on that too? In your mind, what could he do that you would not give him a pass on? I'm thinking absolutely nothing.

ETA: You are the one who claims that you're such a good Christian and follow the bible, so you think it would give tramp a pass on everything because you say so? Even though it is VERY specific on what it does not?
You're thinking of Roman Polanski.
Nice deflection!

Epstein said he was pissed because tramp raped the 13 year old that he wanted to rape first and get her virginity.

And what part of your bible tells you that depending who you are, you can get a pass going against the 10 commandments? The seventh commandment.....Thou shalt not commit adultery..........well, all except for tramp, right?

You really do hate anyone not white, don't you? Guess what? You will be the minority very soon and there's nothing you can do to stop it, even if you try to kill everyone who isn't. And, before you start in on me, I'm white. My grandparents came here from Italy, but my grandfather was light skinned with light hair and gray eyes. And do a DNA research and I'll bet you're not a lily white as you think.

You hate the Jews, but according to the bible, they're the chosen people, unlike the white asses such as yourself.
Cite me the evidence from the cases court minutes. Otherwise you're a liar!
Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.

You think he takes an hour? I think you're being generous... very, very generous...

Yeah, I know I am. Pretty much everyone reading this thread sees him for what he is.

But I was raised to be polite, what can I say.
You were the one who wanted to see the law passed that gets homosexuals and adulterers put to death by stoning. Trump has admitted to adultery.
Trump is our nations leader. He gets a pass!
So if he raped a 13 year old...which he has....that would get him a pass too? Oh wait! You have given him a pass on that too! And if you saw him shoot someone on 5th Ave, you would give him a pass on that too? In your mind, what could he do that you would not give him a pass on? I'm thinking absolutely nothing.

ETA: You are the one who claims that you're such a good Christian and follow the bible, so you think it would give tramp a pass on everything because you say so? Even though it is VERY specific on what it does not?
You're thinking of Roman Polanski.
Nice deflection!

Epstein said he was pissed because tramp raped the 13 year old that he wanted to rape first and get her virginity.

And what part of your bible tells you that depending who you are, you can get a pass going against the 10 commandments? The seventh commandment.....Thou shalt not commit adultery..........well, all except for tramp, right?

You really do hate anyone not white, don't you? Guess what? You will be the minority very soon and there's nothing you can do to stop it, even if you try to kill everyone who isn't. And, before you start in on me, I'm white. My grandparents came here from Italy, but my grandfather was light skinned with light hair and gray eyes. And do a DNA research and I'll bet you're not a lily white as you think.

You hate the Jews, but according to the bible, they're the chosen people, unlike the white asses such as yourself.
Cite me the evidence from the cases court minutes. Otherwise you're a liar!
Keep your head in the sand. Epstein has said as much, but I know you don't want to believe it.I think you're jealous that you can't do all of the despicable things tramp does and that's why you worship him so much.

You only replied to one of the things I addressed. What about the seventh commandment? He committed adultery with Marla while married to Ivana, and did the same with Melania.

Again, you hate Jews, but tramp's daughter and son-in-law and their kids are Jews. Do you hate them too?
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.

You think he takes an hour? I think you're being generous... very, very generous...

Yeah, I know I am. Pretty much everyone reading this thread sees him for what he is.

But I was raised to be polite, what can I say.
He sounds like he's about as old as that guy in his avi. He is what, 17 or so?
Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.

You think he takes an hour? I think you're being generous... very, very generous...

Yeah, I know I am. Pretty much everyone reading this thread sees him for what he is.

But I was raised to be polite, what can I say.
He sounds like he's about as old as that guy in his avi. He is what, 17 or so?

You are probably right, as usual.
"I wonder how many Antifa and Dims now plan on moving there."
Who the fuck would? I mean, really. You? I'm staying right the fuck here in USA, VA.

You have some really good posts and comments. Why post this?

Why not? It's exactly what we could be facing here if we continue to bring Muslims into this country, give them the right to vote, and have them elect their twisted representatives to our governments.
you sound just like hitler sounded when he complained about how jews were ruining Germany and the white culture and were working with commies and gypsies and other sub-humans to corrupt the Great Fatherland. In short, you are a loser bigot, a paranoid xenophobe who blames all muslims for the actions of a very few, and proudly says he served in the armed services while spewing bigoted, fascist opinions like the enemies of democracy and freedom our soldiers have fought against. This country is made up of immigrants from every country that left their country for the same reason these folks are, the vast majority. And there was the same sort of backlash by goony haters like you in every case, but the majority of good Americans overrode the paranoia and hate of the bigots and today are easily accepted. The same will be true for all other immigrants, after this uptick and bigotry in the age of Trump dies a sudden death as more and more Americans wake up and demand an end to the bigotry and hate. And Trump shuffles off to the dustbin of history, where he belongs.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
As a tried and true american conservative, bite me. Screw the 7th century barbarians. Gay people are not your enemy.

Better be careful. your conservative friends might turn on you and start calling you a liberal (after they claim they don't hate gays)
My conservative friends are true conservatives, live and let live. My older brother, who's gay, is a conservative. That is after being a socialist in high school and college. Of course I'm talking about the 1970's. My brother visited the Soviet Union twice in the 70s. That turned him into a conservative.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
It's obvious the guy is a Leftwing nut pretending to be a Trump supporter. Probably related to Jussie Smolette. Straight out of Liberal playbook of course.

And the ones agreeing with him? Leftwing nuts pretending too?
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.

And blowjobs? Are they gross? How about "Eating at the Y"? Is that gross too? They are both acts of sodomy.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
It's obvious the guy is a Leftwing nut pretending to be a Trump supporter. Probably related to Jussie Smolette. Straight out of Liberal playbook of course.

And the ones agreeing with him? Leftwing nuts pretending too?
i didn't see anyone agreeing with him. I mean let's be serious here, look at his screen name, you'd think he'd make one up that's a little less obvious!
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.

And blowjobs? Are they gross? How about "Eating at the Y"? Is that gross too? They are both acts of sodomy.
I'm not talking about what ALL THREE RELIGIONS say, merely stating my personal preference, I don't like to smell shit while I'm having sex, nor does it provide the same feeling, aroma or amount of pleasure as vaginal sex. Simply put, the anus is not a biological organ designed for sexual intercourse. I consider all those other acts such as giving blowjob, etc. as part of foreplay and sex, which further arouses you and gives you greater pleasure.

But for those of you like enjoy anal sex, have at it. I could care less, enjoy. I have nothing against gay people.

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