Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

Mama always said....”Son, if you wouldn’t be willing to support ALL people doing something you shouldn’t be willing to support one person doing it.”

I support all people's freedom to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

That’s awfully societal standards change so does the behavior. Sounds authoritarian but it’s essential to sustaining a civil first world society. Where do we end up if we have no boundaries?

Happy? Free?
She liked the idea of decency, morality and family values as pillars among society.
No, she liked the idea of pointing at other people and calling them inferior in order to make herself feel better. Or maybe she was better than that, and you are just a moron twisting her words to justify your own, bad behavior.

My parents were very disciplined and self controlled as am twisted wackos on the other hand....well..not so much.
That anything goes free for all you seek can be found in disgusting shitholes all over the world...why would you bust your ass trying to morph a Christian founded, moral, first world society into that shithole you’re after? Why not just relocate to be among other filth?
Mama always said....”Son, if you wouldn’t be willing to support ALL people doing something you shouldn’t be willing to support one person doing it.”

I support all people's freedom to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

That’s awfully societal standards change so does the behavior. Sounds authoritarian but it’s essential to sustaining a civil first world society. Where do we end up if we have no boundaries?

Happy? Free?

What makes me feel happy and free about a chick with a dick reading fairy tales to my second grader at school?
She liked the idea of decency, morality and family values as pillars among society.
No, she liked the idea of pointing at other people and calling them inferior in order to make herself feel better. Or maybe she was better than that, and you are just a moron twisting her words to justify your own, bad behavior.

My parents were very disciplined and self controlled as am twisted wackos on the other hand....well..not so much.
That anything goes free for all you seek can be found in disgusting shitholes all over the world...why would you bust your ass trying to morph a Christian founded, moral, first world society into that shithole you’re after? Why not just relocate to be among other filth?
Nah, you're a bigoted freak that tries to justify his own poor behavior by retrofitting his preferred brand of iron aged, magical bullshit to it.

He did pretty well nail it.
I’m just to cultural experience for you .. my elite cultural experience makes me a dominant person on this form .. sorry you can’t hang

I wanted to do this from a normal keyboard instead of on my phone.

Too cultural? LMAO

I get that Boston has a diverse population. But this doesn't mean much when you hate them all.

By the time I was 30 years old, I had been to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Albania, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Some were vacations and some were work. I did mission work in Mexico & Greece. I had lived for at least 3 months in Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, and Tampa. I have been open to both society's highest and lowest.

So spare me your claims of cultural superiority. It is nonsense.
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..
She liked the idea of decency, morality and family values as pillars among society.
No, she liked the idea of pointing at other people and calling them inferior in order to make herself feel better. Or maybe she was better than that, and you are just a moron twisting her words to justify your own, bad behavior.

My parents were very disciplined and self controlled as am twisted wackos on the other hand....well..not so much.
That anything goes free for all you seek can be found in disgusting shitholes all over the world...why would you bust your ass trying to morph a Christian founded, moral, first world society into that shithole you’re after? Why not just relocate to be among other filth?

What does someone else's sex life have to do with you?
She liked the idea of decency, morality and family values as pillars among society.
No, she liked the idea of pointing at other people and calling them inferior in order to make herself feel better. Or maybe she was better than that, and you are just a moron twisting her words to justify your own, bad behavior.

My parents were very disciplined and self controlled as am twisted wackos on the other hand....well..not so much.
That anything goes free for all you seek can be found in disgusting shitholes all over the world...why would you bust your ass trying to morph a Christian founded, moral, first world society into that shithole you’re after? Why not just relocate to be among other filth?
Nah, you're a bigoted freak that tries to justify his own poor behavior by retrofitting his preferred brand of iron aged, magical bullshit to it.

LefTard Logic:
“Only moral bigots believe American citizens / society should live and operate by a high standard, morality, decency and fundamental family values.”
He did pretty well nail it.
I’m just to cultural experience for you .. my elite cultural experience makes me a dominant person on this form .. sorry you can’t hang

I wanted to do this from a normal keyboard instead of on my phone.

Too cultural? LMAO

I get that Boston has a diverse population. But this doesn't mean much when you hate them all.

By the time I was 30 years old, I had been to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Albania, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Some were vacations and some were work. I did mission work in Mexico & Greece. I had lived for at least 3 months in Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, and Tampa. I have been open to both society's highest and lowest.

So spare me your claims of cultural superiority. It is nonsense.
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Mama always said....”Son, if you wouldn’t be willing to support ALL people doing something you shouldn’t be willing to support one person doing it.”

I support all people's freedom to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

That’s awfully societal standards change so does the behavior. Sounds authoritarian but it’s essential to sustaining a civil first world society. Where do we end up if we have no boundaries?

Happy? Free?

What makes me feel happy and free about a chick with a dick reading fairy tales to my second grader at school?

That someone takes the time to read to your child? I doubt the second grader noticed anything else. Now if the chick showed her dick to the class, put her in prison.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
If you weren't such a lying sack of shit you could see that OP says it's the muslim way.

I don't think queers should be murdered I just wish they would keep quiet about it. Thieves on the other hand, beat them half to death.
I’m just to cultural experience for you .. my elite cultural experience makes me a dominant person on this form .. sorry you can’t hang

I wanted to do this from a normal keyboard instead of on my phone.

Too cultural? LMAO

I get that Boston has a diverse population. But this doesn't mean much when you hate them all.

By the time I was 30 years old, I had been to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Albania, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Some were vacations and some were work. I did mission work in Mexico & Greece. I had lived for at least 3 months in Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, and Tampa. I have been open to both society's highest and lowest.

So spare me your claims of cultural superiority. It is nonsense.
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol
I wanted to do this from a normal keyboard instead of on my phone.

Too cultural? LMAO

I get that Boston has a diverse population. But this doesn't mean much when you hate them all.

By the time I was 30 years old, I had been to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Albania, Costa Rica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Some were vacations and some were work. I did mission work in Mexico & Greece. I had lived for at least 3 months in Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta, New York, and Tampa. I have been open to both society's highest and lowest.

So spare me your claims of cultural superiority. It is nonsense.
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol
You sound like an elitist snob .. I’m just poor from the city of Boston who’s life has been directly affected by immigration, and other social issues that flooded my city for protection,, ( police state)
I can talk about it now.. yes you don’t like facts but to bad

First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
Got cha lol
First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.
First you are poor. Then you made more money last month than I did in my lifetime. Then you are to cultured for me. Then I am an elitist for experiencing more culture. Now you are back to being poor and are a victim.

And you brag about your facts? lol
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
Got cha lol

Got me? You have been avoiding every attempt at an actual discussion. You have been shown to be a liar. And you haven't made a clear point in pages. But, somehow, some homophobic joke worthy of a 3rd grader means you "got" me?

Are you old enough to be on these forums?
No I said I had more ass then you last month they you have had in your life.. learn how to read ..

Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.
Yes with men .. you have have me beat congrats
Learn to type.

The post said "I got paid last month more then you did in your life".
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.
Yes with men .. you have have me beat congrats

Never been with a man. But nice try. This fits your mental age, for sure.
Paid laid you get the pic lol

Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.
Yes with men .. you have have me beat congrats

Never been with a man. But nice try. This fits your mental age, for sure.
No way in hell you haven’t taken it up the arse
Yes, you said exactly what I claimed you said.

And just as an FYI, even if you went at it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you are not getting more than I have in a lifetime.
With men yes your have me beat lol

Look junior, I get that math is not your strong suit. But try not to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

If you had sex 24 hours a day for an entire month, with no sleep, no meals and no breaks. And each time took about an hour, you would have had sex 720 times last month.

Hypothetically, if I only had sex an average of once a week, your impossible marathon wouldn't cover 14 years of what I would have done.
Yes with men .. you have have me beat congrats

Never been with a man. But nice try. This fits your mental age, for sure.
No way in hell you haven’t taken it up the arse

No way in hell do you know what you’re talking about.

Can you at least try to explain why you think I was wrong when I said straight partake in sodomy more than homosexuals?

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