Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.
Not a homophobe ya retarded Nazi wanna be. Just stating my feelings visa vis anal sex.
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.
Not a homophobe ya retarded Nazi wanna be. Just stating my feelings visa vis anal sex.

Hmm,no, you thought you were insulting people by calling them gay. You are screaming to the world that you are a closet faggot homophobe .That's free advice.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.
Not a homophobe ya retarded Nazi wanna be. Just stating my feelings visa vis anal sex.

Hmm,no, you thought you were insulting people by calling them gay. You are screaming to the world that you are a closet faggot homophobe .That's free advice.
Take your meds and go back and read what I said, moron. I actually know a lot of gay people that I like and respect more than straight people. Not liking anal sex with a man OR WOMAN, does not make one a homophobe, idiot.
Not liking anal sex with a man OR WOMAN, does not make one a homophobe, idiot.
I didnt claim otherwise, ya crybaby. Pay attention, when i post to you!
Are you following this thread or is your head still securely lodged up Uranus? I was the first person to attack White MAGA man for his homophobic behavior. Go back and read again.
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.

Isn't that what the Brunei Muslims are doing, but you're not calling them out. That's mighty hypocritical of you and your atheist religion. It has Hollywood values as their moral code.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning

Oh look, the Russian wants the US to be less free. What a total surprise.
Yes, the Russians used the Dems and the Left to create all this hype and hysteria, and, predicted accurately how the Left and their propagandists in the media would behave. The heightened political division, mass protests, unrest and in essence a period of silent civil war we are in, are in essence the Left playing right into the Russians' hands.
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
Personally, although I find anal sex with even a woman gross, I could care less if a man decides to turn his anus from a one way, into a two way street. Just imagine, you wake up in the morning, and instead of the beautiful smell of pussy all over the bedsheets, it smells like the toilet.
Gee, thanks for the 12 year old school yard crap. The other 6th graders think you're the coolest. except for the girls.
Sorry, didn't mean to insult those of you who like to receive anal sex.
Oh look, the closet faggot homophobe is calling people gay. We don't see that here everyday! Wait, yes we do.

Isn't that what the Brunei Muslims are doing, but you're not calling them out. That's mighty hypocritical of you and your atheist religion. It has Hollywood values as their moral code.
It's funny how the Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Islam, Hamas, and other radical Muslim organizations that are extremely anti American (some even have ties to and are being funded by terrorist organizations), that believe in the imposition of barbaric and unconstitutional shariah law have found such a comfortable home in today's Democratic Party.
I'm a conservative Christian and so believe homosexuality is a sin. However that does NOT mean I think the gov't should punish homosexuality with anything, let alone "stoning", for pity's sake.
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
It's obvious the guy is a Leftwing nut pretending to be a Trump supporter. Probably related to Jussie Smolette. Straight out of Liberal playbook of course.
Most people are supportive of gay marriage, not just Jews. Your obsession with joooos is rather bizarre.
Turn or burn shlomo...the time is now.
It’s too late for you, you’ve already forsaken G-d for a false god.
Most people are supportive of gay marriage, not just Jews. Your obsession with joooos is rather bizarre.
People generally are afraid of what gays will do to them "legally" if dissenting individuals don't capitulate to the whims of LIBERALITY and governmental sanctions... I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns. Not all behavior patterns are equal. The means justify the ends --- is the total opposite of the ends justify the means.
I find that Bible Christians want to be free to witness to "gays" regarding hope with Jesus, while not accepting unrighteous behavior patterns.
Which they are free to do, in their own, poisoned minds. But they aren't free to do it in the marketplace. Its pretty simple...learn to control your idiotic superstitions and fetishes. Easy.
I'm a conservative Christian and so believe homosexuality is a sin.
Cool. And you are and should be free to believe any embarrassingly idiotic magical nonsense like that that you wish.

What was the point of this? You are attacking someone simply because you don't like the religion they follow. Sue didn't say she wanted the government to establish her beliefs into law. To the contrary, she said she doesn't believe government should exact punishments for homosexuality. So all you're doing by criticizing her is proving that you're just a typical intolerant leftist.
What was the point of this?
It wasnt clear? Just as he looks at their behavior as magical evil sin, i regard his belief as absurd, embarrassingly stupid magical nonsense.

There's not much to read into, there.

Now, out of fairness, make sure to ask him what the point of telling us that his magical sky daddy says homosexuality is a magical evil sin was.

And I clearly said he is free to believe any idiotic nonsense he likes. That's tolerance, ya whiner. I should also cook him breakfast? Stop your crybabying.

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