Gay-Sex Marriage "Settled"..Who Decides Polygamy (Polyamory) Next?

After June 26, 2015, will the states be able to decide polygamy or will SCOTUS decide for them?

  • The states! Polyamory and homosexuality are legally two completely different things.

  • SCOTUS. All orientations protected: no favorites. All must have their day before SCOTUS.

  • didn't know the Browns of Utah were in the process of suing to marry.

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Curious WorldWatcher, your opinion as to any justification you might have to why gay married couples have greater access to public accomodations laws than straight couples?

There are no public accommodation laws that list "gay" as a criteria.


Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.

Curious WorldWatcher, your opinion as to any justification you might have to why gay married couples have greater access to public accomodations laws than straight couples?

There are no public accommodation laws that list "gay" as a criteria.


Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow
There are no public accommodation laws that list "gay" as a criteria.


Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.

Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.
It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Filed a complaint yet?

So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Filed a complaint yet?


Cat got your tounge?

Looks like the ultimate defender of freedom is dumb struck defending separate but equal
The foot stomping hissy fits surrounding the colored lights on The White House is just hilarious to me. What a bunch of fucking crybabies!

So says someone who call rectal sex by same sex couples is normal!


Whether you think it is normal or not is amazingly irrelevant to the law.

Incoming slippery slope hysterics in 3...2...1...

Whether you think polygamy or incest is normal or not is amazingly irrelevant to the law.

Justification of your odd lifestyle being legally any different then those in 3.....2.....1......

As pointed out- polygamy is legal. Same gender sex is legal. Incest is not legal.

Can you provide any argument why same gender sex should be illegal?

Can you provide any argument why incest should not be legal?

Can you provide any argument- about anything at all that is more than "because Pop says so"?
The foot stomping hissy fits surrounding the colored lights on The White House is just hilarious to me. What a bunch of fucking crybabies!

So says someone who call rectal sex by same sex couples is normal!


Whether you think it is normal or not is amazingly irrelevant to the law.

Incoming slippery slope hysterics in 3...2...1...

Whether you think polygamy or incest is normal or not is amazingly irrelevant to the law.

Justification of your odd lifestyle being legally any different then those in 3.....2.....1......

As pointed out- polygamy is legal. Same gender sex is legal. Incest is not legal.

Can you provide any argument why same gender sex should be illegal?

Can you provide any argument why incest should not be legal?

Can you provide any argument- about anything at all that is more than "because Pop says so"?

Legal, without free access to marriage.

Keep tying yourself in knots, it ain't pretty.
Your obsession with gay men in banana hammocks is weird, bordering on creepy.

You want to see some heterosexual debauchery? Go to Mardi Gras, Carnivale, college spring break. All glorified by society.

Certain toutine days/nights of drunken debauchery in areas essentially roped off and well known in advance as "no go zones" for children (no matter which idiots take their kids in spite of this or not) are different than mid-day sober parades and any and all times of the year, of "pride" (lewd acts in front of kids) ?

I had a great time at the San Francisco Pride Parade there.

Didn't see a single lewd act beyond two women kissing and men dancing.

But what do I know- I was only there, and I didn't spend hours searching the internet trying to find lewd pictures from a gay pride parade like you do.
Doesn't take hours.
gay parade - Google Search

Took seconds.

LOL- but how many hours did you spend pouring over those photo's?

And that is 'lewd"?

Men with more covered up than at an average beach?

Oh the perv bigots are funny- they spend hours on the web looking for 'lewd' images that they can complain about
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.

Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...

Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems.

Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.
I had a great time at the San Francisco Pride Parade there.

Didn't see a single lewd act beyond two women kissing and men dancing.

But what do I know- I was only there, and I didn't spend hours searching the internet trying to find lewd pictures from a gay pride parade like you do.
Doesn't take hours.
gay parade - Google Search

Took seconds.

It does nothing for me, but you can look at the pictures you like
You claimed it would take hours to find them. I found them in seconds.

I don't recall claiming that. I know you can find pictures of anything you like in seconds on the internet. It just isn't my cup of tea. But I'm not judging you.
You butted in someone else's conversation. My post was in reply to SYRIUSLY SAID: who claimed it would take hours. He's wrong it took seconds.

It took him seconds to find them.

It took him hours to stop inspecting them.
Curious WorldWatcher, your opinion as to any justification you might have to why gay married couples have greater access to public accomodations laws than straight couples?

There are no public accommodation laws that list "gay" as a criteria.


Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

Its not a violation of the law.

But if you want to pursue your right to use the female locker room- the courts are available for you to make your case.

Not that you are any good at making any case.
I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Filed a complaint yet?


Cat got your tounge?

Looks like the ultimate defender of freedom is dumb struck defending separate but equal

Ultimate defender?

Oh, God no. (But it's nice to know you respect me that much.)

Dumb struck?


Think you are trying to play "gotcha".


Willing to play?


It's not a violation of the law.

If you think it is, feel free to report a lesbian couple showering (showering, not having sex) at your local community gym and file a complaint.

Locker rooms are based on gender, not sexual orientation.


So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Pop is dragging out all of his sexual fantasies now with his straw men.
OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Filed a complaint yet?


Cat got your tounge?

Looks like the ultimate defender of freedom is dumb struck defending separate but equal

Ultimate defender?

Oh, God no. (But it's nice to know you respect me that much.)

Dumb struck?


Think you are trying to play "gotcha".


Willing to play?



I understand completely since the defense seems to be that separate but equal is often sound governmental and public policy.


This is not a game. I've pointed these realities since the day I first posted here.

You like equality, of course, until you don't.
Last edited:
So you now want to argue, that in some cases seperate but equal is good public policy? Even though you can't cite where my argument is bogus?


I didn't argue anything.

I said if you think your argument is valid, file a complaint and take it to court.

Don't see you winning on your little attempt at "gotcha" but I support your right to hire an attorney and pay their fees.


OH MY GOD. You read law better than anyone in this forum, you quote and comment on it often.

And this?

Wow, just wow

Your attempt a "gotcha" with the whole lesbians showing (not having sex, showering) in the same facility is clear to anyone.

Lesbians showing in the same facilities is not new, they've been around as long as there have been public showers - even back to the day when people went skinny dipping in the pond to wash.


Pure deflection.

We are talking a whole new world now.

Married Lesbians now are identifiable due to the license they sign. That document is equal to the males "package". By signing that public document they declare they desire women. Yet a married lesbian can shower with my wife, but I can't shower with the lesbians wife.

She does and shows her privates? NOTHING. I do, and show my privates? JAIL TIME AND SEX OFFENDERS LIST.

Pop is dragging out all of his sexual fantasies now with his straw men.

Because you can't defend your opinions?
Curious WorldWatcher, your opinion as to any justification you might have to why gay married couples have greater access to public accomodations laws than straight couples?

There are no public accommodation laws that list "gay" as a criteria.


Sex and sexuality. And in some cases sexual identity. I am male (a sex) I am straight (a sexuality)

A lesbian wishes to be with women the same way as a male, yet the lesbian or even, in some cases a tranny can shower in the same locker / gym shower with my wife, yet I can't?

Tell me where that is not a violation of the law.

Its not a violation of the law.

But if you want to pursue your right to use the female locker room- the courts are available for you to make your case.

Not that you are any good at making any case.

Thanks, I can read the law, it's on my side, but of course I won't. See I don't use the law to make money, like gay cake customers.

But I have approached state senators about the paradox. They were concerned.

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