Gay-Sex Marriage "Settled"..Who Decides Polygamy (Polyamory) Next?

After June 26, 2015, will the states be able to decide polygamy or will SCOTUS decide for them?

  • The states! Polyamory and homosexuality are legally two completely different things.

  • SCOTUS. All orientations protected: no favorites. All must have their day before SCOTUS.

  • didn't know the Browns of Utah were in the process of suing to marry.

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Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.

Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...

Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems.

Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.
How many threads per day does Silhouette start concerning gay sex?

Something is bad wrong with Sil.

How many threads are you going to comment about gay sex? Something could be bad wrong with you.

I don't give a rats ass about consenting adults having sex. It's none of my business.

This is freaky scary... This poster needs help.



It seems you do, you keep posting about it.

Okay, go find a post showing that I give a shit about who sleeps with who......I'll wait here.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"?

By using a dictionary.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"?

By using a dictionary.

And that is how Skylar slaps down an idiot.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Either you believe sexual orientations (plural) have special civil rights to marry now or you don't. When it comes to polygamy, Syriusly, which is it?
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Either you believe sexual orientations (plural) have special civil rights to marry now or you don't. When it comes to polygamy, Syriusly, which is it?

Still waiting for you to show me the quotes of me being 'bigoted'.

Still waiting.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Either you believe sexual orientations (plural) have special civil rights to marry now or you don't. When it comes to polygamy, Syriusly, which is it?

Still waiting for you to show me the quotes of me being 'bigoted'.

Still waiting.

Still waiting for you to say how the Court would find one sexual orientation deserves "special rights" while another (polyamory) doesn't. Still waiting.
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Either you believe sexual orientations (plural) have special civil rights to marry now or you don't. When it comes to polygamy, Syriusly, which is it?

Still waiting for you to show me the quotes of me being 'bigoted'.

Still waiting.

Still waiting for you to say how the Court would find one sexual orientation deserves "special rights" while another (polyamory) doesn't. Still waiting.

Still waiting for you to show me the quotes where I was bigoted.

After all- unlike yourself- I am not the one promoting hatred towards homosexuals or anyone else- I am not the one working to keep children from having married parents- that would be all you.
Sil, Do us all a favor. Get laid, and then smoke a cigarette. Then chill out, and have a good night's sleep.
Now, back to the topic which I notice has been buried...again...
Which is... who will decide the Brown's polygamy (polyamory-orientation) civil rights marriage case? The states or SCOTUS? And why? I notice that the LGBT regulars are REALLY avoiding answering that question succinctly and directly. So far I think just one has answered that way. The rest are diversions, rather obvious ones, or ad hominems....Is it "report to the moderator" time again?

Oh report away- I would love to see a log of your reports- they must be a hoot.

State courts will decide first and then Federal courts.

Won't even make it to the Supreme Court.
"everyone has a right to marry whom they love" that is the Gays platform. That can be everyones platform. It's bullshit but it's what they ruled on.

Nope- just idiot bigots like you think that.

You actually sound bigoted. That's funny

Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?

Intetsting Sy, last night I ran over a beer can with my car and the can opened. Using your logic, my car magically went from being a mode of transportation to a handy little kitchen appliance that opens cans.

Does that mean that st State mandate that I license my car cease to exist because it was used for a different reason?
Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?

Intetsting Sy, last night I ran over a beer can with my car and the can opened. Using your logic, my car magically went from being a mode of transportation to a handy little kitchen appliance that opens cans.

Does that mean that st State mandate that I license my car cease to exist because it was used for a different reason?

I have to admit- your response this time is typical of all of your non-responses.
Syriusly, how would the Court make a clear legal distinction between one sexual orientation called "homosexuality" and another called "polyamory"? You love to cite equal protection clauses, while seeking at the same time to distance another orientation to equal protection. That's what Pop called "funny"....and bigoted. Because it is.

Feel free to show me any of my statements which are bigoted.

You don't have to show me the funny ones- I am proud of all the times I have mocked you.

She did, you lose

Either you believe sexual orientations (plural) have special civil rights to marry now or you don't. When it comes to polygamy, Syriusly, which is it?

Still waiting for you to show me the quotes of me being 'bigoted'.

Still waiting.

Still waiting for you to say how the Court would find one sexual orientation deserves "special rights" while another (polyamory) doesn't. Still waiting.

If you want polygamists to marry, make your case.
She did, you lose

Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?

Intetsting Sy, last night I ran over a beer can with my car and the can opened. Using your logic, my car magically went from being a mode of transportation to a handy little kitchen appliance that opens cans.

Does that mean that st State mandate that I license my car cease to exist because it was used for a different reason?

I have to admit- your response this time is typical of all of your non-responses.

Why, you claim since a dick feels absolutely great in your ass it should be treated the same as one in a vagina.

Do you not understand your own argument?

Odd to say the very least
Ah you and Silhouette- you do make a sweet couple.

You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?

Intetsting Sy, last night I ran over a beer can with my car and the can opened. Using your logic, my car magically went from being a mode of transportation to a handy little kitchen appliance that opens cans.

Does that mean that st State mandate that I license my car cease to exist because it was used for a different reason?

I have to admit- your response this time is typical of all of your non-responses.

Why, you claim since a dick feels absolutely great in your ass it should be treated the same as one in a vagina.

Do you not understand your own argument?

Odd to say the very least
I believe the actual argument is 'who cares'? Your obsession with someone else's orgasm doesn't have anything to do with treating them differently under the law.

If what they're doing is legal, why would it matter?
You think taking it up the butt is beauty, so your opinion is greatly discounted.

What is it with your obsessive anal fantasies Pop?

Intetsting Sy, last night I ran over a beer can with my car and the can opened. Using your logic, my car magically went from being a mode of transportation to a handy little kitchen appliance that opens cans.

Does that mean that st State mandate that I license my car cease to exist because it was used for a different reason?

I have to admit- your response this time is typical of all of your non-responses.

Why, you claim since a dick feels absolutely great in your ass it should be treated the same as one in a vagina.

Do you not understand your own argument?

Odd to say the very least
I believe the actual argument is 'who cares'? Your obsession with someone else's orgasm doesn't have anything to do with treating them differently under the law.

If what they're doing is legal, why would it matter?

Doesn't matter. What makes you think I care?


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