Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.

LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.
LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.

LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with
We have had public accommodation laws since 1964- and after the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act business owners were told that they had to serve blacks regardless of their religious beliefs.

And yes- there were good Christians who didn't think that they should serve blacks with whites for religious reasons- even if you disagree with their reasons- they claimed religious reasons.

The case of the baker refusing to bake cakes for the gay couple is in front of the Supreme Court now- we will see how they rule.

Meanwhile the OP is a piece of Right Wing Fake News

That doesn't make them legal though, now does it. Just because they are on the books is no guarantee that they are Constitutional.

Actually public accommodation laws have been found to be Constitutional.
Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States - Wikipedia

The issue before the court is somewhat different- because the Baker is claiming that as an artist he is not subject to the same rules.

The court ruled incorrectly.

End of story.

Poor little snowflakes blame the courts.

End of story.

The term "snowflake" applies to leftwingers who want to be protected from views they disagree with. That's you, not me.

Yes, the courts are to blame. That's reality.

The term 'snowflake' applies to whiny little girls who want to be protected from anything that they disagree with. That's you- that's always you.

And in this case- you are a whiny snowflake who blames the courts because you don't get to discriminate against blacks and gays.
LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.

LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

I'm ntoa Christian, dumbass. I don't object to holding everyone to the right standard, so long as it's the right standard. Forcing eveyrone to endorse the queer lifestyle isn't the right one. Allowing everyone to go their own way is the way it should work. However, the queers can endure it if not everyone has to have their nose rubbed in the queer lifestyle.

No matter how hard you try, you'll never change the fact that most Americans think you have a mental problem. You're not well adjusted.
The term 'snowflake' applies to whiny little girls who want to be protected from anything that they disagree with. That's you- that's always you.

And in this case- you are a whiny snowflake who blames the courts because you don't get to discriminate against blacks and gays.

Wrong. A snowflake is a liberal waiting to be offended by culture, religion, racism or any other non Marxist idea. It was created by Vox Day as a shorthand term for SJW's and poularized in "SJW's Always Lie". It is always entertaining to see you snowflakes try and co-opt it. It just doesn't work and looks ridiculous.

Snowflake: A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.
"Congratulations! Its a boy!"
"Did you just assume that babies gender?"
"Someone get the snowflake out of here, please".

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake
The term 'snowflake' applies to whiny little girls who want to be protected from anything that they disagree with. That's you- that's always you.

And in this case- you are a whiny snowflake who blames the courts because you don't get to discriminate against blacks and gays.

Wrong. A snowflake is a liberal waiting to be offended by culture, religion, racism or any other non Marxist idea. e

Poor little snowflake. Always waiting to be offended by Muslims, or gays, or Jews or blacks or 'liberals' or anything other than what Trump tweets.

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake
A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, shouting, interrupting, threatening, assaulting, etc. They often live in an echo chamber of their own beliefs and surround themselves exclusively with people and opinions that agree with their own. This term is most often use to describe people left-leaning people, but can be applied both left and right wing people.
LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.
For example?
And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.

LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

I'm ntoa Christian, dumbass. I don't object to holding everyone to the right standard, so long as it's the right standard. .

LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contards and faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with
I am just going to point out once more- that not a single person who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
The term 'snowflake' applies to whiny little girls who want to be protected from anything that they disagree with. That's you- that's always you.

And in this case- you are a whiny snowflake who blames the courts because you don't get to discriminate against blacks and gays.

Wrong. A snowflake is a liberal waiting to be offended by culture, religion, racism or any other non Marxist idea. It was created by Vox Day as a shorthand term for SJW's and poularized in "SJW's Always Lie". It is always entertaining to see you snowflakes try and co-opt it. It just doesn't work and looks ridiculous.

Snowflake: A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.
"Congratulations! Its a boy!"
"Did you just assume that babies gender?"
"Someone get the snowflake out of here, please".

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

How about a real dictionary?

snowflake | Definition of snowflake in English by Oxford Dictionaries

derogatory, informal An overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics.
‘these little snowflakes will soon discover that life doesn't come with trigger warnings’
‘these parents think their kid is such a special snowflake that they should be allowed to circumvent the rules’

hey- looks like the OED is describing you!
LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.
For example?

The baker being sued by the two queers, for one.
The term 'snowflake' applies to whiny little girls who want to be protected from anything that they disagree with. That's you- that's always you.

And in this case- you are a whiny snowflake who blames the courts because you don't get to discriminate against blacks and gays.

Wrong. A snowflake is a liberal waiting to be offended by culture, religion, racism or any other non Marxist idea. It was created by Vox Day as a shorthand term for SJW's and poularized in "SJW's Always Lie". It is always entertaining to see you snowflakes try and co-opt it. It just doesn't work and looks ridiculous.

Snowflake: A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn't exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as "unique" as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.
"Congratulations! Its a boy!"
"Did you just assume that babies gender?"
"Someone get the snowflake out of here, please".

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

How about a real dictionary?

snowflake | Definition of snowflake in English by Oxford Dictionaries

derogatory, informal An overly sensitive or easily offended person, or one who believes they are entitled to special treatment on account of their supposedly unique characteristics.
‘these little snowflakes will soon discover that life doesn't come with trigger warnings’
‘these parents think their kid is such a special snowflake that they should be allowed to circumvent the rules’

hey- looks like the OED is describing you!

"triggered". There is another word liberals look ridiculous trying to co-opt.
LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contards and faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

Two hundred years? Not very well versed are you?

Now what standards are you speaking of? I dont recall one instance of homosexuals ever being forced to bake christian cakes by courts. Never. Nada. So it cant be the same standard now can it? Or can you name a court case?
Ill help you as you google you cant.

Voila. Not the same standards at all.
LOL- if the assault on Christianity is telling Christians they have to follow the same laws as Jews and Muslims and Atheists.....well let the assault continue.

LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.

In the end britpat that is the ultimate goal. There is a reason homosexuals hate religion. And they wont stop trying to destroy it. Remember when they used to throw condoms in St Patrick's cathedral?
It drives a liberal crazy (and a homosexual is usually just a really fried liberal) that somebody, somewhere, is not toeing the party line.
If there is one thing Contards and faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

Now I know there is one thing non-Christians are experts at and that is judging whop is or isn't a christian. So tell me who the "faux Christians" are? The ones who upheld church teachings on homosexuality? That cant b becaue the line just before that you claimed Christians oppressed gays (but only for 200 years).
By oppression I suppose you meant they didnt embrace homosexuality. But which are the "faux Christians"?
Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Gee, I have never heard of a Christian baker turning away someone getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth time.


The "Christian" bakers are endorsing adultery. Every day.

These hypocrites are fake Christians.

Hypocrites maybe..non christians always know these things. But hypocrisy is a freedom I would think. Just like your hypocrisy in choosing which Christian dogmas are to be followed.
It should be obvious now even to conservatives what is going on. Gays started by saying they just didnt want to be criminals. In the 1970's they wanted to overthrow marriage. Then they wanted the state to come into their bedroom and give a civil union. Then they demanded marriage. Now they are working on criminalizing any opposition to their perversion and their goal of destrouying marriage is intact. It well compliments their Marxist ideology.
The stated goal of "gay rights" ( they have since self purged re titling it "gay and lesbian rights" and after many iterations for now it is LGBTT...for now)

But their goal has always been the same.

"Heterosexuality: Exclusive heterosexuality is fucked up. It reflects a fear of people of the same sex, it’s anti-homosexual...we need to purge male chauvinism, both in behavior and in thought...marriage is a contract which smothers both people, denies needs, and places impossible demands on both people...Gay people must stop gauging their self-respect by how well they mimic straight marriages. Gay marriages will have the same problems as straight ones except in burlesque...
Alternatives to Marriage:...through a number of social relationships and living situations. Things we want to get away from are: 1. exclusiveness, propertied attitudes toward each other, a mutual pact against the rest of the world; 2. promises about the future, which we have no right to make and which prevent us from , or make us feel guilty about, growing; 3. inflexible roles..."

And always children are targeted...

"We can make a direct appeal to young people, who are not so uptight about homosexuality. One kid, after having his first sex with a male said, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about, making it with a girl just isn’t that different.”

"As part of their ideological mission, the GLF sought a complete overthrow of all heterosexist institutions, including marriage. Homosexuality should be considered completely normal, innate and natural. Governmental and social institutions problematized sexuality and, thus, those institutions must be destroyed."

Ahh and the Stonewall Inn. This is the real response which the homosexuals printed after the stonewall riots.

""We are a revolutionary group of men and women formed with the realization that complete sexual liberation for all people cannot come about unless existing social institutions are abolished."

It should be obvious now even to conservatives what is going on. Gays started by saying they just didnt want to be criminals. In the 1970's they wanted to overthrow marriage. Then they wanted the state to come into their bedroom and give a civil union. Then they demanded marriage. Now they are working on criminalizing any opposition to their perversion and their goal of destrouying marriage is intact. It well compliments their Marxist ideology.
The stated goal of "gay rights" ( they have since self purged re titling it "gay and lesbian rights" and after many iterations for now it is LGBTT...for now)

But their goal has always been the same.

"Heterosexuality: Exclusive heterosexuality is fucked up. It reflects a fear of people of the same sex, it’s anti-homosexual...we need to purge male chauvinism, both in behavior and in thought...marriage is a contract which smothers both people, denies needs, and places impossible demands on both people...Gay people must stop gauging their self-respect by how well they mimic straight marriages. Gay marriages will have the same problems as straight ones except in burlesque...
Alternatives to Marriage:...through a number of social relationships and living situations. Things we want to get away from are: 1. exclusiveness, propertied attitudes toward each other, a mutual pact against the rest of the world; 2. promises about the future, which we have no right to make and which prevent us from , or make us feel guilty about, growing; 3. inflexible roles..." A Gay Manifesto (1970) - by Carl Wittman

And always children are targeted...

"We can make a direct appeal to young people, who are not so uptight about homosexuality. One kid, after having his first sex with a male said, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about, making it with a girl just isn’t that different.” A Gay Manifesto (1970) - by Carl Wittman

"As part of their ideological mission, the GLF sought a complete overthrow of all heterosexist institutions, including marriage. Homosexuality should be considered completely normal, innate and natural. Governmental and social institutions problematized sexuality and, thus, those institutions must be destroyed."
The Gay Pride Issue

Ahh and the Stonewall Inn. This is the real response which the homosexuals printed after the stonewall riots.

""We are a revolutionary group of men and women formed with the realization that complete sexual liberation for all people cannot come about unless existing social institutions are abolished."


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