Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Let Mr Bass make another thing clear to you jackass, Mr bass has the balls and courage to stand up anywhere, anytime and say he does not agree with gay marriage based on his religious principles, in front of anybody. You "Mr I'm not racist" do not have the balls and or courage to stand up in front of a group of black people call them ******* if they do not accept gay marriage because you know would get a beat down and you act of trying to use racism as a means of countering those of us blacks who don't accept gay marriage would not hold up.

sure you do, porch monkey. suuuuuuuuuure you do. It seems you are under the false ideal that you could never get your ass beat into the ground by a group of gay men for being just as hateful as I'm letting you percieve my posts. I assure you, monkey knuckle, you are about as threatening as a cream puff dollop on the top of a vanilla shake. Before you go start acting all bad ass you might want to remember that your kind has been dominated by my kind far longer than your brand new self esteem has years on it.

The opposition can do nothing except hurl insults because they have no counter argument, none.
indeed, because you are known for your insult-less rants about gays, eh oil slick? Like I said, you might want to reconsider your "everyone is afraid of gathered blacks" opinion given whose people have been dominated by whom for longer than you've enjoyed freedom, you fucking John Deer Tractor 1.0. If you can't take the hateful nomenclature then perhaps you should put down the crack pipe and reconsider your outlook on America's gay population. If not, hey.. it's no skin off my back, Toby.
The bottom line is that homosexuals are sick, nasty, perverts, who randomly spread their vile infections and molest children.
The bottom line is that homosexuals are sick, nasty, perverts, who randomly spread their vile infections and molest children.

that seems to be your stupid opinion, at least. Which means a lot around here, lemme tellya.
The bottom line is that homosexuals are sick, nasty, perverts, who randomly spread their vile infections and molest children.

Listen Sucking Moron......those traits are NOT limited to just homosexuals, it happens with heteros too, or are you that blind?

Nice job tattling by the way, although I think the neg rep that went with it was a bit much you coward.

Oh the the country of your beloved religion (Islam), you DO know what they say right? "Women are for having children and boys are for pleasure". How do I know this? I was deployed over there several times, and that is what I was told by some of the natives. Additionally, since you like to espouse Christian values, why are you now an Islamist? AND.......if you're going to spew that kind of crap, then, don't you think that as a good Muslim you should quote the Q'aran?

Or, are you as much of a poser as you are a coward?

(See mods? I didn't cuss).
You are off topic again as usual ABikerSailor :eusa_hand:

Hey idiot, how is that off topic? YOU were the one that said homosexuals were molesting children and spreading disease, I was just responding to you.

Figures.....when you have no response, you either run to a mod to bitch about who just smacked you or tell people that they need to get back on topic.

Tell me Sucking Moron, because you are (supposedly) a doctor, and even though you're a shrink, you should easily be able to come up with some figures that show homosexuals molest more children than heteros (they don't), as well as the fact that they spread more disease than heteros (again....they don't).

Matter of fact, when AIDS first showed up, yeah.....the gay community noticed it spreading through their population. However, when they figured it out, the gay community helped to spread the word as to how to protect yourself.

Yeah.....tell me again how bad gays are.

And if you could, please use a legitimate source.
Originally posted by Sunni Man
The bottom line is that homosexuals are sick, nasty, perverts, who randomly spread their vile infections and molest children.

AAAhhh... come on, Sunni, you can do better than that.

Take a lesson from Mr. Garrison:

Mr. Garrison: Gay people, well, gay people are EVIL, evil right down to their cold black hearts which pump not blood like yours or mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clots in their pea-sized brains which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?

South Park, Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
WOW!!! Mr. Garrison is my HERO!!!!!!! :clap2:




The bottom line is that homosexuals are sick, nasty, perverts, who randomly spread their vile infections and molest children.

You are probably a horrible person in every aspect of your life.

That and you probably don't know any gay people.
No, I said I am NOT "racist"

But yes, I am highly bigoted against nasty Sodomites and their sick lifestyle.

Slightly off topic Sucking Moron, but, you JUST SAID that you are not racist.

Okey dokey......tell us all again how the Holocaust is a hoax.

Back to the subject at hand? Listen moron, God told us to love one another.

He didn't specify gender.

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