Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Are you kidding me? I can already afford rims without having to rob a liquor store, dude. Trust me, no one on this forum is jealous of a schizophrenic, negrocentric ghetto fabulous malcom x wannabe. for real, i'll go buy real cheese with REAL money, dude.

Liquor store robberies and free cheese?

Delusion: : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
Maybe you are a racist. By saying that you equate a white man marrying a black woman as somehow a failure.

No jackass......I said that that, combined with the rest of your sorry life kinda makes me think that you and whoever end up role playing with you and your straw hat, and them in their torn clothes.

Mandingo comes to mind.
Did you know that there is NO MENTION AT ALL in the Bible against lesbianism

You are wrong as usual ABickerSailor.

Rom 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman "
Did you know that there is NO MENTION AT ALL in the Bible against lesbianism? The only thing that the Bible really specifies is no sodomy, which means anal sex.

The heteros having anal are much more wrong than the lesbians who are doing 69.

In Luke 17:34-37

"I tell you, on that night there will be two men in one bed; one will be taken, and the other will be left. There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken, the other will be left.

Some bibles have been altered by the church and they changed the meaning of this. Let me explain what Jesus meant.

You sin, I sin, and gay sex might be a sin. If it were all about sin, none of us would go to heaven.

So, two gay dudes might be in bed together, one of them believes in Jesus and the other does. So one of them will go to heaven and one of them might not. And here Jesus explicitly describes two women sissoring each other's timbers. :lol:
In Luke 17:34-37

"I tell you, on that night there will be two men in one bed; one will be taken, and the other will be left. There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken, the other will be left.

Some bibles have been altered by the church and they changed the meaning of this. Let me explain what Jesus meant.

You sin, I sin, and gay sex might be a sin. If it were all about sin, none of us would go to heaven.

So, two gay dudes might be in bed together, one of them believes in Jesus and the other does. So one of them will go to heaven and one of them might not. And here Jesus explicitly describes two women sissoring each other's timbers. :lol:

I thought that was a reference to the end times.
I thought that was a reference to the end times.
ABikerSailor your one sick deck puke, you sacreligious idiot.... this's what the scripture say...:cuckoo:
Matthew 24:39-42 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
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Did you know that there is NO MENTION AT ALL in the Bible against lesbianism? The only thing that the Bible really specifies is no sodomy, which means anal sex.

This is God's standard. Anything that deviates from it is not permissable, including lesbianism:

Mark 10:6"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'[a] 7'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8and the two will become one flesh.'[c] So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

And sodomy doesn't just mean anal sex

Sodomy: term of religious origin referring to oral or anal sexual intercourse between persons or sexual intercourse between a person and an animal.

Sodomy: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex

Sodomy: anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.
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I love how all the bigots in this thread scream racism anytime they get what they give. Somehow you think calling someone a ****** is worse than calling someone a faggot? I don't think so.

As Shogun said, your sorry asses don't corner the market on discrimination. I'm not a fan of hateful remarks, but I understand where Shogun is coming from. You get what you give, "dark spot."
I love how all the bigots in this thread scream racism anytime they get what they give. Somehow you think calling someone a ****** is worse than calling someone a faggot? I don't think so.

As Shogun said, your sorry asses don't corner the market on discrimination. I'm not a fan of hateful remarks, but I understand where Shogun is coming from. You get what you give, "dark spot."

Trying fight what one perceives as "hate" with racist hate to make a point is retarded, especially considering Shogun's statement that any black who doesn't agree with gay marriage is a ******, how in the hell is any one promoting or being a hatemonger for not agreeing with gay marriage, especially when it is there religious beliefs that dictate such things? Christians and we who follow the Bible are held to the standards of what is acceptable to society but are held to what the Word of God says, so when you hate us you hate the Word, who Jesus and when you hate Jesus you hate He who sent Him into world, God the Father, as simple as that.
Are you kidding me? I can already afford rims without having to rob a liquor store, dude. Trust me, no one on this forum is jealous of a schizophrenic, negrocentric ghetto fabulous malcom x wannabe. for real, i'll go buy real cheese with REAL money, dude.

Let Mr Bass make another thing clear to you jackass, Mr bass has the balls and courage to stand up anywhere, anytime and say he does not agree with gay marriage based on his religious principles, in front of anybody. You "Mr I'm not racist" do not have the balls and or courage to stand up in front of a group of black people call them ******* if they do not accept gay marriage because you know would get a beat down and you act of trying to use racism as a means of countering those of us blacks who don't accept gay marriage would not hold up.
Trying fight what one perceives as "hate" with racist hate to make a point is retarded, especially considering Shogun's statement that any black who doesn't agree with gay marriage is a ******, how in the hell is any one promoting or being a hatemonger for not agreeing with gay marriage, especially when it is there religious beliefs that dictate such things? Christians and we who follow the Bible are held to the standards of what is acceptable to society but are held to what the Word of God says, so when you hate us you hate the Word, who Jesus and when you hate Jesus you hate He who sent Him into world, God the Father, as simple as that.

And the Bible was used by some to keep you pickin' cotton.

Fortunately, it didn't work.

But disagreeing with someone's actions because of your religion is fine. But your religion, one we share, does not teach you to hate; that is exactly what you are doing.
And the Bible was used by some to keep you pickin' cotton.

Fortunately, it didn't work.

But disagreeing with someone's actions because of your religion is fine. But your religion, one we share, does not teach you to hate; that is exactly what you are doing.

The Bible says NOTHING about *BLACKS* specifically having to be slaves however it does state without fail that homosexuality is a sin, period. You are using the standard of white racists as justification for something, not the Bible itself. Being against the homosexual lifestyle and gay marriage is not hate you retarded moron, and no where here has Mr Bass promoted hate, he even stated to Sunni Man that he was wrong saying that gays should be stoned and killed. Disagreeing with a lifestyle is *NOT* hate, point out where the hate is at jackass, using your logic a parent who chastise their child for doing something is a hater. The logic is hate the sin itself, not the person, if a relative of the Bass' kills someone, Mr Bass can hate the fact that his relative killed someone[the sin of killing itself] without hating the relative. What is there not to understand about that retard? The "if you don't accept homosexuality you hate the gay person" argument is illogical.
The Bible says NOTHING about *BLACKS* specifically having to be slaves however it does state without fail that homosexuality is a sin, period. You are using the standard of white racists as justification for something, not the Bible itself.

I'm simply stating a fact: the Bible can and has been contorted to fit personal biases.

Being against the homosexual lifestyle and gay marriage is not hate you retarded moron, and no where here has Mr Bass promoted hate, he even stated to Sunni Man that he was wrong saying that gays should be stoned and killed. Disagreeing with a lifestyle is *NOT* hate, point out where the hate is at jackass, using your logic a parent who chastise their child for doing something is a hater. The logic is hate the sin itself, not the person, if a relative of the Bass' kills someone, Mr Bass can hate the fact that his relative killed someone[the sin of killing itself] without hating the relative. What is there not to understand about that retard? The "if you don't accept homosexuality you hate the gay person" argument is illogical.

You're being hateful right now, niglet. You've repeatedly referred to homosexuals in a derogatory manner, and you know it. Your ardent opposition to homosexuality is rather absurd, because no one sin is worse than another. Had you actually read the Bible, you might have known that.

You claim there are no black sodomites in Mississippi, yet if your niglet wife has ever given you a blow job, you're both sodomites, darky. You laud African'ts like Idi Amin who fucking killed people!!!

You're the biggest hypocrite here, Angus. You scream racism anytime someone gives you a dose of your own medicine.

How monumentally indicative of farm equipment.

Look here, Billy Reuben, if you want to express a particular distaste for the homosexual lifestyle, fine. But you don't have to be hateful about it, Lips.

Go preach your hate and bigotry elsewhere, Cargo.
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I'm simply stating a fact: the Bible can and has been contorted to fit personal biases.

That people twist the Bible doesn't mean the Bible is wrong, thats on the people who twist it. When people say homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so, thats not twisting the Bible, its states so in the Bible unequivocally and very clearly.

You're being hateful right now, niglet. You've repeatedly referred to homosexuals in a derogatory manner, and you know it. Your ardent opposition to homosexuality is rather absurd, because no one sin is worse than another. Had you actually read the Bible, you might have known that.

niglet?? Mr Bass is too smooth to respond to flame bait insults, that will not work any more. Mr Bass has never stated that homosexuality and or any other sin in more or less worse than another, all sin is sin. If you want to oppose the Bas try addressing things he actually has said instead of chewing on straws. If you read the Bible you would understand why Mr Bass opposes homosexuality and the gay lifestyle, which is based solely on gay sex acts.

You claim there are no black sodomites in Mississippi, yet if your niglet wife has ever given you a blow job, you're both sodomites, darky. You laud African'ts like Idi Amin who fucking killed people!!!

For one, Mr Bass has no wife and sodomites are homosexuals who outright live that lifestyle openly. There are no black sodomites that the Bass knows of in Mississippi. Again, your flame bait posts will not get the desired effect. You support religious zealots like Huckabee as a potential saviour for the GOP yet you're sitting here trying to lecture the Bass about people twisting the bible and Bible toting bigotry? What a hypocrite.

You're the biggest hypocrite here, Angus. You scream racism anytime someone gives you a dose of your own medicine.

Racism and being against the gay lifestyle because of religious reasons is not the same you idiot.
When you attack homosexuals the way you do; when you remain blissfully ignorant, attempting to wash away the "sins" of opposite-sex couples who engage in "immoral, sexual" congress so you can attack homosexuals without being hypocritical, you're being hateful. Period.

Hating someone for something they have no control over is comparable to racism, you putz.

sod⋅om⋅y   /ˈsɒdəmi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sod-uh-mee] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex. 2. copulation with a member of the same sex.
3. bestiality (def. 4).​
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When you attack homosexuals the way you do; when you remain blisfully ignorant, attempting to wash away the "sins" of opposite-sex couples who engage in "immoral sexual" congress just so you can attack homosexuals without being hypocritical, you're being hateful. Period. And it is the same as racism, you moron. You're hating someone because of a genetic predispostion.

Strawman, when did the Bass every say that sex immorality by heterosexuals is ok b ut only homosexuality is wrong you idiot? having to chew on straws again? There is no evidence of a genetic predisposition for being a sodomite, none. There is no gay gene, nothing.

sod⋅om⋅y   /ˈsɒdəmi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sod-uh-mee] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex. 2. copulation with a member of the same sex.
3. bestiality (def. 4).

Sodomite as define in the Bib le refers to homosexuals, the modern day meaning on the word is not the same as the biblical use of the word sodomite, you dumb sodomite.
[ame=]YouTube - More reasons why homosexuality IS WRONG[/ame]

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