Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Strawman, when did the Bass every say that sex immorality by heterosexuals is ok b ut only homosexuality is wrong you idiot? having to chew on straws again? There is no evidence of a genetic predisposition for being a sodomite, none. There is no gay gene, nothing.

You're rather ignorant, I have noticed.

I do believe I already posted evidence for my assertion on this matter. Please see the APA and National Geographic links, if your cognitive abilities will allow you to comprehend.

Sodomite as define in the Bib le refers to homosexuals, the modern day meaning on the word is not the same as the biblical use of the word sodomite, you dumb sodomite.

No, it isn't, you ignoramus. In Leviticus, the reference was to same-sex sodomy, but the definition of sodomy in the Bible is exactly the definition still in use today.

Is Heterosexual Sodomy A Sin? | The Purple Pew
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You're rather ignorant, I have noticed.

I do believe I already posted evidence for my assertion on this matter. Please see the APA and National Geographic links, if your cognitive abilities will allow you to comprehend.

The APA has *NO* position about so called genetic predisposition of homosexuality. They stated they don't know what causes it you moron, so you have not shown anything

No it isn't moron, please show in the bible that heterosexual sodomy exists in the Biblical sense of the word. Funny how your link come from a homo, LMAO!
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The APA has *NO* position about so called genetic predisposition of homosexuality. They stated they don't know what causes it you moron, so you have not shown anything.

The point, you moron, is that homosexuality is not a choice. The APA link, which talks about environment, coupled with the National Geographic link, which talks about an evolutionary impact, should be considered together. I mean, that's why I posted them together, you idiot.

Trying to explain anything to you people is like having sex on a bed of nails. The excitement - when you people finally catch on - is there still, but the process is painful.

No it isn't moron, please show in the bible that heterosexual sodomy exists in the Biblical sense of the word.

Read the page. Or, wait, can you folks read yet?
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The point, you moron, is that homosexuality is not a choice. The APA link, which talks about environment, coupled with the National Geographic link, which talks about an evolutionary impact, should be considered together. I mean, that's why I posted them together, you idiot.

Apparently you didn't read the APA link:

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality

What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?

There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.

Come on jackass, now what part of that do you not understand? And being gay is not the equal of being black again from your own APA[not as if the Bass needs their cosign for this anyways]:


Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as if it were solely a characteristic of an individual, like biological sex, gender identity, or age. This perspective is incomplete because sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others. People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, including such simple actions as holding hands or kissing. Thus, sexual orientation is closely tied to the intimate personal relationships that meet deeply felt needs for love, attachment, and intimacy.

Thus quit equating being against homosexuality the same as being against blacks.
You really are a dishonest and stupid fuck, aren't you?

Go back and read exactly what I said, then read this:

Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.​

Then, idiot, read the National Geographic link.

My point: The APA link was to show that homosexuality is not a conscious decision. And that a rather large percentage of psychologists believe nature and nurture are compelling things to be considered. Then we have the National Geographic link, thus amplifying my entire argument: Homosexuality is not a choice. Sort of like being black is not a choice....

Are you beginning to understand now? If not, read my point below.

The hatred and discrimination is what I'm comparing to racism, you blithering idiot. As I said, if you want to profess a certain distaste for homosexuality on religious grounds, that's certainly a right you possess. However, you do not have the right to be a bigot. As you know, I'm a big fan of Mike Huckabee. He, too, is against same-sex marriage and believes homosexuality is a sin. However, he doesn't focus on homosexuality alone. When he starts speaking religion, he encompasses many, many sins and acts inconsistent with God's teachings - you do not. You are here to profess hate and intolerance. That's my problem with you.

That and you're absurdly ignorant.
what do you think if next time we elect the first openly gay Arab-American president
with a history of paling around with porn stars
..that would be kind of cool...then we could really ..see some change
..mostly I played in bar bands. and busking. but drove bus and sold merch mostly for the fun of it ,,40 dollars a day presidium ..10% of the merch pizza and beer.. basically lived as a broke as musician from 1995 to 2OOO.. and did a couple of tours of about 2 months
I thought that was a reference to the end times.

It is.

Hey, did you see Newt's latest comments? What an asshole he is. What a uniter. :lol:

"I think there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it. I think that it is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion." Gingrich also stated: "[W]hen the radicals lost the vote in California, they are determined to impose their will on this country no matter what the popular opinion, no matter what the law of the land."

Media Matters - Gingrich: "[T]here is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us"
PS. Republicans are fascists. But, one of the techniques they use to take such labels off themselves is to use it when they describe their enemies.

I believe they called the people we are fighting in Iraq fascists and now they are calling gays fascists? That's funny.

Read this and tell me if the GOP aren't fascists. George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism - Project for the OLD American Century

The GOP, or, neocons? And I think calling them fascist is a little much. And I don't care what Mikey has to say.

Anyway, as for what Newt said, he was actually, and unfortunately, correct.

Married to the Mob by Michelle Malkin on National Review Online
"I think there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it. I think that it is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion." Gingrich also stated: "[W]hen the radicals lost the vote in California, they are determined to impose their will on this country no matter what the popular opinion, no matter what the law of the land."
This statement is 100% true.

The homos have a fascist gay agenda that they want the American public to bow down and accept. The demonstrations in California and other places have shown that the radical homos are NO different than the nazis. They don't care about the Constitution, democracy, or anything else. All these sick degenerates want is to turn the country into another Sodom and Gommorah. Where straights will be considered mentally defective and children of any age can be used for sex.
This statement is 100% true.

The homos have a fascist gay agenda that they want the American public to bow down and accept. The demonstrations in California and other places have shown that the radical homos are NO different than the nazis. They don't care about the Constitution, democracy, or anything else. All these sick degenerates want is to turn the country into another Sodom and Gommorah. Where straights will be considered mentally defective and children of any age can be used for sex.

Well Sucking Moron, you've demonstrated that you'd like nothing better than to go back to slavery, so WTF?

By the way, how's that Holocaust research coming? Did ya prove it's a hoax yet, or are you going to start to understand it was real?
Well Sucking Moron, you've demonstrated that you'd like nothing better than to go back to slavery, so WTF?

By the way, how's that Holocaust research coming? Did ya prove it's a hoax yet, or are you going to start to understand it was real?
Let's try to keep this thread on topic ABikerSailor.
Let's try to keep this thread on topic ABikerSailor.

Fuck off jackass.......this thread is about assholes like you discriminating against others, and, based on what you've posted, ya got a start on your own plantation and you hate Jews.

How is that off topic?
Well Sucking Moron, you've demonstrated that you'd like nothing better than to go back to slavery, so WTF?

By the way, how's that Holocaust research coming? Did ya prove it's a hoax yet, or are you going to start to understand it was real?

Hlocaust is another topic in another forum entirely.. Let's try to keep it on topic, and the insults to a minimum so the thread doesn't have to be snipped and/or moved a second or third time.

This statement is 100% true.

The homos have a fascist gay agenda that they want the American public to bow down and accept. The demonstrations in California and other places have shown that the radical homos are NO different than the nazis. They don't care about the Constitution, democracy, or anything else. All these sick degenerates want is to turn the country into another Sodom and Gommorah. Where straights will be considered mentally defective and children of any age can be used for sex.

No, you don't care about the constitution. You prove it by denying gays equal rights.

And the GOP have a fascist agenda that they want the American public to bow down and accept. They demonstrated that for 8 years and they showed that they are no different than the NAZI's.

I guess Lincoln didn't care about democracy when he freed the slaves. If he did, he would have put it to a vote. Sometimes mob rules does not work. Sometimes the masses are wrong.

That sodom and gamora thing you just said is just rediculous. What else besides sodomy were people who lived in sodom and gamora times doing that god didn't approve of? How come you anti gay bashers always ignore the sins you do and you focus on the sins you don't do? You probably lie, are mean, lust, etc. Why don't you focus on your own demons? Fucking freaks.

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