Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

I also don't know any rapists, child molesters, or murderers!! :cool:

You are a racist. No question about it. It's just not socially acceptable so you hide it. This is the last place you can say such horrible vile ignorant things.

Anyone this mad about gays secretly wants to suck dick. Later Mr. Foley or Mr. Craig or whatever your real name is.

PS. Not only do you know a murderer, you voted for one. GW.
Slightly off topic Sucking Moron, but, you JUST SAID that you are not racist.

Okey dokey......tell us all again how the Holocaust is a hoax.

Back to the subject at hand? Listen moron, God told us to love one another.

He didn't specify gender.
For the 900th time. The Jews are part of a religion, Not a race.

I personally don't love rapists, murderers, or child molesters either.

God calls sodomites an abomination in the Bible and says they should be put to death. (Sounds like he isn't too fond of them).

I agree with God!! :eusa_angel:
For the 900th time. The Jews are part of a religion, Not a race.

I personally don't love rapists, murderers, or child molesters either.

God calls sodomites an abomination in the Bible and says they should be put to death. (Sounds like he isn't too fond of them).

I agree with God!! :eusa_angel:

No, you agree with your twisted, sad, narrow conception of your perception of God.

And yes.....the Jews ARE a race. Why do you think they called it "genocide" during WWII? Genocide only applies to wiping out a race dumbass.

BTW....where did you get your degree to become The Rapist, a crackerjack box?
indeed, because you are known for your insult-less rants about gays, eh oil slick? Like I said, you might want to reconsider your "everyone is afraid of gathered blacks" opinion given whose people have been dominated by whom for longer than you've enjoyed freedom, you fucking John Deer Tractor 1.0. If you can't take the hateful nomenclature then perhaps you should put down the crack pipe and reconsider your outlook on America's gay population. If not, hey.. it's no skin off my back, Toby.

Bottom line jackass, your insults don't constitute a counter argument and or an opposing opinion, it just demonstrates how weak, pathetic, sissified and homofied you are.
No, you agree with your twisted, sad, narrow conception of your perception of God.
This is in the Bible and is said to be the word of God:

KJV: (King James Version) Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

Do you deny this is in the Bible ABikerSailor?
This is in the Bible and is said to be the word of God:

KJV: (King James Version) Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

Do you deny this is in the Bible ABikerSailor?

Jesus fulfilled the law. No more killing.
This is in the Bible and is said to be the word of God:

KJV: (King James Version) Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

Do you deny this is in the Bible ABikerSailor?

Like I said, WTF is a muslim doing quoting a Christian book?

Or.....are you a poser Islamist as well?

And....since you claim to be a Muslim, then please explain why you are using a book from the OT that is a manual for JEWISH PRIESTS?
By the way....for your edification Sucking Moron The Rapist, lemmie clue ya in to the book you're quoting......

Leviticus (from Greek Λευιτικός, "relating to the Levites"). In Judaism it is third book of the Torah which are the five books of Moses, its transliteration is 'Vayikra'. In the Christian bible it is also the third book of what is referred to as the Old Testament.

The Book of Leviticus is often described as a set of legal rules, and priestly rituals, but it actually forms the central core of a larger narrative - the Torah or Pentateuch. More accurately, therefore, Leviticus is about the outworking of God's covenant with Israel, set out in Genesis and Exodus - what is seen in the Torah as the consequences of entering into a special relationship with God. These consequences are spelt out in terms of community relationships and behaviour.

The first 16 chapters and the last chapter of the book describe the Priestly Code, detailing ritual cleanliness, sin-offerings, and the Day of Atonement, including Chapter 12 which mandates male circumcision. Chapters 17-26 describe the holiness code, including the injunction in chapter 19 to "love one's neighbor as oneself" (the Great Commandment). Among its many prohibitions, the book uses the word "abomination" 16 times, including dietary restrictions prohibiting shellfish, certain fowl, and "Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination"(chapter 11); and sexual restrictions, prohibiting adultery, incest, and lying "with mankind, as with womankind" (chapter 18, see also chapter 20); the book similarly prohibits eating pork and rabbits because they are "unclean animals." The rules in Leviticus are generally addressed to the descendants of Israel, except for example the prohibition in chapter 20 against sacrificing children to rival god Molech, which applies equally to "the strangers that sojourn in Israel", see also proselytes.

According to tradition, Moses authored Leviticus[1] as well as the other four books of the Torah. According to the documentary hypothesis, Leviticus derives almost entirely from the priestly source (P), marked by emphasis on priestly concerns, composed c 550-400 BC, and incorporated into the Torah c 400 BC.

And since you probably don't know what a Levite is.......

In the Jewish tradition, a Levite (Hebrew: לֵוִי, Standard Levi Tiberian Lēwî ; "Attached") is a member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi. When Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, the Levites were the only Israelite tribe who received cities but no tribal land "because the Lord the God of Israel himself is their possession".[1] The Tribe of Levi served particular religious duties for the Israelites and had political responsibilities as well. In return, the landed tribes were expected to give tithe to the Levites, particularly the tithe known as the Maaser Rishon or Levite Tithe.

So......let me ask you again......what is a Muslim doing trying to quote a book that was written as a manual for the priestly class of Israel? If your fellow Muslims saw what you were doing, they would either stone or behead you.
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And no Sucking Moron The Rapist Idiot.....your religion does NOT revere the Torah or the Bible. They say it's corrupt.

Or do you not even know your own religion?
And no Sucking Moron The Rapist Idiot.....your religion does NOT revere the Torah or the Bible. They say it's corrupt.
To be specific, Muslims believe in both the Torah and the Gospels.

But any parts of the Torah or Gospels that conflict with the Quran are to be disreguarded.

Because over the centuries many verses of the Torah and Gospels were changed or tampered with for political reasons. Rendering them to be scripturally corrupt and false.
Shows how much you know about the Torah, The Rapist.

The written Torah is the same as it was 3,500 years ago.

It's your religion that is bullshit.
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