Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

1 out of 10,000........keep trying you may break even.

Now say it with me, gays are not bad, and the Holocaust occurred.

C'mon The Rapist, you can do it.

homosexuality is bad and those who support gay sex acts are bad, no you say it with the Bass.
Sorry, but I can not tell a lie :eusa_hand:

You did earlier dipstick........remember when you said that Fred Phelps and his Westboro church had good information on gays?

That was a lie.

Sucking Moron The Rapist, please don't try to pawn yourself off as George Washington either.
Not a lie, just a difference of opinion. I think they tell the truth about sodomites.

Either you're (a) in denial, (b) uninformed or (c) too stupid to be allowed to breathe. My money is on "c".

Ever eaten pussy? Ever gotten a blowjob? If so, you're a sodomite also idiot.

At least, according to YOUR false religion.
That's news to me?

But I am open to learning new information.

Please provide evidence of this from Islamic scriptures.

Thank You

Cant have it both ways :ahole-1:, you've been arguing it from a Christian standpoint with Bible verses. What? You expect me to know YOUR religion also? Nope.....know enough about it to know it is a full-fledged lie. Besides, I kinda doubt YOU could find 'em either, seeing as you don't know shit about Christianity either. started arguing it from a Christian standpoint, and according to Christians, sodomy is defined as anything other than vaginal sex, missionary style. If your wife is on top? Well...according to Christianity, that's sodomy also.

Try again.

Keep the insults confined to Sunni Man, rather than spreading them around to his family.
i'll keep that in mind the next time you make a contentious argument here in the forums. I'm betting you do not have the consensus of your ovarian sisterhood.

You know who needs a consensus? People who are too chickenshit to stand for their beliefs on their own.

And feel free to try anything you think will work while arguing with me. Just remember that while women have PMS one week per month, men have testosterone poisoning 365 days a year. :)
You know who needs a consensus? People who are too chickenshit to stand for their beliefs on their own.

And feel free to try anything you think will work while arguing with me. Just remember that while women have PMS one week per month, men have testosterone poisoning 365 days a year. :)

your personal beliefs mean two things: jack and shit. Any questions?
your personal beliefs mean two things: jack and shit. Any questions?

Thats the same way the Bass feels about your trolling, insult filled posts, why you persist in making the same lame so-called counter argument[you hhaven't made on really] shows just how retarded you are. Even gays don't racially insult blacks who disagree with their lifestyle you know why? It totally invalidates whatever argument they're trying to make, since you're mentally retarded anyways its no surprise you don't see the fallaciousness in your own arguments.
Unfortunately, your generation is the one that fucked the world up.

"My generation"? And which generation is that, Junior? And if you're thinking the rivers ran with milk and honey until my alleged generation came along, that just goes to show how really ignorant and uneducated today's youth are.

Every other generation's goal is that the next generation does better than they do.

And they inevitably grow up and realize that an excess of arrogance and a lack of experience do not equate to a superiority of morality. In other words, you're no smarter, better, or more enlightened than any of the generations ahead of you, and probably less so than several of them, and you're going to do the exact same things everyone else did, and have to listen to the same uninformed bullshit from YOUR kids.

Unfortunately, that won't be possible for the generation that follows you because you sold America to foreigners and put us so far into debt, we had to take a giant step backward under your Bushanomics policies. In 8 years you destroyed what makes America great. Congrats.

Well, at least your generation has quickly mastered the "Make up excuses for our failure so that we don't have to do anything but bitch from the get-go" technique. Leftists didn't teach you twerp kids any history, but they sure taught you how to be wastes of space.

Sort of like you are the new Nixon's, only we got rid of Nixon. They fucked up the world with Viet Nam and it took Kennedy to fix the mess you got us in back then too.

Who is this "we" who got rid of Nixon? Unless I'm mistaken, you weren't around then, and if you were, I doubt you were a Republican. Those who learned history - aka those who didn't attend liberal public schools - know that it was the Republican Party that made Nixon resign.

Kennedy fixed WHAT mess? He wasn't President long enough to do anything. And by the way, dumbass, I believe Vietnam ended the same year I was born, so it sounds monumentally stupid for you to talk about "my generation" and then clearly reveal that you have no frigging clue how old I even am. Why don't you blame me for slavery and the Great Depression, while you're at it?

Think about how you or your parents thought Elvis girating was too much. See how out of the loop you turned out to be? You can't stop the youth from changing. They'll never want to be like you. And typically, they want to be better than you. They rarely want to take a step backward.

Ah, yes. Those people were so wrong about the immorality of popular music. It CERTAINLY wasn't any slippery slope leading to singers parading around in bondage gear on-stage, or satanic lyrics, or rap music glorifying the objectification of women and the killing of police officers . . . Whatever could they have been thinking?

Why would I want to stop you from changing? Like all adults, I'm PRAYING for you to do it quickly, so I don't have to keep listening to your hot air. I just thank God I'm not your parents, so I don't have to pay your bills while you pontificate on your wonderfulness.

That's why the moral minority makes me sick. No one wants America to be liek they want America to be. Sure some people want to teach intelligent design in school, but most want to teach evolution. Sure some want to only teach abstenance only, but then that doesn't work. Sure some of you want to ban video games and kick howard stern off the air, but then most of us want the choice and freedom to watch what we want and play what we want. Sure some of you are anti pot and anti gambling, but all that stuff is changing.

You flatter yourself to think that the childish nonsense that so obsesses your little high school brain matters a hill of beans to the grown-up world. My biggest problem with video games is how many of your generation seems to think it's an adequate substitute for getting a job and moving out of Mommy's basement.

We are becoming more and more liberal with each generation. Sure we took a couple steps back under Bush, but that was not how the majority of Americans feel and not what we want.

LOL Pull your head out of your navel-gazing, little one. ALL children like you are liberal . . . until they become adults. Just because you're the future of America doesn't mean you're America NOW.

Only an arrogant, self-absorbed child could look at a nation of 300,000,000 people and think that he represents all of them.

Conservatives want to stay the same. It is natural for the youth to be progressive and liberal. And it scares you.

It doesn't scare me for children to be inexperienced, moronic twerps. That's what they're designed for. What scares me is how many of you think childhood is a life choice.
Because they know right from wrong.

Do you lick your wife from her ass to her poontang? Because I know some christians who think you and I are perverts for doing that? Especially at the same time. :lol:

Why do we give tax breaks to married couples that don't have kids? If you won't give gay couples the tax breaks because they don't have kids, then take away the breaks to liza minelli and her queer husband.

All right, little boy. Run along now, because the grown-ups are talking, and you should really save your "Look how foul-mouthed and offensive I can be! Boy, am I impressive!" rebellion rant for your family's Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not your momma, and I see no reason to put up with the faulty job she did in teaching you manners.

Thats the same way the Bass feels about your trolling, insult filled posts, why you persist in making the same lame so-called counter argument[you hhaven't made on really] shows just how retarded you are. Even gays don't racially insult blacks who disagree with their lifestyle you know why? It totally invalidates whatever argument they're trying to make, since you're mentally retarded anyways its no surprise you don't see the fallaciousness in your own arguments.

I guess it's fortunate for me that even less people give a fuck about your opinion of my posts than they do about your entire forum input since your first day here, eh?


NOW you speak for GAYS, eh? :lol: Indeed, darkjuice, tell me more about how throwing insults around invalidates an argument with another insult steeped post!



Did you know that there is NO MENTION AT ALL in the Bible against lesbianism? The only thing that the Bible really specifies is no sodomy, which means anal sex.

The heteros having anal are much more wrong than the lesbians who are doing 69.

Sorry, but you're wrong on both counts. That cute little attempt at hairsplitting only works on people who don't know what words mean. Lesbians are, by definition, homosexuals. Go look it up. And the Bible specifically mentions homosexuality, not just sodomy and not just male homosexuality. It even specifically mentions women in regards to "unnatural sexual acts".

So don't even try it on with me.

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