Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

By the way Sucking Moron The Rapist,

Have you ever listened to a lecture by an Orthodox Rabbi about the Torah? I do regularly. Ever been at a lecture given by a genuine Torah Scholar? I have, and do frequently.

Obviously you know as much about that as you do about the Holocaust.
Have you ever listened to a lecture by an Orthodox Rabbi about the Torah? I do regularly. Ever been at a lecture given by a genuine Torah Scholar? I have, and do frequently.
Yes, I have been to the Synagogue many times and have participated in the High Holy Days and Passover services.

btw How can you know so much about your religion and yet call people names and act the rabid way you do?? :confused:
Homosexual activists in California have roughed up an elderly woman who believes in traditional marriage.

During protests over the past several days, homosexuals angry about the passage of Proposition 8, which reserves marriage licenses for a man and a woman, have hurled the N-word against black persons walking by, marched through police blockades, pounded on doors of businesses, and protested outside churches.

The dramatic coverage was on Palm Springs' KPSP CBS 2, of 69-year-old Phyllis Burgess being assaulted, shouted at, spit at, and her cross destroyed by homosexual activists on November 7, 2008. At the urging of police, Burgess is pressing charges.

"This screaming and shouting, name-calling and pushing by homosexual activists is not unlike a small child throwing a fit because he doesn't get his way," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California-based pro-family organization that supports marriage for one man and one woman. "The public is getting a clue that homosexual activists don't like democracy and are willing to trample anyone and anything that gets in their way."

"How is it that those who demand tolerance from others are so intolerant of the people's vote to reserve marriage for a man and a woman?" asked Thomasson. "It looks like the No on 8 activists could use some diversity training. Homosexuals are demonstrating their intense intolerance against people of faith, people of color, and anyone who believes in real marriage between a man and a woman."

"Most people are appalled by the violent, in-your-face behavior of homosexual activists," said Thomasson. "This is very different from the peaceful marches of Martin Luther King, Jr. Of course, it has to be different. Then, people of color were asking for natural civil rights; today, homosexual a - GAY ACTIVISTS ROUGH UP ELDERLY WOMAN, USE N-WORD: Incident happened at recent protest of Prop 8 passage.
Two consenting adults engaging in homosexual acts does not harm anyone - period.

Bullcrap. You are not just complaining about homosexuality you are talking about marriage here. That is the problem. Homosexuality is not discriminated, but defining it as marriage is a different thing.
The true violent and fascist nature of these radical homos is finally being seen up close by the public!!
Yes, I have been to the Synagogue many times and have participated in the High Holy Days and Passover services.

btw How can you know so much about your religion and yet call people names and act the rabid way you do?? :confused:

How can you claim to be such a devout man (who supposedly believes in what the Torah has also), yet claim the Holocaust didn't exist.

Tell ya what there brain surgeon, next time you go to Temple, tell your Jewish friends that the Holocaust was a hoax.

I give 'em 5 min before they beat you to death.

Sucking Moron, The Rapist Extraordinaire, you're so full of shit you could supply a fertilizer factory.
I also don't know any rapists, child molesters, or murderers!! :cool:
Do you work for one of those groups that "cures" gays? You've said several times you work in the mental health field in Boston.
How can you claim to be such a devout man (who supposedly believes in what the Torah has also), yet claim the Holocaust didn't exist.

Tell ya what there brain surgeon, next time you go to Temple, tell your Jewish friends that the Holocaust was a hoax.
Some of the most out spoken denyers of the Holohoax are Jews.

I had no idea that one of the signs of a devout man is belief in the so called Holocaust?
The true violent and fascist nature of these radical homos is finally being seen up close by the public!!
"This screaming and shouting, name-calling and pushing by homosexual activists is not unlike a small child throwing a fit because he doesn't get his way," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California-based pro-family organization that supports marriage for one man and one woman. "The public is getting a clue that homosexual activists don't like democracy and are willing to trample anyone and anything that gets in their way." :clap2: :clap2:
Some of the most out spoken denyers of the Holohoax are Jews.

I had no idea that one of the signs of a devout man is belief in the so called Holocaust?

Some of the most outspoken DENIERS of the Holocaust are Jews?

Yeah.....find one that has a family member who went through it or went through it themselves. You'll be lucky if they don't shoot you. And by the way, it's not so much the Jews as it is the offshoot called the Zionists.

Not as smart as you thought you were eh The Rapist Sucking Moron?

And....the sign of a devout man is that they always look for, and speak, the truth.

You on the other hand don't.

Wish I had the address of your practice. I'd like to turn you in for being a bigot and a racist.
By the way Sucking Moron The Rapist,

Have you ever listened to a lecture by an Orthodox Rabbi about the Torah? I do regularly. Ever been at a lecture given by a genuine Torah Scholar? I have, and do frequently.

Obviously you know as much about that as you do about the Holocaust.

Why dos the opposition insist on trolling with insults?

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