Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Mr Bass never hates but always gets hated on, so much jealousy, hate and envy the Bass gets from his enemies. When you're simply the best thing alive in the world thats the price one pays.

what the hell is there to be jealous of? :lol: Dude, I don't WANT to live off of food stamps and fat back.

When you're simply the best thing alive in the world thats the price one pays.


yea, dude.. you keep thinking that.

Actually, as a woman, I don't see anything sexist about pointing out that menstrual periods make women really grouchy and bitchy. It's a legitimate medical condition that can be treated by a doctor. Hell, most gynecologists have brochures on the subject.

My husband said the other day that PMS and pregnancy and the subsequent hormonal upheavals they cause are proof that women should never be allowed to be in charge of anything other than making babies and caring for them. I responded with, "That only works if men get off their lazy asses and provide for women properly so they don't HAVE to work."

i'll keep that in mind the next time you make a contentious argument here in the forums. I'm betting you do not have the consensus of your ovarian sisterhood.
what the hell is there to be jealous of? :lol: Dude, I don't WANT to live off of food stamps and fat back.

When you're simply the best thing alive in the world thats the price one pays.


yea, dude.. you keep thinking that.


You want to be as good as the Bass so bad yet because you can't you wish to bring him down to your level. You aren't the only jealous angry white male who hates on the Bass, lol.
Ah, the arrogance of youth. "We are so much better and more evolved than you, and we've come up with all these wonderful new ideas you never thought of." Uh huh.

I just console myself with the thought that my parents' generation had to put up with us when WE were obnoxious, know-it-all, conceited brats, and we got over it, too.

Unfortunately, your generation is the one that fucked the world up. Every other generation's goal is that the next generation does better than they do. Unfortunately, that won't be possible for the generation that follows you because you sold America to foreigners and put us so far into debt, we had to take a giant step backward under your Bushanomics policies. In 8 years you destroyed what makes America great. Congrats.

Sort of like you are the new Nixon's, only we got rid of Nixon. They fucked up the world with Viet Nam and it took Kennedy to fix the mess you got us in back then too.

Think about how you or your parents thought Elvis girating was too much. See how out of the loop you turned out to be? You can't stop the youth from changing. They'll never want to be like you. And typically, they want to be better than you. They rarely want to take a step backward.

That's why the moral minority makes me sick. No one wants America to be liek they want America to be. Sure some people want to teach intelligent design in school, but most want to teach evolution. Sure some want to only teach abstenance only, but then that doesn't work. Sure some of you want to ban video games and kick howard stern off the air, but then most of us want the choice and freedom to watch what we want and play what we want. Sure some of you are anti pot and anti gambling, but all that stuff is changing.

We are becoming more and more liberal with each generation. Sure we took a couple steps back under Bush, but that was not how the majority of Americans feel and not what we want.

Conservatives want to stay the same. It is natural for the youth to be progressive and liberal. And it scares you.
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So you think that for the youth to start packing each others fudge is a huge step in progressive and liberal evolution!!!! :lol:

Yes, matter of fact I do. I think it is great that they don't have to hide who they are. I think it's great you can't fire them for being gay. You can't kill/hurt them for being gay.

So Sunni, is all this talk making you horny? Do you want me to cum pack your fudge?

Because the youth aren't packing fudge. They're just more acceptable of people who do like to pack it.

But if letting gays marry and have health insurance is making you horny, I guess I can bend you over. If you really want me to. :lol:
Why is the youth so hung up on protecting sick homosexual perverts?

Because if you aren't picking on them, you are picking on Muslims, or blacks, or mexicans, or jews, or women, or poor people.

Why are people your age so racist? Why would it bother you if your son or daughter came home with a black boyfriend?

The kids now a days don't have the baggage you have. They weren't brainwashed by your parents, who are even less evolved than you. You are better than your parents. Not quite where you need to be, but more than your parents.

To your parents, you are a liberal. Or, you have become more conservative in your old age maybe? I don't know. I'd have to know more about you.

But I know all the shit people like you said about gays are not true. They won't make me gay, they haven't ruined marriage, and to be honest, the bible was used back in the 60's to show that God didn't approve of that either, so I really don't buy what the bible says.

And every gay community is a successful community. Your home values go down when theirs goes up.

So they aren't bothering anyone. They aren't throwing it in your face.

Let's just say, I know I am right on this one and I know you old timers are wrong. You old timers are never right when it comes to shit like this.

It isn't the end of society. It is just the beginning. Gays get to be gay and you and I can be straight. And no one bothers the other for being who they are. And we all get equal rights.

YOu can't marry a dog, your brother or a dead man, so don't use those tired arguments on me either. :lol:
Why is the youth so hung up on protecting sick homosexual perverts?

Because they know right from wrong.

Do you lick your wife from her ass to her poontang? Because I know some christians who think you and I are perverts for doing that? Especially at the same time. :lol:

Why do we give tax breaks to married couples that don't have kids? If you won't give gay couples the tax breaks because they don't have kids, then take away the breaks to liza minelli and her queer husband.
You want to be as good as the Bass so bad yet because you can't you wish to bring him down to your level. You aren't the only jealous angry white male who hates on the Bass, lol.

Are you kidding me? I can already afford rims without having to rob a liquor store, dude. Trust me, no one on this forum is jealous of a schizophrenic, negrocentric ghetto fabulous malcom x wannabe. for real, i'll go buy real cheese with REAL money, dude.
Are you kidding me? I can already afford rims without having to rob a liquor store, dude. Trust me, no one on this forum is jealous of a schizophrenic, negrocentric ghetto fabulous malcom x wannabe. for real, i'll go buy real cheese with REAL money, dude.

Brie or Roquefort?
Well.....let's look at the facts.......

You were a white christian that failed in their faith, and converted to Islam, and married a black woman. You have an unnatural fascination with the Bass, who is black, and you've got an arrogant attitude.

Sounds like a "massa" to me.
Actually, it wouldn't bother me a bit. Seeing how my daughter is half black. :eusa_angel:

I'm willing to bet most anti gay people don't know any gay people. Not enough to care about them. I do. And I don't care that they like butt sex. That's there thing.

I bet I'd be surprised to be a fly on your wall you freak. :lol:

The fact is, there is no such thing as normal. People you would least expect do some pretty crazy shit. We just don't know about it. And we should't. Unfortunately, gay couples can't hide their freakyness because you just know that they are having butt sex and man on man oral, and to you that's wrong. But to them it's not. Live and let live.

And I never mind lesbo sex. Do you? Be honest.

What about your straight neighbors who only have butt sex and don't have any kids? Oh that's none of your business? EXACTLY!!
I'm willing to bet most anti gay people don't know any gay people. Not enough to care about them. I do. And I don't care that they like butt sex. That's there thing.

I bet I'd be surprised to be a fly on your wall you freak. :lol:

The fact is, there is no such thing as normal. People you would least expect do some pretty crazy shit. We just don't know about it. And we should't. Unfortunately, gay couples can't hide their freakyness because you just know that they are having butt sex and man on man oral, and to you that's wrong. But to them it's not. Live and let live.

And I never mind lesbo sex. Do you? Be honest.

What about your straight neighbors who only have butt sex and don't have any kids? Oh that's none of your business? EXACTLY!!

Did you know that there is NO MENTION AT ALL in the Bible against lesbianism? The only thing that the Bible really specifies is no sodomy, which means anal sex.

The heteros having anal are much more wrong than the lesbians who are doing 69.

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