Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Hunh? There's no such thing as the "end of days". What part of that do you not get? First, there is the current time we are in, then, Yeshua comes back and brings in the World to Come, which means a joining of Heaven and Earth, whereupon Earth becomes part of Heaven.

Ya gotta read to the end of the book dude.

Deuteronomy 4:30 "When you are in distress and all these things have come upon you, in the end of days you will return to the LORD your God and listen to His voice. Wake-up and sm sm smell the coffee puke deck...
End of days, last days, end of time, etc.,etc.....
Deuteronomy 31:29 for I have known that after my death ye do very corruptly, and have turned aside out of the way which I commanded you, and evil hath met you in the latter end of the days, because ye do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, to make Him angry with the work of your hands.'
Want more or ya wanna host that smokewagon boy....
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Hunh? There's no such thing as the "end of days". What part of that do you not get? First, there is the current time we are in, then, Yeshua comes back and brings in the World to Come, which means a joining of Heaven and Earth, whereupon Earth becomes part of Heaven.

Ya gotta read to the end of the book dude.

Well the folks that believe that this is all tied to the wrath of god sure seem to believe in Armageddon.
Hunh? There's no such thing as the "end of days". What part of that do you not get? First, there is the current time we are in, then, Yeshua comes back and brings in the World to Come, which means a joining of Heaven and Earth, whereupon Earth becomes part of Heaven.

Ya gotta read to the end of the book dude.

You remain an idiot. I really wish you'd study a little before you attempt to take on people in discussions about the bible. You're confusing your own idiotic imaginings and mixing it up with the slight understanding of the bible.

Jesus will come and battle with Satan and the demons and usher in 1000 years of peace on earth. That's not exactly a joining of Heaven and Earth, nor will Earth become a part of heaven. Jesus will rule ON EARTH during that time.
Well the folks that believe that this is all tied to the wrath of god sure seem to believe in Armageddon.

Armageddon is a place.
The Apocolypse is an occurrence. I'm assuming you meant Apocolypse.

Which is "the revealing" and is used to refer to Christ's return to earth.

Get your terms right, pseudo intellectual.

I love it when scoffers who have limited understanding of the bible pretend to know what the hell they're talking about.
Armageddon is a place.
The Apocolypse is an occurrence. I'm assuming you meant Apocolypse.

Which is "the revealing" and is used to refer to Christ's return to earth.

Get your terms right, pseudo intellectual.

I love it when scoffers who have limited understanding of the bible pretend to know what the hell they're talking about.
In the Valley of Megiddo, where human blood will be high as a horses bridle, Jesus the Christ Lion of the Tribe of Judha will BUST the skies like unto a massive sonic boom and the voice of a trumpet and the screach of an archangel and all of Satans armies will turn thier weapons on HIM only to fail impotently and their eyes will melt back into their heads and their tongues will stick to the roofs of their mouths and melt to a soulish blob of goo... and Jesus the Christ will reign with a rod of Iron for a 1000 years better known as post tribulation the 1000 year reign...
However 7 years pryor Christ will return to get his bride the Church this's known as pre-tribulation. 1 Thessalonians 4:17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
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Now watch the loons take all that and filter it through their retardo-hats, and produce ultra-crap.
You remain an idiot. I really wish you'd study a little before you attempt to take on people in discussions about the bible. You're confusing your own idiotic imaginings and mixing it up with the slight understanding of the bible.

Jesus will come and battle with Satan and the demons and usher in 1000 years of peace on earth. That's not exactly a joining of Heaven and Earth, nor will Earth become a part of heaven. Jesus will rule ON EARTH during that time.

You know AlwaysBabbling.....that is what the Christian version says, but, like everything else in this world, something gets lost in the translation.

You really ought to look into Jewish theology sometime. I mean, after all, that is where your group got their stuff from.

And, after Jesus comes back, yes, He will rule on this earth for 1,000 years, but, that is where you guys stop. In the Torah, after the 1,000 years, Heaven and Earth are joined.

If you're only checking into half of it, you miss a LOT.
Case in point.
Thanks for proving you wear a retardo hat and spew ultra crap, bud.

I bet you're just a peach in the sack, ain't ya?

Oh wait......I're divorced. Hmmm....explains a lot. He couldn't live with you either?
That's apropos of..what?

Oh, I know. You have nothing intelligent to say, so you revert to junior high insults. Pathetic even for you.
That's apropos of..what?

Oh, I know. You have nothing intelligent to say, so you revert to junior high insults. Pathetic even for you.

I'm not the one that started off with the tinfoil hat BITCH.

Or did you not remember what I quoted when I said that?

Ya know.....come to think of it.....I wouldn't fuck you for practice. I'd rather beat off with broken glass and nails.
You are really one sick guy!

And then you want to quote Torah and have people listen to you :cuckoo:

No asshole......I never said that I was anything other than a Biker Sailor. However.....just because I do things you may not approve of Sucking Moron, unlike you, I have an open mind.

Never failed as a Christian either asshole.

And.....when I'm attacked, I attack back, otherwise I'm pretty civil. Remember the thread of mind about Yeshua? Even though I felt like ripping you a new one, I didn't.

Armageddon is a place.
The Apocolypse is an occurrence. I'm assuming you meant Apocolypse.

Which is "the revealing" and is used to refer to Christ's return to earth.

Get your terms right, pseudo intellectual.

I love it when scoffers who have limited understanding of the bible pretend to know what the hell they're talking about.
Apocolypse is better known in theological circles as Mid or middle tribulation the judgements 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls.
These things will happen after the bride of Christ is removed these will never face GODs judgement 1 Thessalonians 4:17, the Apocolyptic events of Mid Tribulation the 7 Seals are broken in that they are open ended introductions of what's to come the 4 horseman of this event.
The 7 Trumpets(trumpets are devices used to call or warn) events are GODs warnings for mankind to change thru climatic and geological catastrophies some call these global warming or climate change or whatever the hell they calling it now, but man will not heed, but instead create a one world government.
The 7 Viles or Bowl(bowls , viles are used to contain liquid fully in this context) judgements are GODs no holds bar anger against unrepented man for the killing and beheading of HIS saints, could be anything from astrological catastrophies(astroids, meteors size of Hawaii) to everything in between and below...
In the end, the end of the 7 year tribulation or Apocolypse during the battle of Armageddon the anti-christ and the whole world will turn against Isreal after fighting one another over Isreali real estate the blood bath will be high as a horses bridle, then Christ will return and all nations will attempt to turn there weapons on Christ, nukes and all, but it will fail miserably and the Lion of the Tribe of Judha will wipe'm out in a flash of lightning in a twinkling of an eye its over... the anti-christ , the false prophet will be cast in the lake of that burns forever with fire and brimstone. Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit for a 1000 years this's better known as the millennial reign...Christ and the beleivers of all the ages will reign with HIM during this time...
After the 1000 year reign Satan will be losed for a short period of time to decieve once more, but in short will ultimately meet his demise Christ...At this point and time, time will be no more, Satan, the heavens, and the earth, are destroyed. Then comes the White THRONE JUDGEMENT the finale judgement of evil doers all the ages whom rejected GOD and HIS SON JESUS THE CHRIST...GOD will destroy the heavens and the earth and all things will be renewed, a new heaven and a new earth in one.. and so shall they be with GOD for eternity never more to be harrassed and harranged by evil forces again....
Actually the Bible does say that no man knoweth the hour nor the day of the return of Christ...
However Sir Issac Newton spent the last 20 years of his life calculating Jesus return, his calculations are the year 2060 so it could be anytime between now and 2060...
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I'm not the one that started off with the tinfoil hat BITCH.

Or did you not remember what I quoted when I said that?

Ya know.....come to think of it.....I wouldn't fuck you for practice. I'd rather beat off with broken glass and nails.

Oh please, let's talk tinfoil hats.

Care to share some of your musings about how you're Christ's little brother again, and how Noah was raped by his daughters...and how Christians only follow Christ because they expect miracles?

And please stop fantasizing about sex with me. While it's totally in character with your bizarro character, it's making me sick.
Oh please, let's talk tinfoil hats.

Care to share some of your musings about how you're Christ's little brother again, and how Noah was raped by his daughters...and how Christians only follow Christ because they expect miracles?

And please stop fantasizing about sex with me. While it's totally in character with your bizarro character, it's making me sick.

I said we ALL were.

Too bad you're His retarded little sister.

Pity. Really.
It would solve the homo problem very quickly!! :razz:

Sorry, while Mr. Bass disagrees with gay marriages and agrees that the homosexual lifestyle is sinful, disgusting, immoral and contra to the Bible, stoning and or killing homosexuals because of their immoral sexually deviant lifestyle is just as sinful as being gay itself. Man has no right to decide who gets killed and who dies, God is the only one that has that right and when the time comes homosexuals will reap the reward they have sown. Would you like it if gays went around putting people like you to death because you're Muslim? Think about that.
I'm kinda curious what has been going on with you Bass. First your avatar was Idi Amin who was a dictator of the worst variety, now, you've gone to having a big voluptuous woman. got tired of being in the closet and are now opening it a crack?
I'm kinda curious what has been going on with you Bass. First your avatar was Idi Amin who was a dictator of the worst variety, now, you've gone to having a big voluptuous woman. got tired of being in the closet and are now opening it a crack?

that woman in the avatar is Teena Marie, the only white woman the Bass would ever be interested in, if she was younger. Yu still dropping your drawers for the butt boys on the boat? LMAO!
oh how cute... The Bass lusting after a white chick.

now THAT novel.

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