Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Bass is a racist; he doesn't like white people. He just objectifies all women, and found a white one he likes.

bass isn't a racist for liking Teena Marie, if he was then millions of black fans of Teena Marie are racist. Find one post has put down white people.
This thread is full of faggots and faggot lovers who want to b fucked up the ass and like watching men get fucked up the ass. If you defend faggots you defend men fucking me up the asshole and ought to have you dick cut off and shoved up the faggot asses, you can have all the dick you want then.
bass isn't a racist for liking Teena Marie, if he was then millions of black fans of Teena Marie are racist. Find one post has put down white people.

Hey Bass. They were talking about the relationship between blacks and gays this weekend on liberal tax radio. I guess the black community, even though 40% of you are incapable of seeing the similarities of your struggle compared to the gay struggle, 60% of black people do support gay rights.

Rumor was going around that blacks cost gays Prop 8 in California. Well i guess that might not be true. I hope not.

Oh, and before I went hunting on Friday, I watched Jerry Springer and there were tons of transvestite black guys/women on the show. I thought of you. And the one dude they brought out to break the news that he was in love with a man!!! Oh boy. I thought he was going to cold cock her.

Some of them were pretty hot too. It's amazing.

But there are gay black men. Lots of them. LOL. I know you hate it.!!!!:eusa_whistle:
This thread is full of republicans0 and republican lovers who want to b fucked up the ass and like watching men get fucked up the ass. If you defend republicans you defend men fucking me up the asshole and ought to have you dick cut off and shoved up the republican asses, you can have all the dick you want then.

If we were in prison together for life, it'd be your ass that got beat up. :lol:
Hey Bass. They were talking about the relationship between blacks and gays this weekend on liberal tax radio. I guess the black community, even though 40% of you are incapable of seeing the similarities of your struggle compared to the gay struggle, 60% of black people do support gay rights.

Rumor was going around that blacks cost gays Prop 8 in California. Well i guess that might not be true. I hope not.

Oh, and before I went hunting on Friday, I watched Jerry Springer and there were tons of transvestite black guys/women on the show. I thought of you. And the one dude they brought out to break the news that he was in love with a man!!! Oh boy. I thought he was going to cold cock her.

Some of them were pretty hot too. It's amazing.

But there are gay black men. Lots of them. LOL. I know you hate it.!!!!:eusa_whistle:

Black sodomites are out there, no one ever said they aren't, there just isn't that many o them like everyone believes. Most are in places like San Francisc and in places like Florida, but here in Mississippi there isn't one black sodomite here that the has has seen, not one.
I have never seen Mr. Bass make a racist post.

Yet people here call him racist all of the time.

It makes NO sense!!! :cuckoo:

I've seen him make lots of racists posts. Perhaps you just don't see them because you fawn over his posts much in the same way Mani;s posts make Ravi leave a slug trail.

Then again, it's not like you are any kind of bellweather by any means in this forum.
I've seen him make lots of racists posts. Perhaps you just don't see them because you fawn over his posts much in the same way Mani;s posts make Ravi leave a slug trail.

Then again, it's not like you are any kind of bellweather by any means in this forum.

You sound like a woman on the rag Shogun, point out any racist post the Bass has made.
You sound like a woman on the rag Shogun, point out any racist post the Bass has made.

what, exactly, does a woman on the rag sound like, dude? Maybe we can add sexist to your collection of titles.. Hell, it doesn't take a brain surgeon, or in your case a fry station worker, to read the white-hating vitriol in your posts. It's about as evident as your take on gays from your carbon copy threads about homosexuals.

If you can hate you can be hated, motherfucker. PUt that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Toby.
what, exactly, does a woman on the rag sound like, dude? Maybe we can add sexist to your collection of titles.. Hell, it doesn't take a brain surgeon, or in your case a fry station worker, to read the white-hating vitriol in your posts. It's about as evident as your take on gays from your carbon copy threads about homosexuals.

If you can hate you can be hated, motherfucker. PUt that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Toby.

Actually, as a woman, I don't see anything sexist about pointing out that menstrual periods make women really grouchy and bitchy. It's a legitimate medical condition that can be treated by a doctor. Hell, most gynecologists have brochures on the subject.

My husband said the other day that PMS and pregnancy and the subsequent hormonal upheavals they cause are proof that women should never be allowed to be in charge of anything other than making babies and caring for them. I responded with, "That only works if men get off their lazy asses and provide for women properly so they don't HAVE to work."
what, exactly, does a woman on the rag sound like, dude? Maybe we can add sexist to your collection of titles.. Hell, it doesn't take a brain surgeon, or in your case a fry station worker, to read the white-hating vitriol in your posts. It's about as evident as your take on gays from your carbon copy threads about homosexuals.

If you can hate you can be hated, motherfucker. PUt that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Toby.

Mr Bass never hates but always gets hated on, so much jealousy, hate and envy the Bass gets from his enemies. When you're simply the best thing alive in the world thats the price one pays.
Black sodomites are out there, no one ever said they aren't, there just isn't that many o them like everyone believes. Most are in places like San Francisc and in places like Florida, but here in Mississippi there isn't one black sodomite here that the has has seen, not one.

That's too bad, because Mississippi is probably a fun word for gay people to say.

Oh, my brothers wife has a gay cousin. He's never admitted it and they don't believe it, but me and my brother know he's gay. He's got feminine characteristics. He took us to gay places in ny for dessert and for entertainment. One place was called Lips. Drag Queens serve you dinner and lip sinc to Bette Midler. He was maticulous about his clothing and place. All the women in our family try to set him up with women and it is so funny how he is never interested.

I'm single and sometimes I'm not interested and sometimes the girl they try to set me up with isn't interested. But with him it's always him that isn't interested.

My sister in law gets sick everytime we bring it up. I keep telling her, "who cares, he's a great guy and you love him, right"?

But homophobes have a lot to get over.

And these are good people who are discriminating against their own family.

We just aren't evolved enough yet to see that gays deserve all the same rights/benefits that straights get.

PS. My brother is a HR VP for a company. He just got gays health insurance. He said the old HR guys fought him on it every step of the way. My brother said to the guy, "Hey Bob, I want you to imagine that I left my family for my gay lover and now I want him to have health insurance".

The guys said, "come on, stop being funny", and my brother said, "I'm not kidding, that's a real scenerio". And the old timers can't stand doing what is right.

I love it that a new generation is coming up and we are better than the people we are replacing. Just like Obama is better than the Bush/McCain/Hillarys.
That's too bad, because Mississippi is probably a fun word for gay people to say.

Oh, my brothers wife has a gay cousin. He's never admitted it and they don't believe it, but me and my brother know he's gay. He's got feminine characteristics. He took us to gay places in ny for dessert and for entertainment. One place was called Lips. Drag Queens serve you dinner and lip sinc to Bette Midler. He was maticulous about his clothing and place. All the women in our family try to set him up with women and it is so funny how he is never interested.

I'm single and sometimes I'm not interested and sometimes the girl they try to set me up with isn't interested. But with him it's always him that isn't interested.

My sister in law gets sick everytime we bring it up. I keep telling her, "who cares, he's a great guy and you love him, right"?

But homophobes have a lot to get over.

And these are good people who are discriminating against their own family.

We just aren't evolved enough yet to see that gays deserve all the same rights/benefits that straights get.

PS. My brother is a HR VP for a company. He just got gays health insurance. He said the old HR guys fought him on it every step of the way. My brother said to the guy, "Hey Bob, I want you to imagine that I left my family for my gay lover and now I want him to have health insurance".

The guys said, "come on, stop being funny", and my brother said, "I'm not kidding, that's a real scenerio". And the old timers can't stand doing what is right.

I love it that a new generation is coming up and we are better than the people we are replacing. Just like Obama is better than the Bush/McCain/Hillarys.

Ah, the arrogance of youth. "We are so much better and more evolved than you, and we've come up with all these wonderful new ideas you never thought of." Uh huh.

I just console myself with the thought that my parents' generation had to put up with us when WE were obnoxious, know-it-all, conceited brats, and we got over it, too.
Mr Bass never hates but always gets hated on, so much jealousy, hate and envy the Bass gets from his enemies. When you're simply the best thing alive in the world thats the price one pays.

You know.....I've seen this behavior exhibited by another narcissist.

His name was Hitler.

No wonder Bass thinks Sucking Moron is such a great guy.
You know.....I've seen this behavior exhibited by another narcissist.

His name was Hitler.

No wonder Bass thinks Sucking Moron is such a great guy.

When you're taught from day one how great and successful you are and how much greater you could be what else is their to think about? You can hate on Mr Bass all you like, there' no stopping him.
When you're taught from day one how great and successful you are and how much greater you could be what else is their to think about? You can hate on Mr Bass all you like, there' no stopping him.

No, because you hide behind a med board like a bitch dude.

Hard to catch a rat like you in the military.

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