Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

:lol: Oh this is going to be great. Now you have to prove your accusation. Submit evidence, or lose credibility.

I think you two are the same person. You both claim liberals are liars - incessantly - and you both laud Clinton Eastwood. In fact, the dude's avatar is a picture of Clint Eastwood. I don't think my deduction is unreasonable.

It doesn't matter. I thought the guy was reasonable and intelligent. I just didn't have the pleasure of hearing him rant about homosexuality - until now.
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Macintosh all the researchers in your study can say is: we think, maybe, or studies suggest.

The fact is gays can only make "mud babies" and they don't reproduce.

A genetic dead end!!! (pardon the pun) :razz:
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I think you two are the same person. You both claim liberals are liars - incessantly - and you both laud Clinton Eastwood. In fact, the dude's avatar is a picture of Clint Eastwood. I don't think my deduction is unreasonable.

It doesn't matter. I thought the guy was reasonable and intelligent. I just didn't have the pleasure of hearing him rant about homosexuality - until now.
Again, submit evidence and prove your accusation, or lose credibility. :lol:
That's so sad.........

Allowing children to be adopted by homos is a terrible form of child abuse :eek:

More ignorance.

Can lesbians and gay men be good parents?

Many lesbians and gay men are parents; others wish to be parents. In the 2000 U.S. Census, 33% of female same-sex couple households and 22% of male same-sex couple households reported at least one child under the age of 18 living in the home. Although comparable data are not available, many single lesbians and gay men are also parents, and many same-sex couples are part-time parents to children whose primary residence is elsewhere.

As the social visibility and legal status of lesbian and gay parents have increased, some people have raised concerns about the well-being of children in these families. Most of these questions are based on negative stereotypes about lesbians and gay men. The majority of research on this topic asks whether children raised by lesbian and gay parents are at a disadvantage when compared to children raised by heterosexual parents. The most common questions and answers to them are these:

1. Do children of lesbian and gay parents have more problems with sexual identity than do children of heterosexual parents? For instance, do these children develop problems in gender identity and/or in gender role behavior?

The answer from research is clear: sexual and gender identities (including gender identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation) develop in much the same way among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents. Few studies are available regarding children of gay fathers.

2. Do children raised by lesbian or gay parents have problems in personal development in areas other than sexual identity? For example, are the children of lesbian or gay parents more vulnerable to mental breakdown, do they have more behavior problems, or are they less psychologically healthy than other children?

Again, studies of personality, self-concept, and behavior problems show few differences between children of lesbian mothers and children of heterosexual parents. Few studies are available regarding children of gay fathers.

3. Are children of lesbian and gay parents likely to have problems with social relationships? For example, will they be teased or otherwise mistreated by their peers?

Once more, evidence indicates that children of lesbian and gay parents have normal social relationships with their peers and adults. The picture that emerges from this research shows that children of gay and lesbian parents enjoy a social life that is typical of their age group in terms of involvement with peers, parents, family members, and friends.

4. Are these children more likely to be sexually abused by a parent or by a parent’s friends or acquaintances?

There is no scientific support for fears about children of lesbian or gay parents being sexually abused by their parents or their parents’ gay, lesbian, or bisexual friends or acquaintances.

In summary, social science has shown that the concerns often raised about children of lesbian and gay parents—concerns that are generally grounded in prejudice against and stereotypes about gay people—are unfounded. Overall, the research indicates that the children of lesbian and gay parents do not differ markedly from the children of heterosexual parents in their development, adjustment, or overall well-being.

An attenuated answer.

Can Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals Be Good Parents?

Yes. Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not indicate their children's.

Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children.​

APA Help Center - Health & Emotional Wellness - "Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality"

Sunni is a disgusting and vile component of the hate and intolerance that has spread throughout our society. People like him are inherently evil, and, in my opinion, will never be afforded a glorious afterlife. In fact, I imagine they will burn in hell. Right where they belong.
Again, submit evidence and prove your accusation, or lose credibility. :lol:

Don't need to submit evidence. I believe, that is, it is my opinion, that you two are the same person. I'm not saying without doubt you are. It's a reasonable deduction that requires no evidence.

And I've submitted evidence for all of my contentions. You and your bigot friends have not. Well, save the moron who linked up NARTH. LMAO. So, uh, if anyone's credibility should come into question, it certainly won't be mine.
Macintosh all the researchers in your study can say is: we think, maybe, or studies suggest.

The fact is gays can only make "mud babies" and they don't reproduce.

A genetic dead end!!! (pardon the pun) :razz:

The reason for the "we think, maybe, studies suggest" is because it is science. Apparently you don't understand science. There are few facts, only theories. Evolution is still a theory. But a scientific theory is markedly different than a theory as commoners know it. As a psychologist, you ought know that.
Don't need to submit evidence. I believe, that is, it is my opinion, that you two are the same person. I'm not saying without doubt you are. It's a reasonable deduction that requires no evidence.

And I've submitted evidence for all of my contentions. You and your bigot friends have not. Well, save the moron who linked up NARTH. LMAO. So, uh, if anyone's credibility should come into question, it certainly won't be mine.

So now we go from “I know it's you” (post 490) and “It’s you….you can’t fool me at all.” (post 496) to “I think you two are the same person. …I don't think my deduction is unreasonable.”(post 501), then finally to “Don't need to submit evidence. I believe, that is, it is my opinion, that you two are the same person. I'm not saying without doubt you are. It's a reasonable deduction that requires no evidence.”

:lol: Typical Liberal. Can never back up your accusations, and when called on it, try and weasel out. Y’all are never man enough to admit that you fucked up.
The reason for the "we think, maybe, studies suggest" is because it is science. Apparently you don't understand science. There are few facts, only theories. Evolution is still a theory. But a scientific theory is markedly different than a theory as commoners know it. As a psychologist, you ought know that.
Even "commoners", as you so condescendingly put it.

Know that homo sex will NOTcreate a baby.

Never has, Never will

Heck, even scientists know that much!! :razz:
Not what I said at all. I was responding to your asinine remark that if homosexuality was genetic there would be no homosexuals. That's a fucked up conclusion on several different levels.

You've got some serious anger issues.
Wow. Talk about not understanding science.... :lol:

Care to elaborate? Or did you just feel the need to inject curiously unfounded insults in some pitiful attempt to sace face?

Ya see, you and your bigot buddies know you had you intellectual asses handed to you this morning, so now - of course - the collective modus operandi is to muck up the thread, hoping outsiders will see your pitifully lame remarks for more than what they are. You are dependent on the reader's stupidity.
glock, are you really anyone who should be talking about a credibility deficit with as many times as I've punked you out on providing evidence for whatever thread i'm dominating you in?


Don't you think this is kinda like a fat man lecturing someone on hogging all the fucking food?
glock, are you really anyone who should be talking about a credibility deficit with as many times as I've punked you out on providing evidence for whatever thread i'm dominating you in?


Don't you think this is kinda like a fat man lecturing someone on hogging all the fucking food?
So now we go from “I know it's you” (post 490) and “It’s you….you can’t fool me at all.” (post 496) to “I think you two are the same person. …I don't think my deduction is unreasonable.”(post 501), then finally to “Don't need to submit evidence. I believe, that is, it is my opinion, that you two are the same person. I'm not saying without doubt you are. It's a reasonable deduction that requires no evidence.”

:lol: Typical Liberal. Can never back up your accusations, and when called on it, try and weasel out. Y’all are never man enough to admit that you fucked up.

How, pray tell, is it an accusation? If anything, given my comments about this other person, you should consider it an opinion of endearment.

I do seriously believe you two are the same person. It's an opinion. I'm not sure what evidence you would like me to provide. I can, however, link you up to his profile so you can see his avatar and moniker. Would you like me to?

And me -- a liberal? ROTFFLMFAO!!!! Riiiiight. I despise liberals - collectively. Individually? I like some and dislike others. As a group, I despise them.

Even "commoners", as you so condescendingly put it.

Know that homo sex will NOTcreate a baby.

Never has, Never will

Heck, even scientists know that much!!

And sex is not simply for procreation. Commoners know that, too.
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How, pray tell, is it an accusation? If anything, given my comments about this other person, you should consider it an opinion of endearment.

I do seriously believe you two are the same person. It's an opinion. I'm not sure what evidence you would like me to provide. I can, however, link you up to his profile so you can see his avatar and moniker. Would you like me to?

My how precious, as I was waiting for this. You fucked up, so now you claim that your accusation isn't an accusation. If only you could redefine the English language at your pleasure. :lol:

By all means, provide evidence of your non-accusation! :lol:
Last edited: idiots are STILL wrapped up in this.

Well.....nothing like watching closed minds roll around aimlessly like marbles.

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