Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

I don't even believe Sunni Man's views any more. They're too out there. He's just messin' with you for entertainment.

I noticed this after reading a few of his posts but I do think he should come out and admit that this is a gimmick for satiricial purposes only. I dont understand why he likes it when people view him as the scum of the earth. The scary part is that some people agree with his views which are meant to be jokes.
I noticed this after reading a few of his posts but I do think he should come out and admit that this is a gimmick for satiricial purposes only. I dont understand why he likes it when people view him as the scum of the earth. The scary part is that some people agree with his views which are meant to be jokes.

Yesterday Randi Rhodes on Nova M Radio was pointing out that back during the civil rights movement, a few states were letting bi racial couples get married. But what happened when those bi racial couples moved to a state like West Virginia where they did not recognize bi racial marriages?

I guess they would break into the bi racial couples homes in hopes of catching them in the act of making love. If they caught them, I don't know what happened. They probably got lynched.

Anyways, Randi also said something pretty profound. She said, "Notice when homophobes think of gays they always think about the sex acts. They never think about the love those two people share, or the bond they have, or the fact that those two people truly love each other".

Homophobes first thought is always about the sexual acts. They are the perverts.
Yesterday Randi Rhodes on Nova M Radio was pointing out that back during the civil rights movement, a few states were letting bi racial couples get married. But what happened when those bi racial couples moved to a state like West Virginia where they did not recognize bi racial marriages?

I guess they would break into the bi racial couples homes in hopes of catching them in the act of making love. If they caught them, I don't know what happened. They probably got lynched.

Anyways, Randi also said something pretty profound. She said, "Notice when homophobes think of gays they always think about the sex acts. They never think about the love those two people share, or the bond they have, or the fact that those two people truly love each other".

Homophobes first thought is always about the sexual acts. They are the perverts.

You're right. I've known several gay people over my years. Matter of fact on of places I lived, I rented a room from 2 lesbians, one of whom had a gay cousin. I'd talked to them quite a bit, and one of the things that they kept bringing up is that homophobes are always scared that the gays are going to bend them over and start having their way with them. Unfortunately for the phobes, most of them are not good looking and generally have lousy personalities, and women wouldn't look at them, so why should the gay men? I mean.....most gay men are better looking than most straight guys, because of the competition in their dating circles.

Personally, if you ask me, it's ego driven fear. They (the homophobes) think just because they have an anus they are attractive to gays, when in reality, they (the homophobes) aren't really attractive to anyone else, they're just looking for something to feed their ego.
Anyways, Randi also said something pretty profound. She said, "Notice when homophobes think of gays they always think about the sex acts. They never think about the love those two people share, or the bond they have, or the fact that those two people truly love each other
The wacko Randi Rhodes was just reading the same script that NAMBLA says about men and boys.

Only she just replaced men and boys with homosexual.
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So the voters of California defeated Prop 8 just for satire???? :cuckoo:

And the California Supreme Court will find that Prop 8 is unconstitutional for satire?

My dad is against gay marriage, because he was raised to think gay is wrong. What does he know? He's an old fart.

Anyways, I explained that just because his religion and his beliefs say they are wrong, that doesn't give us/him the right to deny them the rights that straight couples get.

"It'll cost us in healthcare".

So what?

"They can't have kids".

Neither can Liza Manelli and her gay husband.

You may not like interacial couples or gay couples. That's completely irrelivent.
The wacko Randi Rhodes was just reading the same script that NAMBLA says about men and boys.

Only she just replaced the wording to homosexual.

It's illegal to have sex with minors and relatives. Do you have sex with underaged women or your sister?

And it is typical to call someone you don't agree with a wacko.

Rush is a wacko.
Well, shit Sealy, if we were to base marriage simply on who could and could not have children, that would leave A LOT of couples out.

Nope....procreation as justification for marriage? That's rationalization and justification, which is mental masturbation, because you're only fucking yourself.
Well, shit Sealy, if we were to base marriage simply on who could and could not have children, that would leave A LOT of couples out.

Nope....procreation as justification for marriage? That's rationalization and justification, which is mental masturbation, because you're only fucking yourself.
You're right. I've known several gay people over my years. Matter of fact on of places I lived, I rented a room from 2 lesbians, one of whom had a gay cousin. I'd talked to them quite a bit, and one of the things that they kept bringing up is that homophobes are always scared that the gays are going to bend them over and start having their way with them. Unfortunately for the phobes, most of them are not good looking and generally have lousy personalities, and women wouldn't look at them, so why should the gay men? I mean.....most gay men are better looking than most straight guys, because of the competition in their dating circles.

Personally, if you ask me, it's ego driven fear. They (the homophobes) think just because they have an anus they are attractive to gays, when in reality, they (the homophobes) aren't really attractive to anyone else, they're just looking for something to feed their ego.

Same with women who are anti abortion. Ever notice that none of the women picketing an abortion clinic are fuckable? :lol:
Well, shit Sealy, if we were to base marriage simply on who could and could not have children, that would leave A LOT of couples out.

Nope....procreation as justification for marriage? That's rationalization and justification, which is mental masturbation, because you're only fucking yourself.

I just can't believe people can not see right and wrong on this issue.

I think people would see this clearer if gay people didn't insist on calling it marriage. They're worried seperate will not be equal.
Finally, you have one foot out of the closet.

Doesn't surprise me though.

Not the way you stick up for gays and all :eek:

I stick up for gays and blacks. That doesn't make me gay or black stupid.

The way I see it, if you bible thumping ignorant bastards are going to pick on them for not being like you, who's next?

I stick up for muslims, blacks, women, animals, gays, mexicans, because we are all in this together.

I think you know we are right but you fear admitting it will make you gay.

Trust me dude, you are already as gay as Larry Craig and Mark Foley.
You should be ashamed of disrespecting your father like that :evil:

He'll live. He knows I love him. He also knows I'm an extreme liberal. He and my mom lean left, but they are more moderate/independent because they are old school.

On some things they, the old timers, are right, but on this one they are wrong.
No, words of PRESIDENT ELECT obama who HIMSELF was thrashed and trashed by your hero commentators. I referenced him and his book to expose the correlation between the nonsensical arguments that you put forth, and the similarities of those commentators who say the same things you are saying about gays and sin.....etc. Except now that the country has spoken and they are in the minority, their ratings are dwindling. Much like your credibility.
:lol: You parrot the liberal media who has hoped for this for two decades now. Your Messiah has mentioned Hannity so many times during his campaigns that it is obvious he has him very much on his tiny brain- the exact opposite from his statement in his book. :eusa_liar:
You should be ashamed of disrespecting your father like that :evil:

Voters are not institutions of interpretation. If this were true we would have VOTED on civil rights for blacks, we would have voted for women to have the right to work and elect a president, we would have voted for religion to be taught in schools. You will see in only a few months time, that this again will be overturned by the true interpretations of the constitution, you know the ones who actually went to school and dedicated their lives to protecting it, not the half witted voters who dont even know how to cast a fucking ballot half the time, they need help with the simplest of tasks, yet demand the power to amend the state and federal constitution?

Let me ask you a question, are you relgious?
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