Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

:lol: You parrot the liberal media who has hoped for this for two decades now. Your Messiah has mentioned Hannity so many times during his campaigns that it is obvious he has him very much on his tiny brain- the exact opposite from his statement in his book. :eusa_liar:

Well, I dont recall his name being mentioned once in the campaign. Do show me if you have information that speaks otherwise.
Voters are not intitutions of interpretation. If this were true we would have VOTED on civil rights for blacks, we would have voted for women to have the right to work and elect a president, we would have voted for religion to be taught as schools. You will see in only a few months time, that this again will be overturned by the true interpretations of the constitution, you know the ones who actually went to school and dedicated their lives to protecting it, not the half witted voters who dont even know how to cast a fucking ballot half the time, they need help with the simplest of tasks, yet demand the power to amend the state and federal constitution?

HA! :clap2: Great post.
You should be ashamed of disrespecting your father like that :evil:

Okay Sucking Moron.....lemmie ask you a question......

You've stated repeatedly over and over on this message board that you are not racist, and that you don't like racists (even though your posts would beg to differ). primary caregivers while growing up were my grandparents, whom were exceedingly racist. Matter of fact, when I went to the Navy, my grandparents told me 'you're going to meet some of the best people in your life while in the military. Feel free to bring anyone home, just make sure they're white'. Now.....I've never really seen someone's skin color as much as what they do and how they act. If I was to say that my grandparents were wrong for being racist, and then said it's because they're old farts, is that disrespect also?

If you say yes, you're an idiot with a very narrow view. If you say no, then you're a hypocrite.

Which is it?
Voters are not intitutions of interpretation. If this were true we would have VOTED on civil rights for blacks, we would have voted for women to have the right to work and elect a president, we would have voted for religion to be taught as schools. You will see in only a few months time, that this again will be overturned by the true interpretations of the constitution, you know the ones who actually went to school and dedicated their lives to protecting it, not the half witted voters who dont even know how to cast a fucking ballot half the time, they need help with the simplest of tasks, yet demand the power to amend the state and federal constitution?
This is still a Democracy? Right?

Meaning one person, one vote. Correct?

Not a Totalitarian State, where the government decides for the people. Correct??

Just thought I would check and see if our form of government had changed :cool:
Well, I dont recall his name being mentioned once in the campaign. Do show me if you have information that speaks otherwise.

Here's just one. Hannity's got a collection that he plays at the start of his show.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JON STEWART, HOST, COMEDY CHANNEL'S "THE DAILY SHOW": Any of this fear stuff, do you think it's stuck with the electorate? Are you finding that on the trail?

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: You know, it just hasn't. I mean, I think that there's a certain segment of hard-core Sean Hannity fans that probably wouldn't want to go and have a beer with me.

There's no doubt about that.
Obama Mentions Hannity Again | Article from Hannity & Colmes (Fox News Network) | HighBeam Research
:cool:This is still a Democracy? Right?

Meaning one person, one vote. Correct?

Not a Totalitarian State, where the government decides for the people. Correct??

Just thought I would check and see if our form of government had changed :cool:

It HAS changed. The taxpayers didn't want the bailout but they did it anyway under the leadership of Bush Jr. Same thing with GM, and they're still trying to push it through ANYWAY!

Or, did you forget that the government is now working on owning the banks and GM?

Like I said......I pay taxes out of my retirement check, so I want to see my shares of stock as soon as this goes through (if it goes through).

Nope......Bush Jr. is working on totalitarian government. Need I remind you about the wire taps? Shit.....this keeps up we'll be Russia's little brother.
Okay Sucking Moron.....lemmie ask you a question......

You've stated repeatedly over and over on this message board that you are not racist, and that you don't like racists (even though your posts would beg to differ). primary caregivers while growing up were my grandparents, whom were exceedingly racist. Matter of fact, when I went to the Navy, my grandparents told me 'you're going to meet some of the best people in your life while in the military. Feel free to bring anyone home, just make sure they're white'. Now.....I've never really seen someone's skin color as much as what they do and how they act. If I was to say that my grandparents were wrong for being racist, and then said it's because they're old farts, is that disrespect also?

If you say yes, you're an idiot with a very narrow view. If you say no, then you're a hypocrite.

Which is it?
According to my religion. You are never to disrespect or argue with your parents. Period

The Prophet said: "Even if God turns your parent into a donkey. You are not to ride him".

In other words. God will deal with your parents. It is not your place to admonish them or to abuse them in any way.
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According to my religion. You are never to disrespect or argue with your parents. Period

The Prophet said: "Even if God turns your parent into a donkey. You are not to ride him".

In other words. God will deal with your parents. It is not your place to admonish them or to abuse them in any way.

For a gay basher like yourself, that sure doesn't seem like you follow it much.

Same thing with all the other stuff you do you head case quack.
Nope......Bush Jr. is working on totalitarian government. Need I remind you about the wire taps? Shit.....this keeps up we'll be Russia's little brother.
On this I agree with you. Bush and the boys have shreaded the Constitution.
:cool:This is still a Democracy? Right?

Meaning one person, one vote. Correct?

Not a Totalitarian State, where the government decides for the people. Correct??

Just thought I would check and see if our form of government had changed :cool:

Yea, a democracy not an Anarchy. Thats why we have ELECTED officials who appoint members of the supreme court. Key word, ELECTED officials that we voted in who we entrust with the responsibility of appointing someone with an extensive background in law to interpret our constitution. Since when was democracy defined as society rules and governes all executive and legislative activities? That is called an "egalitarian" society, and since we are not in the tribal ages anymore we must have a system of rule for our heavily populated, industrialized nation. This is why we ELECT our officials and leaders to appoint people who protect the constitution, not only from foreign interpretations but from our own domestic stupidity as well.

I think you need to educate yourself on the meaning of democracy, and all other types of government while your at it.
Yea, a democracy not an Anarchy. Thats why we have ELECTED officials who appoint members of the supreme court. Key word, ELECTED officials that we voted in who we entrust with the responsibility of appointing someone with an extensive background in law to interpret our constitution. Since when was democracy defined as society rules and governes all executive and legislative activities? That is called an "egalitarian" society, and since we are not in the tribal ages anymore we must have a system of rule for our heavily populated, industrialized nation. This is why we ELECT our officials and leaders to appoint people who protect the constitution, not only from foreign interpretations but from our own domestic stupidity as well.

Laws are to be decided by a vote of the Electrate. (the people)

Not dictated from the bench of the Judicary
According to my religion. You are never to disrespect or argue with your parents. Period

The Prophet said: "Even if God turns your parent into a donkey. You are not to ride him".

In other words. God will deal with your parents. It is not your place to admonish them or to abuse them in any way.

Well I find it very funny that the very people who quote the bible on homosexual sin as a justification for prop 8, are the same ones who breed illigitimate children or are illigitimate children themselves. According to their own bible that they cite, they themselves are going to hell.


The irony.
Laws are to be decided by a vote of the Electrate. (the people)

Not dictated from the bench of the Judicary


In what country is this? Please do tell me. What country are you talking about, in which the PEOPLE pass legislation and not the legislators and the executive branch.

The PEOPLE, can have their voice heard by simply electing different legislators.....its the best form of democracy we have, but I dont recall it ever being legal for a body of people to vote on FEDERAL laws. States are different because they have more freedom to legislate whatever they want but even states have a supreme court to interpret state constitution to mimick the federal constitution as much as possible. It dont matter how many times you vote on anything, the supreme court can and always will have the power to amend it as long as we have a democracy. That is their job, not the peoples job. The peoples job is to voice their opinions, freely pursue happiness, believe in whatever they want and vote for our leaders......It is NOT the peoples job to change our constitution EVER. If this were true, all anyone has to do is convince millions of people that god should be taught in schools......oh wait that DID happen and it was shot down.
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Well I find it very funny that the very people who quote the bible on homosexual sin as a justification for prop 8, are the same ones who breed illigitimate children or are illigitimate children themselves.
So you are saying that all people who voted down Prop 8 were born illigetimatly and their children are also illigetimate?
Laws are to be decided by a vote of the Electrate. (the people)

Not dictated from the bench of the Judicary

REALLY? Might wanna talk about that with Bush Jr. The only reason he appointed who he did was so that the Bush Jr. (and the GOP) could finally overturn those laws that he didn't like and also would allow Bush Jr. and Cheney to repeatedly wipe their butts with the Constitution.

Think Roe Vs. Wade.

Oh also made it easier for him to pardon Rove and Libby.
The PEOPLE, can have their voice heard by simply electing different legislators.....its the best form of democracy we have, but I dont recall it ever being legal for a body of people to vote on FEDERAL laws. States are different because they have more freedom to legislate whatever they want but even states have a supreme court to interpret state constitution to mimick the federal constitution as much as possible. It dont matter how many times you vote on anything, the supreme court can and always will have the power to amend it as long as we have a democracy.
The PEOPLE voted down Prop 8.

Now the homos want the Judicary to over ride the will of the people.

If the Judicary can just dictate everything from the bench.

Then why even have a vote???
The PEOPLE voted down Prop 8.

Now the homos want the Judicary to over ride the will of the people.

If the Judicary can just dictate everything from the bench.

Then why even have a vote???

Kinda like what Bush Jr. has been doing with Roe vs. Wade? Bush was using the Judiciary Federal Branch to override the will of the people. Ever hear of Alberto Gonzales?
You're right. I've known several gay people over my years. Matter of fact on of places I lived, I rented a room from 2 lesbians, one of whom had a gay cousin. I'd talked to them quite a bit, and one of the things that they kept bringing up is that homophobes are always scared that the gays are going to bend them over and start having their way with them. Unfortunately for the phobes, most of them are not good looking and generally have lousy personalities, and women wouldn't look at them, so why should the gay men? I mean.....most gay men are better looking than most straight guys, because of the competition in their dating circles.

Personally, if you ask me, it's ego driven fear. They (the homophobes) think just because they have an anus they are attractive to gays, when in reality, they (the homophobes) aren't really attractive to anyone else, they're just looking for something to feed their ego.

I think the homophobes are afraid of homosexuality in themselves. They are obsessed with anal intercourse--continually making references to it in their condemnation of gays.

Funny thing is that anal intercourse also happens with heterosexuals.

Men who are secure in their sexuality are unconcerned about what goes on in other peoples bedrooms. They are way more interested in what's happening in their own.
Kinda like what Bush Jr. has been doing with Roe vs. Wade? Bush was using the Judiciary Federal Branch to override the will of the people. Ever hear of Alberto Gonzales?
Alberto Gonzales is a sick puke.

In my opinion Bush and Chaney headed up an organized terrorist crime ring.

They should be arrested and brought before the world court and charged with crimes against humanity.
The PEOPLE voted down Prop 8.

Now the homos want the Judicary to over ride the will of the people.

If the Judicary can just dictate everything from the bench.

Then why even have a vote???

What do you mean why have a vote? There are literally dozens of stupid props put on the ballot every single year, this does not mean we should stop voting on them. Literally anyone from anywhere with any background can petition to put WHATEVER they want on the ballot, they can literally put slavery back on the ballot if they got enough signatures........this does not mean it will go through or that it is the right thing to do, THATS exactly why we have the state supreme court to make sure that things do not get out of hand and stray too far from the original constitution.

Do you understand now?

It is legal to gather millions of signatures from people who want slavery back again, and it is legal to put it on the is even legal if you somehow convince enough people that it would be worth voting for......THIS is why the supreme court is put in place and picked out by people who we elect, to make sure this type of stuff does not happen.

Same thing for prop 8, which violates the 14th amendment (equal protection) under the federal constitution.

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