Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

I think the homophobes are afraid of homosexuality in themselves. They are obsessed with anal intercourse--continually making references to it in their condemnation of gays.

Funny thing is that anal intercourse also happens with heterosexuals.

Men who are secure in their sexuality are unconcerned about what goes on in other peoples bedrooms. They are way more interested in what's happening in their own.
As for me, I am worried about the safety of my children and the moral decline that homosexuality has brought into our society. Not what they are doing to each other.
As for me, I am worried about the safety of my children and the moral decline that homosexuality has brought into our society. Not what they are doing to each other.

Yeah.....ya gotta watch out for that moral decline brought on by them there homos!/sarcasm

Never mind the moral decline brought on by divorce, war, lying politicians, sex on television, gang expansion all over the US (even by foreign gangs, ever heard of MS13?). Let's also forget about all the sleazy tactics used by our politicians to lie and denigrate their opponents.

Nope.....gotta worry about the queers, never mind about all the other immorality going on, as long as we get rid of those damn dirty homos, everything will be back to Ward Cleaver times./sarcasm.
So you are saying that the majority of men in California voted down Prop 8 because they are insecure about their sexuality?? :cuckoo:

You know, I like when you use the cuckoo icon. It lets us know that you've got another insane thought that you just put down.

The tactics of focusing in on just one thing without checking everything else going on? It's apparent can't see the forest because the trees are in your way.
Never mind the moral decline brought on by divorce, war, lying politicians, sex on television, gang expansion all over the US (even by foreign gangs, ever heard of MS13?). Let's also forget about all the sleazy tactics used by our politicians to lie and denigrate their opponents.
All of the other things you mentioned are bad also.

But the homos are actively pursuing an agenda for the destruction of our morals and values.
Homos already have "equal protection" under the law.

Prop 8 does not violate the 14th amendment.

No they do not, civil partnerships are not the same as marriage. There are 1,042 rights that married couples have......domestic partnerships have a little over half of the same rights. Not only that, but more importantly marriage is universal while domestic partnerships are only recognized in the state they are performed.
No they do not, civil partnerships are not the same as marriage. There are 1,042 rights that married couples have......domestic partnerships have a little over half of the same rights. Not only that, but more importantly marriage is universal while domestic partnerships are only recognized in the state they are performed.
Homos are still protected under the 14th amendment and their rights are still there ubder the law.
All of the other things you mentioned are bad also.

But the homos are actively pursuing an agenda for the destruction of our morals and values.

You must just be acting stupid, because I can't really believe anyone that is capable of using the 'net can be that dumb.

I'll ask you plainly you think that if we shipped off all the homosexuals over to another country, all the things wrong with THIS one would be magically fixed overnight?

If so........say goodbye to your interior decorators and fashion designers.

Start wearing shapeless clothes in a dull house.
I'll ask you plainly you think that if we shipped off all the homosexuals over to another country, all the things wrong with THIS one would be magically fixed overnight?

If so........say goodbye to your interior decorators and fashion designers.

Start wearing shapeless clothes in a dull house.
I want them to be arrested and put into institutions. So that they can recieve mental health therapy to help cure them of thier illness. It's really the most humane thing to do for them given their sad situation.

btw I designed and built my own house with out the help of a fudge packer.

And I have enough color sense to have my FXST custom painted and chromed without a limp wristed homo telling me what to do.

So I really don't see why you think sodomites have the market cornered on style, color, or fashon. :cool:
Voters are not institutions of interpretation. If this were true we would have VOTED on civil rights for blacks, we would have voted for women to have the right to work and elect a president, we would have voted for religion to be taught in schools. You will see in only a few months time, that this again will be overturned by the true interpretations of the constitution, you know the ones who actually went to school and dedicated their lives to protecting it, not the half witted voters who dont even know how to cast a fucking ballot half the time, they need help with the simplest of tasks, yet demand the power to amend the state and federal constitution?

Let me ask you a question, are you relgious?

I think a good number of American voters are as dumb as a stump.
Mindless rhetoric works like a charm on these people.
I want them to be arrested and put into institutions. So that they can recieve mental health therapy to help cure them of thier illness. It's really the most humane thing to do for them given their sad situation.

Know who else said that? Hitler. No wonder you think the Holocaust was a hoax.

Just pegged ya dude.
Know who else said that? Hitler. No wonder you think the Holocaust was a hoax.
Not everything Hitler did was bad.

He created jobs for people and got the economy going.

Also, he built the first national Interstate system called the Autobaun

America's Interstate roads are patterned after his example.

Poor guy just got a little carried away later in life. You know, with the rule the world thing! :cool:
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No they do not, civil partnerships are not the same as marriage. There are 1,042 rights that married couples have......domestic partnerships have a little over half of the same rights. Not only that, but more importantly marriage is universal while domestic partnerships are only recognized in the state they are performed.
Other adults that make poor choices don't enjoy the same rights as I do either. Noe should they. :eusa_whistle:
Voters are not institutions of interpretation. If this were true we would have VOTED on civil rights for blacks, we would have voted for women to have the right to work and elect a president, we would have voted for religion to be taught in schools. You will see in only a few months time, that this again will be overturned by the true interpretations of the constitution, you know the ones who actually went to school and dedicated their lives to protecting it, not the half witted voters who dont even know how to cast a fucking ballot half the time, they need help with the simplest of tasks, yet demand the power to amend the state and federal constitution? ...
Yeah, if we can just get rid of Democracy altogether and let the elitists rule over us peons. :cuckoo:
Yeah, if we can just get rid of Democracy altogether and let the elitists rule over us peons. :cuckoo:


You mean the elitists that YOU vote for. Like John Mccain worth over 14 million dollars, is that elitism?

Would you rather have dense people like yourself in office? Exactly.

The peoples right to vote makes this a democracy not the right to interpret the constitution. That would make no sense at all. I mean sure you can interpret it any way you want....but you cant make laws based on regular peoples opinions of the constitution. Those "elitists" are the ones that do it not you. Thats why they vote every other day and we dont. Because we elect them because they are smarter than us and know what the founding fathers wanted.

Memo to Glock and Sunni, If you dont like supreme court decisions......then dont vote for the officials who appoint them you dimwits. You think these supreme court judges are ascribed to these positions? I think not, they are appointed by the officials we elect, sept for the regional judges....we actually elect them. So if you dont like a decision, dont vote for these judges because decision making is their jobs.
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Speak for your self.

I vote to elect them because they want the job. (I don't)

Not because I think they are smarter than me!!

Tell that to your friend GLOCK, he claimed that so called "elitists" are in charge of the courts. I guess you cant agree on this one, you and I agree that they are NOT elitists while Glocks false claim is that they are and that the "people" should be in charge of supreme court desicions.
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Tell that to your friend GLOCK, he claimed that so called "elitists" are in charge of the courts. I guess you cant agree on this one, you and I agree that they are NOT elitists while Glocks false claim is that they are and that the "people" should be in charge of supreme court desicions.
We elect our Leaders, but the high court Justices are appointed.

They are appointed because of their political orientation. Plus it's for life.

And that's the problem.

After a while, they seem to forget who they are, and become crazed with power.

Some people call it being elitist. I call it a God syndrome :evil:

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