Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California


You mean the elitists that YOU vote for. Like John Mccain worth over 14 million dollars, is that elitism?

No, it isn't.

First you can't define "democracy", now you can't define "elitism". Hopefully, Santa Claus will bring you a dictionary in your stocking this year.

Would you rather have dense people like yourself in office? Exactly.

No, what we REALLY want is people like you, who think it's a good idea to revoke everyone else's rights and freedoms and tell them how to live and what to think for their own good.

FYI, that is the definition of "elitism" you were looking for earlier.

The peoples right to vote makes this a democracy not the right to interpret the constitution. That would make no sense at all. I mean sure you can interpret it any way you want....but you cant make laws based on regular peoples opinions of the constitution. Those "elitists" are the ones that do it not you. Thats why they vote every other day and we dont. Because we elect them because they are smarter than us and know what the founding fathers wanted.

You scare me. You really, really do. You are the reason that totalitarian dictatorships come to power and wreak horror on humanity.

Memo to Glock and Sunni, If you dont like supreme court decisions......then dont vote for the officials who appoint them you dimwits. You think these supreme court judges are ascribed to these positions? I think not, they are appointed by the officials we elect, sept for the regional judges....we actually elect them. So if you dont like a decision, dont vote for these judges because decision making is their jobs.

Memo to me: America's public schools are even more broken than I thought, if this is the detritus being produced.
Homosexuality has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it. Pass it and move on already; we have more important things to address.

Prostitution, murder, rape and alcoholism has been here since early antiquity also, should that also be legalised?
Prostitution, murder, rape and alcoholism has been here since early antiquity also, should that also be legalised?

Prostitution is legal in some places. Laws against it are just another example of people legislating their morality.

Murder harms another person, so equating it to homosexuality is stupid.

Rape harms another person, so equating it to homosexuality is dumb.

I don't believe alcoholism is illegal.

And Jesus Christ, Cecile. Do you think you could confine all your BS to one or two posts? My God.
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Well, studies show that children raised by two homosexual parents, regardless of whether the children are the biological offspring of one of the parents or are adopted, show a much greater tendency to identify as homosexual themselves.

So that would indicate that it's not all biological, but also has an environmental aspect as well.

No, they do not, you damn liar. I posted a link to the APA which refutes everything you just said. So, whatever "studies" you are referring to were undoubtedly done by NARTH.

Find someone credible and post this information, or lose all credibility.
Prostitution is legal in some places. Laws against it are just another example of people legislating their morality.

Murder harms another person, so equating it to homosexuality is stupid.

Rape harms another person, so equating it to homosexuality is dumb.

I don't believe alcoholism is illegal.

And Jesus Christ, Cecile. Do you think you could confine all your BS to one or two posts? My God.

You missed the point moron, just because something has been around for awhile doesn't mean it should be accepted and or ok.
You missed the point moron, just because something has been around for awhile doesn't mean it should be accepted and or ok.

No, I didn't miss the point, you idiot. It was just ridiculous because you were comparing homosexuality with acts it has no business being compared with.

Try not to be so ignorant.

Wait. Sorry. It's a "by default" thing with you people, isn't it?
So only your links are acceptable Macintosh.

And everyone elses are garbage.

How open minded you are!!

I post links to the APA, the Royal College, and National Geographic. All credible and respected sources. NARTH is not credible, which I also proved. They are a religious organization. What do you want them to say?
No, I didn't miss the point, you idiot. It was just ridiculous because you were comparing homosexuality with acts it has no business being compared with.

Try not to be so ignorant.

Wait. Sorry. It's a "by default" thing with you people, isn't it?

To a true Christian like the Bass, all sin is sin, there is no good and bad sin nor is there is any acceptable sin, all sin is sin and is bad.
Macintosh, I applaud your performance in this thread. You have, hands down, kicked the dogshit out of bass and sunni's arguments. BRAVO, sir. Bravo.
Macintosh, I applaud your performance in this thread. You have, hands down, kicked the dogshit out of bass and sunni's arguments. BRAVO, sir. Bravo.

Mr reach around and stimulate has re-entered the thread.
I post links to the APA, the Royal College, and National Geographic. All credible and respected sources. NARTH is not credible, which I also proved. They are a religious organization. What do you want them to say?

How is NARTH not credible but the APA is credible?
The religious one is biased, the other one isn't.

NARTH isn't totally religious and the APA as before stated previously were *DIVIDED* over the issue of homosexuality when it was put to a vote in 1973. You dumb lefties want to bash anything with even a little religion as biased when it doesn't suit what you like.
Yes it is biased. It is biased toward secularism

Bullshit. It's like those ID nutjobs, they are trying to tell us that science doesn't work and we all need to just say "God did it".

Nope......those groups that you pull out are just like Fred Phelps and the Westboro Church (of which you stated you fully support in another thread).

Narrow minded, bigoted, and unwilling and unable to listen to anything other than what they perceive as the correct answer.
How is NARTH not credible but the APA is credible?

NARTH is funded by organizations like Focus on the Family, so it's obvious they are operating with a specific cause and motive in mind. Furthermore, anytime NARTH is faced with the reality that the majority of the medical profession reject their "conversion therapy" idea, they respond with "the medical community is a research arm of gay rights activists." What kind of an argument is that ["Liberal bias!!!"]?

It's absurd. NARTH is in no way credible. They have a motive. What motive would the APA, the Royal College, and the World Health Organization have? All of these groups reject NARTH and their pseudo-science.
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It's absurd. NARTH is in no way credible. They have a motive. What motive would the APA, the Royal College, and the World Health Organization have? All of these groups reject NARTH and their pseudo-science.

Hilarious! You actually reject a group like NARTH, but embrace the APA, the Royal College and the WHO and ask what motive would they have? You must be joking. I apologize that I didn't see this before. I bow to your trollness.


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