Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

We elect our Leaders, but the high court Justices are appointed.

They are appointed because of their political orientation. Plus it's for life.

And that's the problem.

After a while, they seem to forget who they are, and become crazed with power.

Some people call it being elitist. I call it a God syndrome :evil:
Not to worry, the activist communist judges will over-ride Prop8 and the will of the people of California hide an watch... The sicko homos rioting in California remind me of this story below...

Sodom and Gomorrah

And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

-- Genesis 18: 20-21 (KJV)
Sometimes men just push the Lord too far. This time the evildoers are the denizens of Sodom, a city on the plains of Jordan near the Dead Sea. We arrive in the neighborhood with Abraham, who, after being chosen by God to beget a "great nation," leaves his home in Mesopotamia for a new land to the west (Genesis 12 and 17). Abraham settles in the hills of Canaan, but his nephew Lot prefers the urban culture of the plains. So he pitches his tent in Sodom -- a poor choice, as it turns out, since "the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly" (Genesis 13: 13).

Exactly what manner of sinners they were we must infer from J's hints, which are pretty much limited to one verse (Genesis 19: 5). There, as two visitors (angels in disguise) dine with Lot, the men of Sodom circle the house. "Where are the men which came in to thee this night?" they want to know; "bring them out to us, that we may know them."

Now, we all know what they mean by "know," and so did Lot. Rather than allow guests to suffer such indignities, he offers his two virgin daughters in the angels' stead. The mob isn't having any of this, however; they begin breaking down Lot's door, until the angels reveal their identity by striking the perpetrators blind. But Lot's manners do confirm the angels' opinion of his "righteousness."

From this one incident derives the English usage of "sodomy," "sodomite," etc., although the Bible suggests that the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah goes well beyond homosexual acts. (Inhospitality appears to be a graver sin.) "Sodomy," meaning "unnatural sexual intercourse" dates back to the late thirteenth century, before Genesis had been fully translated into English, and "sodomite" in the sense of "sexual pervert" even predates "Sodomite" in the more primitive sense, "inhabitant of Sodom."
Not everything Hitler did was bad.

He created jobs for people and got the economy going.

Also, he built the first national Interstate system called the Autobaun

America's Interstate roads are patterned after his example.

Poor guy just got a little carried away later in life. You know, with the rule the world thing! :cool:

So the people he killed were just inconsequential, right? And, the Jews were well taken care of in labor camps, right?

You are either the dumbest, or one of the most evil SOB's that I've ever seen.
So the people he killed were just inconsequential, right? And, the Jews were well taken care of in labor camps, right?

You are either the dumbest, or one of the most evil SOB's that I've ever seen.
What's wrong with having a little humor?

Everythings not always so black and white! :cool:
What's wrong with having a little humor?

Everythings not always so black and white! :cool:

Speaking as someone who has been in war zones, and seen the results of dictators as they kill others in their pursuit of power and greed, I see damn little to be laughing about when it comes to senseless death.

You, on the other hand, are someone who has probably never had to really work hard for anything, or even have much hardship in your life. You failed as a christian, and turned to Islam. You've also obviously got a college degree since you claim to be a therapist, so therefore, you came from money and currently still have it.

You've also got a great deal of disdain and disrespect for your fellow man, which is what makes it so hard for me to believe that you are a therapist, because most that I've known, (and I've known a few), are kind and caring people, rather than arrogant bastards like you appear to be. Making fun of the Holocaust, or not even believing it's real? Saying that Hitler was a good guy?

You're not a human, you're a monster.
Growing up I used to watch a documentary on TV called "Hogans Hero's"

It was all about the Nazi's during WWII

I learrned alot about the true history of that time period. :razz:
Growing up I used to watch a documentary on TV called "Hogans Hero's"

It was all about the Nazi's during WWII

I learrned alot about the true history of that time period. :razz:

Didn't learn to spell, and your WWII history lessons came from Hogan's Heros. Riiiiiiiight...........

Me? I prefer facts, that's why I watch the History Channel.
You, on the other hand, are someone who has probably never had to really work hard for anything, or even have much hardship in your life. You've also obviously got a college degree since you claim to be a therapist, so therefore, you came from money and currently still have it.
I wish what you were saying was true. I was born an Army brat and definatly we wern't rich. Left home at 17 without finishing high school. Worked construction untill I got drafted for Vietnam. at 19

2 years later I was Honorably Discharged and had gotten my GED while in the service. I was soo broke that I applied for the GI Bill to go to collage. I barely passed the entrance exam. I started studying everything I could so I wouldn't flunk out the first semester. I read the Websters Collage Dictionary from cover to cover, to increase my vocabulary. (some times I can't believe I was crazy enough to do that, but I did!)

The war had been a traumatic experiance for me. So I want to find out what made people tick. When I started taking Psychology and Sociology courses. I knew I had found my field of study. Between the GI Bill ($230 dollars per month) and working nights and weekends. I put myself thru university and recieved my degrees.

No ABikerSailor, I wasn't born with the silver spoon. I had to earn it the hard way. :cool:
Me? I prefer facts, that's why I watch the History Channel.
I love the History Channel!! :eusa_angel:

The only time I don't watch it is when they have shows about UFO's, Big Foot, The Holocaust, Lock Ness Monster, or other such non sense. :cuckoo:
I love the History Channel!! :eusa_angel:

The only time I don't watch it is when they have shows about UFO's, Big Foot, The Holocaust, Lock Ness Monster, or other such non sense. :cuckoo:

lol, thats funny because your friend just cited "national geographic" on the other thread. Clearly you know something he does not. Which I agree with, television shows are not legitimate sources. Like I told you a million times, If it is not scrutinized by the experts within the scientific community on the subject, it is not a legitimate source. Simple as that. Anyone who says otherwise, loves credulity.
Ravi beat me to the punch. For most Democrats, this is a civil rights issue. Blacks were denied civil rights for years and now they're denying similar rights to gays.

I have to correct you. For most SUPPORTERS of homosexual "marriage", it's a civil rights issue. I think the fact that it keeps getting shot down by voters in huge numbers every single time it hits a ballot shows that it's NOT a civil rights issue for most Democrats. And clearly, blacks do not consider it either a civil rights issue OR similar to their own civil rights struggle.
Homosexuality has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it. Pass it and move on already; we have more important things to address.

I love it. "I don't agree with you, so the solution is to just discard the clearly-spoken will of the people, everyone do what I think, and then move on to MY priorities."

Would it shock you to consider that not everyone shares your view of what is "important"? Has it impinged on your consciousness at all that, far from "just passing" what you want, the majority of voters have made it clear that they want the opposite?
Medical researchers are still trying to determine if homosexuals are born gay. Some studies seem to indicate that there could be a chemical imbalance in the brain which could make them more susceptible to homosexual behavior. If that's true, perhaps a cure can be found.

"Born gay" or not, homosexuality still isn't analogous to race. All "being born that way" would indicate is that it's analogous to schizophrenia, or a tendency toward alcoholism.

I have never understood why so many people think "born that way" somehow makes something good or desirable. Human beings are born with flaws all the time.
Think about it.

If there was a homo gene.

Then there would be NO homos!!

Because through evolutionary process. And not reproducing.

Homos would have gone extinct a long time ago!!

Believe me, I wish there was a homo gene :cool:

Not necessarily. It could be a mutated gene of some sort, or some kind of spontaneous genetic damage that occurs.
Not even radicals. I know a gal who, along with her "wife", adopted two kids and they go to my Catholic church.

Well, studies show that children raised by two homosexual parents, regardless of whether the children are the biological offspring of one of the parents or are adopted, show a much greater tendency to identify as homosexual themselves.

So that would indicate that it's not all biological, but also has an environmental aspect as well.
Dwindling to near nothingness except for the one or two illiterate folks in the bag who take those commentators like hannity serious enough to give him two television shows based on current evens or "news" and one radio show with zero college degrees in journalism, or anything at all for that matter. He is an uneducated college drop out with mediocre high school grades, how is he reporting the news or commenting on ANYTHING at all and taken seriously?

I'm sorry, but I'm sitting here, reading your post and wondering how and where you acquired the chutzpah to denigrate anyone else's education or literacy.

If I were you, I would be lying very, very low on the subject of education.
Yea, a democracy not an Anarchy. Thats why we have ELECTED officials who appoint members of the supreme court.

What's the Supreme Court got to do with passing laws? Last time I read the Constitution, they aren't a part of that process.

Key word, ELECTED officials that we voted in who we entrust with the responsibility of appointing someone with an extensive background in law to interpret our constitution.

Actually, Chuckles, the Constitution makes no requirement of ANY background in law to be on the Supreme Court. Of course, it also doesn't give them the power to "interpret" the law, either.

Since when was democracy defined as society rules and governes all executive and legislative activities?

Main Entry: de·moc·ra·cy
Pronunciation: \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural de·moc·ra·cies
Etymology: Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos + -kratia -cracy
Date: 1576
1 a: government by the people ; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

Well, according to Merriam-Webster, it's been defined that way since 1576. I hope that sufficiently answers your question. :)

That is called an "egalitarian" society, and since we are not in the tribal ages anymore we must have a system of rule for our heavily populated, industrialized nation.

Well, democracy IS egalitarian in description, but I fail to see what that has to do with tribalism. I can certainly imagine why such as you dislikes anything that allows freedom and self-determination to everyone, though.

This is why we ELECT our officials and leaders to appoint people who protect the constitution, not only from foreign interpretations but from our own domestic stupidity as well.

We elect people to appoint OTHER people to protect the Constitution? Uh, no. And we certainly don't elect ANYONE to "protect us from ourselves", which is just another way of saying, "Elitism".

I think you need to educate yourself on the meaning of democracy, and all other types of government while your at it.

This from the Mensa member who didn't think that democracy meant rule by the people in society.
Well I find it very funny that the very people who quote the bible on homosexual sin as a justification for prop 8, are the same ones who breed illigitimate children or are illigitimate children themselves. According to their own bible that they cite, they themselves are going to hell.


The irony.

People don't go to Hell for being born illegitimate. You must have been taught the Bible by the same flatliner who taught you about the Constitution and systems of government.

In what country is this? Please do tell me. What country are you talking about, in which the PEOPLE pass legislation and not the legislators and the executive branch.

That would be the United States, where many states have what is called the "initiative process". Surely you noticed it in the just-finished election, where three states - California, Arizona, and Florida - passed laws making homosexual "marriage" not legally recognized in their states. California's Proposition 8 is the reason for and topic of this thread. Am I ringing any bells here?

The PEOPLE, can have their voice heard by simply electing different legislators.....its the best form of democracy we have, but I dont recall it ever being legal for a body of people to vote on FEDERAL laws.

Who said anything about federal laws?

States are different because they have more freedom to legislate whatever they want but even states have a supreme court to interpret state constitution to mimick the federal constitution as much as possible.

Actually, state supreme courts no more have the legal right to "interpret" the state Constitution than the US Supreme Court has to "interpret" the federal. And in the case of a law like California's Proposition 8 - or for that matter, the laws passed in Arizona and Florida - which actually amends the state Constitution, there's not a damned thing the state supreme court can do about it, legally or otherwise. It's not like you can strike down a Constitutional amendment as being Unconstitutional.

By the way, Brain Trust, the US Constitution doesn't mention marriage at all, so it's going to be a bit hard to claim that the state Constitutions are out-of-line with it.

It dont matter how many times you vote on anything, the supreme court can and always will have the power to amend it as long as we have a democracy. That is their job, not the peoples job.

Spoken like someone who is not only terrified of the idea of people thinking for themselves instead of being ruled by dictators, but also like someone who has never read our Constitution.

The peoples job is to voice their opinions, freely pursue happiness, believe in whatever they want and vote for our leaders......It is NOT the peoples job to change our constitution EVER. If this were true, all anyone has to do is convince millions of people that god should be taught in schools......oh wait that DID happen and it was shot down.

The people's job is to get back to their bread and circuses, and let the all-knowing, benevolent wise ones run their lives for them . . . for their own good, of course.

Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, et al. would be SOOOO proud.
No they do not, civil partnerships are not the same as marriage. There are 1,042 rights that married couples have......domestic partnerships have a little over half of the same rights. Not only that, but more importantly marriage is universal while domestic partnerships are only recognized in the state they are performed.

Married couples actually have privileges. And since homosexuals are just as capable of getting married in exactly the same way that everyone else is, there is no unequal application of the law.

Just because they don't WANT to get married in the same way everyone else does doesn't mean the law isn't applied equally.

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