Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Hey idiot.....those things you just listed are violent and anti-social things that one person does to another.

Being gay is that bad HOW?

Sunni Man is yanking your chain, so to speak. He's good at it. He takes the most extreme stance he can--saying that gays and lesbians are rapists, child molestors and murderers and then waits for people to take the bait.

Then he sits back and yucks yucks by himself in SM land. Oh, I guess not entirely by himself, there are a couple of other knuckleheads here who join him.
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The APA has been forced to swallow the homosexual agenda and therefore cannot be relied upon for accurate information on his issue.

And National Geographic? Oxford? Harvard? All the evolutionary biologists quoted in the NG article?

And prove the APA has been "forced to swallow the homosexual agenda." Then, please, explain what the "homosexual agenda" is.
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Thanks, but sometimes the APA ignores some research to promote a political agenda. I tend to look at unbiased sources.

First of all, no they don't. Secondly, so do I. I don't rely on the APA alone. I rely on several different scholars, including James Bull, biologist at the University of Texas who found a correlation between homosexuality and X-lineage. I rely on National Geographic and the several evolutionary biologists they quote; I rely on Wyatt Hoback, a psychologist who has done research independent from the APA and has concluded the same thing they have. I rely on the research done by Karen Hooker - research, by the way, that led the APA to remove homosexuality from their list of psychological disorders. And I rely on several institutions and scholars. You do not. You rely on nothing. You've not provided a single shred of evidence to back up anything you say. In fact, none of you bigots have.

The only evidence you could provide, however, is something by NARTH. That's fine, but they are not credible. Their bullshit has been refuted time and again.
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So in essence, homosexuals are mentally ill and need treatment. That's good to know!! :eusa_angel:

No, you idiot, what? Are you looking for more minds to go peeking in so that you can sow the seeds of your own intolerance and bigotry into others? Nice.....self replicating stupidity.

Homosexuals are NOT mentally ill, nor are they anything else close minded mental midgets like yourself and Nailed Cock.

For someone with a degree, you sure are stupid. But, since I see you on here all the time, that makes me think you're not employed, and therefore lying about being a therapist.
First of all, no they don't.

Incorrect. In the late 1960s and early 1970s activists campaigned against the DSM classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, protesting at APA offices and at annual meetings from 1970 to 1973. In 1973 the Board of Trustees voted to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the DSM, a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership the following year. A category of "sexual orientation disturbance" was introduced in its place in 1974, and then replaced in the 1980 DSM-III with ego-dystonic homosexuality. Controversy ensued when it was removed in 1987, going against the standard still used by the World Health Organization's ICD-10, the Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and the The Medical Council of India. There is also controversy regarding the new category of "sexual disorder not otherwise specified" which can include a state of distress about one's sexual orientation, as well as the diagnosis of "gender identity disorder".

Secondly, so do I. I don't rely on the APA alone. I rely on several different scholars, including James Bull, biologist at the University of Texas who found a correlation between homosexuality and X-lineage. I rely on National Geographic and the several evolutionary biologists they quote; I rely on Wyatt Hoback, a psychologist who has done research independent from the APA and has concluded the same thing they have. I rely on the research done by Karen Hooker - research, by the way, that led the APA to remove homosexuality from their list of psychological disorders. And I rely on several institutions and scholars. You do not. You rely on nothing. You've not provided a single shred of evidence to back up anything you say. In fact, none of you bigots have.

The only evidence you could provide, however, is something by NARTH. That's fine, but they are not credible. Their bullshit has been refuted time and again.

You say I rely on nothing and call me a bigot. It's quite obvious that you have an agenda. I'm just looking for facts, while you are just looking for studies which support your position.

Good day.
Incorrect. In the late 1960s and early 1970s activists campaigned against the DSM classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, protesting at APA offices and at annual meetings from 1970 to 1973. In 1973 the Board of Trustees voted to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the DSM, a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership the following year. A category of "sexual orientation disturbance" was introduced in its place in 1974, and then replaced in the 1980 DSM-III with ego-dystonic homosexuality. Controversy ensued when it was removed in 1987, going against the standard still used by the World Health Organization's ICD-10, the Chinese Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders and the The Medical Council of India. There is also controversy regarding the new category of "sexual disorder not otherwise specified" which can include a state of distress about one's sexual orientation, as well as the diagnosis of "gender identity disorder".

Oh, wow - you can Google. Too bad you pulled your bull shit from some Christian organization. You clearly have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, so allow me to help educate you.

In 1957, the National Institute of Mental Health afforded a grant to psychologist Karen Hooker to conduct psychological tests to determine if homosexuality was a component of an unknown mental disorder, or if it was a social characteristic. After years of extensive research, psychologist Karen Hooker - and many others - concluded that there was "no correlation between social determinism and homosexuality." This research is the reason the APA removed homosexuality from their list of mental disorders. Not because they were pressured. That's a lie that has to be true in order for your bigoted worldview to have any merit whatsoever.

Also, you operate under the impression that the APA is the only psychological association that does not classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. Pity you are unaware of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' position, which, consequently, is the same as the APA's: Homosexuality is not a mental disorder.

In light of comments made on The Nolan Show today, the Royal College of Psychiatrists wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not regarded as a psychiatric disorder.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists holds the view that lesbian, gay and bisexual people should be regarded as valued members of society who have exactly similar rights and responsibilities as all other citizens. This includes equal access to health care, the rights and responsibilities involved in a civil partnership, the rights and responsibilities involved in procreating and bringing up children, freedom to practice a religion as a lay person or religious leader, freedom from harassment or discrimination in any sphere and a right to protection from therapies that are potentially damaging, particularly those that purport to change sexual orientation.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association concluded there was no scientific evidence that homosexuality was a disorder and removed it from its diagnostic glossary of mental disorders. The International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organisation followed suit in 1992.

There is now a large body of research evidence that indicates that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is compatible with normal mental health and social adjustment. However, the experiences of discrimination in society and possible rejection by friends, families and others, such as employers, means that some lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience a greater than expected prevalence of mental health and substance misuse problems.

Although there have been claims by conservative political groups in the USA that this higher prevalence of mental health difficulties is confirmation that homosexuality is itself a mental disorder, there is no evidence whatever to substantiate such a claim.

Northern Ireland

Now, you ignoramus, are you going to tell me that the Royal College succumbed to pressure, too? How about the World Health Organization? Did they?

You say I rely on nothing and call me a bigot. It's quite obvious that you have an agenda. I'm just looking for facts, while you are just looking for studies which support your position.

Good day.

You rely on absolutely nothing. You do no research at all, because had you done any, you might not have to be talked to as if you were a child.
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No, they haven't. I implore you to seek the truth rather than what you want the truth to be.

Yes, they have. I implore you to actually read a book.

And when you clowns ask questions the way you do - "Have they found a gay gene?" - you're being dishonest. They will never find a single gene that is responsible for someone being gay, straight, or bisexual. However, there is much evidence to suggest that homosexuality is genetic.

In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

They already know that homosexuality is genetic. It's still being disputed, but there is too much evidence to suggest that, in part, it is. Right now they're simply searching for THAT gene, but many scientists have already concluded that there will be no single gene. It's a combinational correlation.
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Think about it.

If there was a homo gene.

Then there would be NO homos!!

Because through evolutionary process. And not reproducing.

Homos would have gone extinct a long time ago!!

Believe me, I wish there was a homo gene :cool:

Just like you know nothing about being human, or mental health, it's also obvious that you know nothing about genes.

But then again.....what else can one expect from a close minded bigot?
My parents told me that back when they were in elementary school (in the 50s), if a child wrote with his left hand the school would make him write with is right hand, because they believed left-handed people to be abnormal. In fact, my mother was put through this training at her school. Every day she was forced to stay after class and practice writing with her right hand. Groups like NARTH who try and "treat" and "convert" homosexuals and the ignorance they operate with can be compared to that.
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My parents told me that back when they were in elementary school (in the 50s), if a child wrote with his left hand the school would make him write with is right hand, because they believed left-handed people to be abnormal. In fact, my mother was put through this training at her school. Every day she was forced to stay after class and practice writing with her right hand. Groups like NARTH who try and "treat" and "convert" homosexuals and the ignorance they operate with can be compared to that.
Being left handed is a genetic predisposition that a person has no control over.

Homosexuality is a choice.
Being left handed is a genetic predisposition that a person has no control over.

Homosexuality is a choice.

Sunnni, I have refuted your claims time and again. I'm about ready to put your ignorant ass on ignore. Homosexuality is not a choice. And why you, an ignoramus, would be against them - is beyond me. You have no choice but to be an ignoramus. Similarly, they have no choice but to be gay.

You folks are alike; that is, one in your fight for equality.

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