Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Yes, and in my state it was #2...which actually turned out to be much worse because it outlawed civil unions as well.

You know....we've come through 8 years of hate, discord, fear and a severe lack of love.

Why NOT allow the gays to get married?
You know....we've come through 8 years of hate, discord, fear and a severe lack of love.

Why NOT allow the gays to get married?
I'm with you, Rob. The time has come. Marriage equality is the civil rights issue in America at this time.
Ravi beat me to the punch. For most Democrats, this is a civil rights issue. Blacks were denied civil rights for years and now they're denying similar rights to gays.
Negros were born black and couldnt help the fact, thereby deservent of the civil rights movement and the civil rights they now enjoy. Gays on the other hand were not born gay and are not even a race, its a expression of licentious deviant behavior, therefore civil rights shouldnt even be a question here. Gays dont riot in the deep south they know better than that BS........ THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA HAS SPOKEN END OF DISCUSSION!!!
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Negros were born black and couldnt help the fact, thereby deservent of the civil rights movement and the civil rights they now enjoy. Gays on the other hand were not born gay and are not even a race, its a expression of licentious deviant behavior, therefore civil rights shouldnt even be a question here. Gays dont riot in the deep south they know better than that BS........ THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA HAS SPOKEN END OF DISCUSSION!!!

Homosexuality has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it. Pass it and move on already; we have more important things to address.
Homosexuality has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it. Pass it and move on already; we have more important things to address.

Exactly. :clap2:
Homosexuality has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.
Child molestation has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.

Rape has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.

Murder has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.
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Child molestation has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.

Rape has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.

Murder has been here since early antiquity and its not going away, so trying to inhibit their behavior will only fester it.

Hey idiot.....those things you just listed are violent and anti-social things that one person does to another.

Being gay is that bad HOW?
The blacks were not intolerant.

They just recognized perversion and voted against it. :clap2:

For a white boy you sure are stupid Sucking Moron The Rapist. Blacks are MORE intolerant of more things than they're not. Not only are they intolerant of whites, but they are ALSO intolerant of other blacks darker than they are.

Where did you get your education? A crackerjack box?
Negros were born black and couldnt help the fact, thereby deservent of the civil rights movement and the civil rights they now enjoy. Gays on the other hand were not born gay and are not even a race, its a expression of licentious deviant behavior, therefore civil rights shouldnt even be a question here. Gays dont riot in the deep south they know better than that BS........ THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA HAS SPOKEN END OF DISCUSSION!!!

Medical researchers are still trying to determine if homosexuals are born gay. Some studies seem to indicate that there could be a chemical imbalance in the brain which could make them more susceptible to homosexual behavior. If that's true, perhaps a cure can be found.
Medical researchers are still trying to determine if homosexuals are born gay. Some studies seem to indicate that there could be a chemical imbalance in the brain which could make them more susceptible to homosexual behavior. If that's true, perhaps a cure can be found.

Actually, research has shown that gay males when compared with straight males are different not only hormonally, but also in the way that their brain functions. Same thing for gay vs straight women.'s a combination of birth and environment, but birth plays a major role.
Actually, research has shown that gay males when compared with straight males are different not only hormonally, but also in the way that their brain functions. Same thing for gay vs straight women.'s a combination of birth and environment, but birth plays a major role.

The research I've seen seems to indicate that the hormonal differences are what cause the brain to function differently. Any links you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Medical researchers are still trying to determine if homosexuals are born gay. Some studies seem to indicate that there could be a chemical imbalance in the brain which could make them more susceptible to homosexual behavior. If that's true, perhaps a cure can be found.

If this research is at all true, then the APA (American Psychological Association) doesn't know of it.

Is homosexuality a mental disorder?

No, lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality.

Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

It's not something that can be cured. As the National Geographic article provided notes, homosexuality is prevalent in the animal kingdom. It is a natural aspect of animal sexuality. Why are some people gay? Nobody really knows. They suspect, however, it is a combination of nature (evolution) and nurture (early environment). Either way, it is not a disorder. Why are more people straight than gay? Nobody knows, really. Culture would be my guess. There are some species that spend their lives with a partner of the same-sex, but when the females are ovulating, they get together and mate. Once the mating is done, they go back to their same-sex partner.

There are many unanswered questions. We can be sure of these points, however: 1) Homosexuality is not a mental disorder, nor something that requires a cure; 2) It is prevalent in the animal kingdom, so it's simply a natural part of animal sexuality.

That's the science. Deny it and you're a bigot. Period. Too much research has been done, at least as far as the APA is concerned, to intelligently deny it. I don't care what NARTH says or what Focus on the Family says or any other Christian organization says. I simply do not care; they are not credible. They are operating with a motive.

Personally, I would not engage in homosexual activity. It's not something that appeals to me, and it is a sin according to my religion. But I will not force my religion on someone else; this is not a Christian nation. I don't have the right to force my belief on anyone. Secondly, God would not approve. That's why we have Free Will. He does not force us to follow His laws, love Him, et cetera... Imagine if you forced someone to love you. What kind of love is that? It's not love.

If you can't understand something, don't criticize it.
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