Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

You can be disgusted by gays and not vote for them to be treated as second class citizens. You can also live your life by your God and not force his word onto everyone else.

You can agree with the homosexual agenda and not misrepresent the positions of your opponents and try to emotionally blackmail people. You can also live your life by your secular beliefs and not try to force them onto everyone else.

I'll keep my religion out of public life as soon as you agree to do the same with YOUR beliefs.
Or you can live and let live, and not shove your religion unto everyone else.
Judge not less thee be judged and all that jazz.

I houghly doubt God gave us free will so we could force each other to obey him. It makes no sense.

I love how you tell him not to "shove his religion onto everyone else", and then in the next sentence have the sheer hubris to try to preach to him about how to practice his religion! Not only is that laughable, it's hypocritical.

What really makes no sense is your entire second paragraph. Talk about welding two utterly unrelated concepts to each other.
I've never met anyone who cannot see the difference between homosexuality between consenting adults and rape. Why so much hate? Have you ever actually met someone who was gay or are you only repeating hearsay?

Oh and government allowing gay marraige is remaining neutral not encouraging them.

Would it be too much to ask for you to actually quote the post you're responding to so that people have some point of reference for figuring out what in blazes you're babbling about?
You can be a Christian and not force everyone else to be.

Who's forcing you to be a Christian? Someone hold a gun to your head, make you go to church, and force you to get on your knees and repent your sins, did they?

Likewise you can have a Christian church and refuse to marry gays.

Well, for NOW you can. Give the activists a little more leeway, and that'll change.

As I said before, I highly doubt God gave everyone free will but secretly wants us to force each other to obey him.

Nope, still as nonsensical and meaningless as it was the first time you said it.
They are voting to make their 'homosexuality is evil' christian scripture part of state legislature.

No, they aren't. Please be so kind as to spare us the ridiculous hyperbole. Nowhere in ANY of these laws and amendments has there been ONE WORD about homosexuality being evil or about any scripture, Christian or otherwise.

People are voting for one thing and one thing only: to delineate what relationship will be legally recognized as a marriage. That's it. That's all.

You seriously overestimate how much anyone cares about who you have sex with, live with, fall in love with, whatever. Set up whatever home arrangement you want. We don't give a rat's ass. You just don't get to call us in and demand that we sanction it. And you SURE don't get to call us in, demand we sanction it, and THEN throw a hissy fit because we refuse and tell us it's none of our business.

They're voting to make gays second class citizens of sorts again because of religious doctrine.

Please see above re: hyperbole. Do you really think there are that many people in the United States who are hardline religious fundamentalists? Do you really believe there are that many of them in CALIFORNIA, for crying out loud?

You need to wake up and realize that this isn't about religion, and you can't just stomp your little feet and demonize the Christians and make it go away.

And if you consider marraige to be a religionous thing they're telling all the other religions you can't marry gays (even though some of them want to marry gays).

So what?
Since the dumass who actually thinks they are Mormon because they were converted recently won't, I was raised at the time BEFORE they stopped the practice in the LDS church *pauses for drug related jokes* and here is some links:

Mormon polygamy <- Straight from the mouth of the church itself.
THE POLYGAMY DILEMMA AND THE BOOK OF MORMON <- Though not from the church, the Witnesses and Mormons are very much alike in many aspects save this one so they argue it out all the time.

The church disavowed it earlier than the practice itself was stopped. Even in Utah the practice still persists on a smaller scale. It was taken as a way to fulfill one commandment "be fruitful and multiply" found in the BofM. Officially the practice did not stop until the early 80's late 70's, at which time the polygamist marriages were finally broken up.

So, stupid LieSpeaker, try again.
WTH's the difference in Islamic 24 virgins(or however many) after death, and Mormon polygamy??? you can choose to get'em now or get'em later:lol::lol::lol:
No, they aren't. Please be so kind as to spare us the ridiculous hyperbole. Nowhere in ANY of these laws and amendments has there been ONE WORD about homosexuality being evil or about any scripture, Christian or otherwise.

People are voting for one thing and one thing only: to delineate what relationship will be legally recognized as a marriage. That's it. That's all.

You seriously overestimate how much anyone cares about who you have sex with, live with, fall in love with, whatever. Set up whatever home arrangement you want. We don't give a rat's ass. You just don't get to call us in and demand that we sanction it. And you SURE don't get to call us in, demand we sanction it, and THEN throw a hissy fit because we refuse and tell us it's none of our business.

Please see above re: hyperbole. Do you really think there are that many people in the United States who are hardline religious fundamentalists? Do you really believe there are that many of them in CALIFORNIA, for crying out loud?

You need to wake up and realize that this isn't about religion, and you can't just stomp your little feet and demonize the Christians and make it go away.

So what?
Homosexual agenda has one objective and only one and thats to destroy societal identities thereby attempting to dilute and debunk millenniums of traditional family ideology unit of one man and one woman:eusa_whistle:

Break down the traditional family unit in a country and youve practically sacked it.....:eek:
WTH's the difference in Islamic 24 virgins(or however many) after death, and Mormon polygamy??? you can choose to get'em now or get'em later:lol::lol::lol:

Mormons don't require you to blow yourself up, along with multiple innocent bystanders, in order to get multiple wives.
I have a question: if being gay is natural, not at all a choice, not at all influenced by environment, people are born that way, nothing can be done to change it...why do gay men still have sperm and semen, and why do lesbians have ovaries and periods? After all, if nature created homosexuals the same way it created heterosexuals, what would they need with those pesky functions and fluids?
I have a question: if being gay is natural, not at all a choice, not at all influenced by environment, people are born that way, nothing can be done to change it...why do gay men still have sperm and semen, and why do lesbians have ovaries and periods? After all, if nature created homosexuals the same way it created heterosexuals, what would they need with those pesky functions and fluids?

Okay, the first answer that popped into my head was incredibly crude, so we'll skip past that.

Just because homosexuals don't desire and fall in love with the opposite sex in no way means they might not choose to have children. In fact, it is not an uncommon practice for them to put aside their indifference to the opposite sex in order to produce families, although in this day and age of fertility clinics and surrogate mothers, they no longer necessarily have to go to that extent to accomplish their goals.
I have a question: if being gay is natural, not at all a choice, not at all influenced by environment, people are born that way, nothing can be done to change it...why do gay men still have sperm and semen, and why do lesbians have ovaries and periods? After all, if nature created homosexuals the same way it created heterosexuals, what would they need with those pesky functions and fluids?

There's no evidence to support the argument that homosexuality is natural. Regardless what anyone tries to push, homosexuality is manifest and evidenced solely by behavior.
There's no evidence to support the argument that homosexuality is natural. Regardless what anyone tries to push, homosexuality is manifest and evidenced solely by behavior.

There's also no reason to believe that just because someone is "born that way", that "that way" is automatically good or desirable or equivalent to the more normal way of being. After all, one is born with a tendency toward alcoholism or certain mental illnesses. Do we consider schizophrenia an "alternate lifestyle"?
Okay, the first answer that popped into my head was incredibly crude, so we'll skip past that.

Just because homosexuals don't desire and fall in love with the opposite sex in no way means they might not choose to have children. In fact, it is not an uncommon practice for them to put aside their indifference to the opposite sex in order to produce families, although in this day and age of fertility clinics and surrogate mothers, they no longer necessarily have to go to that extent to accomplish their goals.

Where did I say the antithesis of any of that? I'm merely asking why, considering homosexuality, in a big way, precludes reproduction. If you don't desire the kind of sex that would allow one to reproduce, why do you need all the trappings those who would have? It's not just a question of orientation, but the far reaching ramifications of orientation.
Where did I say the antithesis of any of that? I'm merely asking why, considering homosexuality, in a big way, precludes reproduction. If you don't desire the kind of sex that would allow one to reproduce, why do you need all the trappings those who would have? It's not just a question of orientation, but the far reaching ramifications of orientation.

And I'm saying that homosexuality does NOT preclude reproduction. It just means you have to go looking specifically to reproduce, instead of having it happen by accident, the way God intended. ;)
Bestiality is not illegal because the poor animal can't give consent and is being raped. It's illegal because sane adults consider the entire idea revolting.

That is a completely stupid reason to ban ANYTHING. It must be illegal because people who have no interest in it don't like it, or they think it's immoral. Yeah that makes perfect sense. If you consider something revolting don't do it. You don't need laws to protect you from it. Are you so worried that someone might be doing something you find immoral that you want to get big government involved? How does what people do in their private lives affect you? This I really want to hear.
Sorry, but the fact that our laws protect VERY SPECIFIC rights for everyone does not in any way convey an immunity for various minorities from ANY vulnerability to the will of the majority.

Way too many people have gotten the mistaken impression that our system of government is designed to cut the will of the people totally out of the loop on everything.

14th amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

It's the equal protection clause that's at issue here.

And the bill of rights was created in the first place exactly so that the minority's rights were not at the whims of the majority. If they thought the majority got to dictate everything they wouldn't have made the bill of rights.
That is a completely stupid reason to ban ANYTHING. It must be illegal because people who have no interest in it don't like it, or they think it's immoral.
Yeah that makes perfect sense.[/QUOTE]

Why do you THINK we make things illegal, witless? Because we consider them bad and immoral. Duh. Did you really think society made bestiality illegal because of concern over animal cruelty?

If you consider something revolting don't do it. You don't need laws to protect you from it.

Oh, yeah, THAT makes sense. As long as I don't do it, I'm totally unaffected by whether or not anyone ELSE does it, because of course people who live in a society are all isolated little islands unto themselves. I can't decide which one you are a bigger ignoramus about: laws or morals. What I DO know is that I'm damned glad you don't live in MY neighborhood.

Are you so worried that someone might be doing something you find immoral that you want to get big government involved?

What do you think the job of the government IS, exactly, other than to be society's active arm in deciding on and enforcing its boundaries?

How does what people do in their private lives affect you? This I really want to hear.

So you don't think we should have laws against anything that you personally? You're perfectly okay with having a crack house on one side of yours and a whorehouse on the other, and maybe a kiddy porn ring behind you, so long as they keep the noise down and don't bother YOU and YOUR kids?

And don't give me, "But that stuff all hurts SOMEONE". You asked about other people's private lives affecting ME. Me personally. So by that standard, any law against something that does not PERSONALLY affect you shouldn't exist, because after all, there's no such thing as defining deviancy down, creating a depraved society, and hurting EVERYONE who must live in it.

You need to pull your head out and figure out what purpose laws serve and why people pass them, and stop trying to pretend that morality is separate from real life. That's just another way of saying, "I have no morals at all."

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