Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Must everyone here use ad hominem attacks?

If you support gay maraige you MUST be involved in gay sex. There can't be any other reason to support gay marraige, none at all. I guess 48% of California is gay then. Who knew?
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. They just trying to demonise those of us who are dusgusted by gay sex acts and those of us who would rather follow the Word of God and common sense rather than follow deviant sex acts that some in society have deemed as acceptable.

You can be disgusted by gays and not vote for them to be treated as second class citizens. You can also live your life by your God and not force his word onto everyone else.
That's idiotic!!

God is against sodomites. Any Christian should be totally against them and their sick lifestyle. Period.

Or you can live and let live, and not shove your religion unto everyone else.
Judge not less thee be judged and all that jazz.

I houghly doubt God gave us free will so we could force each other to obey him. It makes no sense.
Or you can live and let live, and not shove your religion unto everyone else.
Judge not less thee be judged and all that jazz.

I houghly doubt God gave us free will so we could force each other to obey him. It makes no sense.
Homos are no different than rapists, child molesters, and other perverts.

They should NOT be supported or encouraged in any way.
I've never met anyone who cannot see the difference between homosexuality between consenting adults and rape. Why so much hate? Have you ever actually met someone who was gay or are you only repeating hearsay?

Oh and government allowing gay marraige is remaining neutral not encouraging them.
You can be disgusted by gays and not vote for them to be treated as second class citizens. You can also live your life by your God and not force his word onto everyone else.

casting a vote to support gay marriage would not be in keeping with Christian why would a Christian support gay marriage or teaching our children its just another choice in life
casting a vote to support gay marriage would not be in keeping with Christian why would a Christian support gay marriage or teaching our children its just another choice in life

You can be a Christian and not force everyone else to be.
Likewise you can have a Christian church and refuse to marry gays. As I said before, I highly doubt God gave everyone free will but secretly wants us to force each other to obey him.
no one is forcing anyone to be Christian..they are voting according to their conscience

They are voting to make their 'homosexuality is evil' christian scripture part of state legislature. They're voting to make gays second class citizens of sorts again because of religious doctrine. And if you consider marraige to be a religionous thing they're telling all the other religions you can't marry gays (even though some of them want to marry gays).
We have these things called age of consent laws. 18 is the age in most states.

It's always dangerous to decide that law dictates morality, instead of the other way around.

My grandmother married at the age of 12, and it was quite legal at that time. Does the legality of the act mean that you think that makes it perfectly okay?

In Thailand and certain other parts of Asia, you can legally purchase pre-pubescent children for sex. Does that make it okay and moral in your eyes? Or is it only American law that conveys morality?
You're missing my point.

Because animals can't give consent bestiality is pretty much rape. That's why bestiality will never be legal, and mot likely never accepted by the public or anyone else (including most animal rights nuts). That's why the cnonclusion that the acceptance of gays will lead to acceptance of bestiality is complete hogwash.

Bestiality is not illegal because the poor animal can't give consent and is being raped. It's illegal because sane adults consider the entire idea revolting.

And since the goalposts for sanity, adulthood, and repulsion all can be and have been moved, there is no reason to naively believe that they won't be again.
It is tyranny by the majority. Look a basic foundation of the u.s. democracy is that everyone in this country has certain rights that the majority can not take away from everyone no matter how much they want to.

Sorry, but the fact that our laws protect VERY SPECIFIC rights for everyone does not in any way convey an immunity for various minorities from ANY vulnerability to the will of the majority.

Way too many people have gotten the mistaken impression that our system of government is designed to cut the will of the people totally out of the loop on everything.
Homos are no different than rapists, child molesters, and other perverts.

They should NOT be supported or encouraged in any way.

Okay Sucking Moron......lemmie lay some knowledge on ya........

Islamist assholes like yourself are no different than the terrorist Muslims.

Wanna try again?
You're right it doesn't make much sense, we should either stop charging them as adults or lower the age of consent then to match who we charge as adults.

And no it doesn't make it right, but if everyone involved consents to it and it doesn't harm anyone else then why shouldn't they be allowed to do it?

That isn't how laws are passed, nor should it be. We don't sit down and say, "Okay, this age group. We need to have laws concerning them on this subject and this subject and this subject, and they should all reflect THIS particular viewpoint of the age group."

Age of consent laws and laws concerning who is charged as an adult are based on completely different criteria, and bear no relation to each other.
The tyranny of majority is a general principle, it doesn't have to involve marraige. If the majority decided to ban something harmless like lava lamps or fuzzy dice it will still qualify.

Hell forcing bars to have smoking bans only because of a majority vote qualifies.

No. "Tyranny" is not defined as "some people having to live with laws they don't like".

If we followed your viewpoint to the logical extreme, then there would be NO laws whatsoever, because ANY law would, perforce, be tyranny, and we should therefore all simply live in anarchy, doing exactly as we please when we please.
ok lets put banning gay marriage or returning blacks to the cotton fields up for a vote ...winner take all

Did that already. Over half the states in the nation have held votes which resulted in the banning of legal recognition for homosexual "marriage", and long ago several Constitutional Amendments, not to mention lesser laws, were passed outlawing slavery. Thank God, since when that last issue was left up to the courts, THEY chose to uphold slavery. So much for their moral and intellectual superiority. :eusa_whistle:
A rephrase then "majority tyranny of the minority" whether you accept the phrase or not that is the reality that is being seen by the minority.

In other words, you feel oppressed because you aren't getting your way. My teenager feels the same way, and I have the same response: Boo frigging hoo. :eusa_boohoo: Discontent does not a tyranny make.

I did not say that, I said:
"Is it legal to amend the constitution of the state by majority vote only? I would hope not."

Yeah, actually, that WOULD be saying you hope the people have no say in the laws that govern them, since the people have their say by voting for things. Or voting for people who then vote for things, whichever.

Actually it is 18 or older in 12 states, 17 or older in 8 states and 16 or older in the rest.
Ages of consent in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You really shouldn't cram responses to two different posts into one, especially when they aren't from the same person AND they aren't arguing the same position.

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