Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

More stupidity, this chick doesn't know what she's talking about.

So then, it's okay to have gay sex if a god tells you to, that being so then all gay men and women are still good because they were told to by your god that they had to have gay sex in order to find people who are judgemental.
yea dude.. your infinite number of gay hating threads sure does back up that statement. Hey, it's all good, dude.. the bible also says we can keep slaves too. I guess it's back to the cotton field for you!

Mr Bass hates homosexuality the sin[gay sex acts] not the actual homosexuals. Why not put you in the cotton field jackass?
oh, so if the majority of white people in the US decided to vote to put ******* back in the field then it's just a vote by the people for the people, eh?



ok lets put banning gay marriage or returning blacks to the cotton fields up for a vote ...winner take all
There is no such thing as "majority tyranny". It's a contradiction in terms.
A rephrase then "majority tyranny of the minority" whether you accept the phrase or not that is the reality that is being seen by the minority.

The government of a state, being smaller and closer to the people, is intended to be more directly responsive to the will of the people. Speaking in terms of representative government, the individual states themselves are intended in many cases to act as the representatives of their people.
We agree for the most part here.

I can't imagine why you would "hope" that the people have no say in the laws that govern them.
I did not say that, I said:
"Is it legal to amend the constitution of the state by majority vote only? I would hope not."

We have these things called age of consent laws. 18 is the age in most states.

Actually it is 18 or older in 12 states, 17 or older in 8 states and 16 or older in the rest.
Ages of consent in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ok lets put banning gay marriage or returning blacks to the cotton fields up for a vote ...winner take all

hey, if there is no such thing as a tyranny of the majority then surely, SURELY a threatened white population fresh inside an African American presidency wouldn't vote to suppress non-whites.. SURELY.
Mr Bass hates homosexuality the sin[gay sex acts] not the actual homosexuals. Why not put you in the cotton field jackass?

rationalize however you need to, niglet. If you don't believe in a Tyranny of the Majority and the necessity of a Bill of Rights then what do you have to worry about? I mean, a vote FROM the people FOR the people, right?
The tyranny of majority is a general principle, it doesn't have to involve marraige. If the majority decided to ban something harmless like lava lamps or fuzzy dice it will still qualify.

Hell forcing bars to have smoking bans only because of a majority vote qualifies.

If the majority of the people voted to hang your ugly jackass for being a racist then its just a vote by the people for the people, eh?

But, since we all know that white people still hold the fucking reigns in this nation and we ALL KNOW who has a record of swinging from a tree I think you might wanna put some more thought into that statement during your grape kool aid and menthol cigarette break.
Man O Man. The closet homosexuals are still hating themselves. Hiding who you really are is not good for you, Glock, Sunni, Bass. It's just not good. Please, come out of the closet and love yourselves.
Oh look, a liberal using gay as an insult. You fucking hypocrite.
hey, if there is no such thing as a tyranny of the majority then surely, SURELY a threatened white population fresh inside an African American presidency wouldn't vote to suppress non-whites.. SURELY.

If blacks and the majority whites vote to hang and kill racists like you and the Klan and skinheads would that be tyranny?
But, since we all know that white people still hold the fucking reigns in this nation and we ALL KNOW who has a record of swinging from a tree I think you might wanna put some more thought into that statement during your grape kool aid and menthol cigarette break.

You think the majority of whites would you support you stupid hypothetical talk? The difference is try that lynching and violence and idiots like you will be meet with maximum retaliation and self defense. With a black man being the President that wouldn't happen anyways David Duke Jr.
The opposition loves homosexuality[gay sex acts], they don't really care about gay rights, its just a front they're using o disguise their love and support for gay sex acts. They would *NOT* vehemently defend gay sex acts if this isn't the case. They just trying to demonise those of us who are dusgusted by gay sex acts and those of us who would rather follow the Word of God and common sense rather than follow deviant sex acts that some in society have deemed as acceptable.
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