Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Well .. if your god commanded the good angels to go and do something that was evil, then logically your god is evil.

God commanded His angels to do no evil, you need to go back and properly read the scriptures.
The Us Constitution says nothing about support of gay sex acts and the states have the right to vote down gay marriage and adoption, are saying that everyone who votes against gay marriage and adoption are wicked people? LMAO, unless anyone supports what you like they're all bad, who's really judging whom?

Other than one rant you have no basis to say that I think that you are evil for not aligning your views to mine, and even in that rant I implied that there was a lot of fear based thinking not stupid or wicked or evil. If I remember correctly you are the one who is calling those who are gay wicked, depraved and morons. I digress.

While the US constitution says nothing about homosexuality it did say through the state constitutions/statutes sex acts that you call depraved, in fact the SCOUS had something very definite to say about those outdated state laws.
You were the one that said it, not me. I was just repeating, but if you don't like logic that's your flaw.

Some idiots just go on and on playing stupid games, God was and is alright right and just, you are not, end of discussion. Nothing you've said proves homosexuality is right.
Other than one rant you have no basis to say that I think that you are evil for not aligning your views to mine, and even in that rant I implied that there was a lot of fear based thinking not stupid or wicked or evil. If I remember correctly you are the one who is calling those who are gay wicked, depraved and morons. I digress.

While the US constitution says nothing about homosexuality it did say through the state constitutions/statutes sex acts that you call depraved, in fact the SCOUS had something very definite to say about those outdated state laws.

You spoke of majority tyranny, which implies evil, about they majority who votes against gay marriage and adoption, which also implies that any majority vote on a legal measure that doesn't suit what you like is evil. Thats your logic.
Because that is majority tyranny over the the minority. BTW The Constitution of the US trumps the constitution of the state. Is it legal to amend the constitution of the state by majority vote only? I would hope not.

There is no such thing as "majority tyranny". It's a contradiction in terms.

And yes, I believe all state Constitutions are amended by ballot vote. The government of a state, being smaller and closer to the people, is intended to be more directly responsive to the will of the people. Speaking in terms of representative government, the individual states themselves are intended in many cases to act as the representatives of their people.

I can't imagine why you would "hope" that the people have no say in the laws that govern them.
so the big difference between homosexuality and beastiualty is consent
well.... lm glad you said it...
You're missing my point.

Because animals can't give consent bestiality is pretty much rape. That's why bestiality will never be legal, and mot likely never accepted by the public or anyone else (including most animal rights nuts). That's why the cnonclusion that the acceptance of gays will lead to acceptance of bestiality is complete hogwash.
You spoke of majority tyranny, which implies evil, about they majority who votes against gay marriage and adoption, which also implies that any majority vote on a legal measure that doesn't suit what you like is evil. Thats your logic.

Main Entry:
tyr·an·ny Listen to the pronunciation of tyranny
Inflected Form(s):
plural tyr·an·nies
Middle English tyrannie, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin tyrannia, from Latin tyrannus tyrant
14th century

1: oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man — Thomas Jefferson> ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state>2 a: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler ; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b: the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock — Dixon Wecter>4: a tyrannical act <workers who had suffered tyrannies>

tyranny - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Oppression is not in and of itself evil, even though it is WRONG. It is possible to look at the motivations of oppression and judge whether that particular incident is or is not evil. Oppression and/or tyranny is almost universally fear based though. Fear often leads to disrespect, hate and tyranny.

Please sir, ask what my logic is, before you assume what it actually is.
Main Entry:
tyr·an·ny Listen to the pronunciation of tyranny
Inflected Form(s):
plural tyr·an·nies
Middle English tyrannie, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin tyrannia, from Latin tyrannus tyrant
14th century

1: oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man — Thomas Jefferson> ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state>2 a: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler ; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b: the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the clock — Dixon Wecter>4: a tyrannical act <workers who had suffered tyrannies>

tyranny - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Oppression is not in and of itself evil, even though it is WRONG. It is possible to look at the motivations of oppression and judge whether that particular incident is or is not evil. Oppression and/or tyranny is almost universally fear based though. Fear often leads to disrespect, hate and tyranny.

Please sir, ask what my logic is, before you assume what it actually is.

Your logic is still flawed because a majority vote by the people for or against a specific measure is not tyranny nor evil in itself exactly, nor is it oppressive power exerted by the government, its a vote by the people for the people.
It is tyranny by the majority. Look a basic foundation of the u.s. democracy is that everyone in this country has certain rights that the majority can not take away from everyone no matter how much they want to.
We have these things called age of consent laws. 18 is the age in most states.

So kids can't consent to sex with adults because of their age but they can be charged as adults and be given life sentences like adults, makes no sense. Consent is the issue here, just because someone consents o something doesn't make it right.
It is tyranny by the majority. Look a basic foundation of the u.s. democracy is that everyone in this country has certain rights that the majority can not take away from everyone no matter how much they want to.

Its not tyranny, its simply a majority vote against a measure, its only tyranny when it doesn't suit you or what you like, but when it does suit you its not tyranny, right?
So kids can't consent to sex with adults because of their age but they can be charged as adults and be given life sentences like adults, makes no sense. Consent is the issue here, just because someone consents o something doesn't make it right.

You're right it doesn't make much sense, we should either stop charging them as adults or lower the age of consent then to match who we charge as adults.

And no it doesn't make it right, but if everyone involved consents to it and it doesn't harm anyone else then why shouldn't they be allowed to do it?
Your logic is still flawed because a majority vote by the people for or against a specific measure is not tyranny nor evil in itself exactly, nor is it oppressive power exerted by the government, its a vote by the people for the people.

oh, so if the majority of white people in the US decided to vote to put ******* back in the field then it's just a vote by the people for the people, eh?


Thats where you're wrong because Mr Bass is stating what the Bible says, not providing his own observation, so if you gotta problem its with God and His Word not the Bass.

yea dude.. your infinite number of gay hating threads sure does back up that statement. Hey, it's all good, dude.. the bible also says we can keep slaves too. I guess it's back to the cotton field for you!
The tyranny of majority is a general principle, it doesn't have to involve marraige. If the majority decided to ban something harmless like lava lamps or fuzzy dice it will still qualify.

Hell forcing bars to have smoking bans only because of a majority vote qualifies.
oh, so if the majority of white people in the US decided to vote to put ******* back in the field then it's just a vote by the people for the people, eh?



If the majority of the people voted to hang your ugly jackass for being a racist then its just a vote by the people for the people, eh?

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