Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

well its not like there hurting anyone..and it could just be know like gay people..its not like they choose we must embrace a truly free society a man or woman could openly love the beast or object of his choice ..and express that love ..without judgement

The animal can't give consent, so technically it's rape. That's the big difference between the two.
As per my previous post macintosh. I told you the history of the downfall of nations, the embrace of homosexuality of over 2million members of the Hitler youth, etc, etc, etc.
All you did to "refute" my statements was to tell me to "link up or shut up". Why don't you go and google it. I already did. You just don't want to.
I win again.

First rule of debate:
Though shalt back up thine statements with credible sources. Though shalt not expect thine opponent to do thine research. Responsibility for backing stuff up lies with the person making the claim.
Perhaps it is impossible to really win a debate with people who are going to find a way to disagree with you no matter what you say. I feel my historical arguments stand for themselves and I don't need to prove anything else. So it doesn't really matter who "won"
This is all about opinion anyway right?
I am going to sleep. Can't keep up with you creatures of the night. I will respond to anything tomorrow.:eusa_snooty:
So little girls who consent to have sex with adults is ok? If consent is the big deal you're making.

Have you heard of statutory rape or child molestation? There's a difference between consent and informed consent; no state in the Union imbues someone under 18 to consent to sex with someone over 20. Strict laws on age differences exist in many parts of the country. There is obviously a difference between a 17 year old and 18 year old having a sexual relationship and a 7 year old and 18 year old having a sexual relationship. Are the laws perfect? Of course not. But they are still important, and still increase the legal protection of more individuals than total free reign.

If you are an adult in the eyes of the law, your sexual relationships are your responsibility (beyond forcible rape, of course). Younger than that it is and should be society's responsibility. Protecting children is something every good community in the nation supports.
Have you heard of statutory rape or child molestation? There's a difference between consent and informed consent; no state in the Union imbues someone under 18 to consent to sex with someone over 20. Strict laws on age differences exist in many parts of the country. There is obviously a difference between a 17 year old and 18 year old having a sexual relationship and a 7 year old and 18 year old having a sexual relationship. Are the laws perfect? Of course not. But they are still important, and still increase the legal protection of more individuals than total free reign.

If you are an adult in the eyes of the law, your sexual relationships are your responsibility (beyond forcible rape, of course). Younger than that it is and should be society's responsibility. Protecting children is something every good community in the nation supports.

Mr Bass sees a big contradiction with courts because they give underaged kids life sentences and charge them as adults with crimes but you expect Mr Bass to believe that 13 year old who consents to sex with a 40 year old somehow does not know what they are doing? The same law thats supposed to protect the underaged also devours them with life sentences and treats them like adults, but thats ok right? The point is that that little consent argument about bestiality and homosexuality is no argument that makes homosex ok.
"The ACTUAL bible also warned of false prophets too. I guess that takes the wind out of your sails."

Please explain how so. In fact The Book of Mormon itself is a strong stamp on the authenticity of The Bible itself. Not a smart comment. You haven't read the book of mormon and apparently neither has hello Kitty over here.
You say you grew up mormon. Did you grow up in the backwoods of the Texas Desert or something. Those polygamists are not associated with us had you known anything about us and proves you are:eusa_liar:

24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

25Behold, I have told you before.

26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

I nver said I grew up mormon, mormon. In fact, Im quite glad your cultish asses was kicked the hell out of my state back in the day. It's hilarious to hear mormons try to hard to step away from the polygamy while demonizing homosexuality... NEVERMIND the fact that your entire faith is based on some snake oil scheister's mad ravings in some get rich quick scheme that finally worked.

Oh by the way, I am more than happy to hear what you have to say against mormons. Bring it on. You will be sorely confounded. There is not one single apparent contradiction you can come with. You had better come strong.
Of course the Bible warns about false prophets. Like I never heard that one before:lol:
Before you go pretending to believe in God, you had better brush up on your scriptures.
Num 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. Both Happened to Joseph Smith..... wait I can already hear it coming. You don't like old testament scriptures. ok fine.
Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.....
Sorry, couldn't help that last one. Here's the new testament ones:
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Better bone up before deal with someone who knows:eusa_naughty: their scriptures.
Give up now and admit you don't believe in God.

And for Mr. Hello Kitty. Just because you are mad at the church doesn't mean you have to smear and lie about them.:eusa_think:

yea dude.. jo smith.. DAVID KORESH.. JIM JONES.. way to rationalize your cult! You are probably the first human on the face of the planet to EVER have made rationalized excuses for your beliefs!


Indeed, you know damn well which scriptures, FROM AN ACTUAL BIBLE, apply to your little desert cult. I guess you would have all kinds of practice trying to pretty up that wolf that you try to stuff is sheeps clothing.
Im ok with Mormans as long as they dont go preaching Jesus and Satan were bros??:lol:

oh hey.. some charlitain who talked to an angel in the woods said jesus and satan are brothers. Come on, whats NOT to believe about that?

As per my previous post macintosh. I told you the history of the downfall of nations, the embrace of homosexuality of over 2million members of the Hitler youth, etc, etc, etc.
All you did to "refute" my statements was to tell me to "link up or shut up". Why don't you go and google it. I already did. You just don't want to.
I win again.


so, is that the kind of stupid shit they teach in mormon school? that nazis were busy FUCKING gay men rather than, oh i dunno, killing them?


yea dude.. you win that swift kick in the ass being handed to you.
First rule of debate:
Though shalt back up thine statements with credible sources. Though shalt not expect thine opponent to do thine research. Responsibility for backing stuff up lies with the person making the claim.


you support abortion and homosexuality and evolutionary theory..what do you care about Christ or Satan
Since the dumass who actually thinks they are Mormon because they were converted recently won't, I was raised at the time BEFORE they stopped the practice in the LDS church *pauses for drug related jokes* and here is some links:

Mormon polygamy <- Straight from the mouth of the church itself.
THE POLYGAMY DILEMMA AND THE BOOK OF MORMON <- Though not from the church, the Witnesses and Mormons are very much alike in many aspects save this one so they argue it out all the time.

The church disavowed it earlier than the practice itself was stopped. Even in Utah the practice still persists on a smaller scale. It was taken as a way to fulfill one commandment "be fruitful and multiply" found in the BofM. Officially the practice did not stop until the early 80's late 70's, at which time the polygamist marriages were finally broken up.

So, stupid LieSpeaker, try again.
you support abortion and homosexuality and evolutionary theory..what do you care about Christ or Satan

dive into the actual scriptures and find any suggestion that jesus and satan are siblings. I don't have to care about aerodynamics to tell you that a plane can fly. Indeed, when bastardized christian dogmas start letting non-believers live their lives without the slimy tendrils of their moral outrage making an appearance every half a breath then you can give me a lecture about how what I believe disqualifies my ability to point at the ACTUAL bible.

Bashing religion isn't going to prove that homosexuality is right and ok, so why the retards keep doing it Mr Bass doesn't know. Just as bashing religion isn't going to make murder and lying right and ok the same with homosexuality.

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