Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Wow ... good point. If only we had seen the light sooner! We need more gay men and women, or at least more of them coming out of the closet.

don't forget about the beastiality crowed they need respect for there sexual preference as well....
Obviously the dick in your ear has jammed into your brain and clouded your ability to see reason. Or read properly. I told you the source. I didn't say gay "marriage". I said societies that embraced homosexuality:banghead:. You refuted nothing of what I said and remain stupid. Time for you to run and hide:scared1:

Listen you stupid fucker, you said:

I don't understand how people can be pro gay "marriage". It just doesn't make sense. Every major society that has embraced homosexuality has been decimated "coincidentally".​

Even if what you say is true, explain to me how a few sick fucking guards raping people is a society "embracing" homosexuality?

Moreover, the Internet contains more information than any library in the world. In fact, I suspect the Internet contains more information than all the libraries in the U.S. put together. Given that, you're telling me that you can't link us up to anything that backs up the horse shit you spout? Perhaps that's because you're a fucking big mouth with delusions of grandeur.

Link up or shut up, asshole.

Can't stand fucking lamers like you. You suck at every aspect of real life, so hop online and spew diatribe and bull shit in order to feel important.

I provided evidence to refute your claim. You haven't provided shit.

Guess what?

You lose.
Yes let's do that actually. And I'll go you one further. If you think the Book of Mormon is a crock of crap, it points out and warns us about people like you. 2 Nephi chapter 28 verse 20 "In the last day shall Satan rage:evil: in the hearts of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good." later in verse 28 And in fine wo unto all those who tremble and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon my foundation receiveth it with gladness, and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he should fall:ack-1:."

Of course you don't believe in the words of the book of Mormon, but I do. This is an example of personal verication that the gospel is true.The language that I used which ruffles peoples feathers and "offends" them is the same type of language that got Jesus killed. But you don't truly study the Bible or the words of Christ to see the parralel.
.The truth has a certain ring to it:udaman:. You can deny it using whatever Socratic argument you like, just look where it got the society of Socrates.
You are like, also, way too angry :evil:about this aren't you? I suspect your life is wrapped up in this aren't you. I am not going to humor you with links that take time out of my life. I have read the information:eusa_shhh:I don't know what you've been drinking:booze:. but you need to educated yourself, since I don't feel like doing it.
Because even if I do post a link, you are going to dislike it so much that you will lie:eusa_liar: to yourself and find a way to argue against:banghead: it rather than accept the truth.:(
I win
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The ACTUAL bible also warned of false prophets too. I guess that takes the wind out of your sails.
There is NO difference homosexuality and beastiality except the animal :eek:

Next, you're going to say that homosexuality, bestiality and child molesters are all in the same category, right?

You have to be the stupidest m-fer on the planet. Even dumber than Bush Jr.
Dumb squid makes dumb personal attack without any logical reasoning, a typical occurrence.

that accusation is ironic as fuck coming from our own little buckwheat, eh?

By attacking me. Does that mean that you support homosexuality and beastiality :eek:

No, you f-ing moron......I'm telling you that comparing all three to be the same is idiotic.

How's your hairdresser by the way? Apparently he's done a really good job of hiding your lobotomy scar.
He told me he is going to break up with you ABS.

He said your butt hole is just too worn out!!! :lol:

Nice.....when you can't come up with something intelligent to say, always accuse the other of being a homo.

One trick pony much?

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