Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

:bowdown:History is the strongest indicator that embracing homosexuality and being bullied by it, is 1 major factor leading to the downfall of a nation.
Think people are different today? Think again and don't lie to yourself:eusa_liar:.


:eusa_eh:I don't understand your point in showing the video. It seems like you switched over to our side. He just showed that it's possible for people to be rid of the hormonal imbalance of homosexuality.
Hilarious. I nearly gave up the ghost laughing at the man in the towel
:bowdown:History is the strongest indicator that embracing homosexuality and being bullied by it, is 1 major factor leading to the downfall of a nation.
Think people are different today? Think again and don't lie to yourself:eusa_liar:.

oh yea.. I tellya.. nothing made Sparta the scourge of fucking city states quite like all those gay soldiers!

you hve no foot to stand on in assuming homosexuality was a contributing factor in the decline of any culture.
:eusa_eh:I don't understand your point in showing the video. It seems like you switched over to our side. He just showed that it's possible for people to be rid of the hormonal imbalance of homosexuality.

I think you need to take another gander at the video and listen to what he's actually saying instead of assuming he says what you want to hear.
Bass, it is O.K. Stop hating yourself. Enjoy it. Come out of the closet.

That trick doesn't work, thats like telling people who speak out daily against pedophiles to come out and admit they're pedophiles. The reality is that you and Hoegun support two men shagging up the anus and drinking each others semen and spraying semen and rectal matter on each others backs.
oh yea.. I tellya.. nothing made Sparta the scourge of fucking city states quite like all those gay soldiers!

you hve no foot to stand on in assuming homosexuality was a contributing factor in the decline of any culture.

His bit out Hitler was funny, considering homosexuals were persecuted because they could do nothing to perpetuate the "master race." LOL.

History of gay men in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, upon the rise of Adolf Hitler, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of several groups targeted by the Nazi Party and were ultimately among the roster of Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, gay organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general, were burned, and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were murdered.

More recently however German state television channel Deutsche Welle updated this figure to "almost 55,000" deaths [homosexuals] following the study of documents from archives in East Germany that had been inaccessible to researchers for decades after the war.​

Before Hitler, homosexuality was accepted - but not during Hitler like the idiot said.
That trick doesn't work, thats like telling people who speak out daily against pedophiles to come out and admit they're pedophiles. The reality is that you and Hoegun support two men shagging up the anus and drinking each others semen and spraying semen and rectal matter on each others backs.

if thats what those two men want to do then it's no skin off my back, eh Toby? Just like it's no skin off of yours, you goddamn first generation farm equipment.
I warned you to check your history before being embarrassed as part of the ignoramus brigade:eusa_silenced:. Your 9th grade history taught you to spew forth all that liberal rectal matter without telling you the whole truth.
You have such a little knowlege of history that it boggles:disbelief: my mind. Actually I am glad you brought up the 1 sided historical point of homosexual persecution by the Nazis. What you don't know (and I can't blame you,per your liberal teachers) is that Hitler:salute: himself was a violent homosexual and as many as 2million members of the Hitler youth and SA were violent homosexual rapists as described in the little publicized historical book "The Pink Triangle". There was a reason I said to check your history. In the book, Gestapo agents were described not only as murderers but as rapists of the prisoners as a sign of domination of the Aryan race. While defiling their victims would taunt them by saying, where is your God now:whip: Jewish scum? The homosexuals incarcerated and killed were the effeminate:eusa_dance: ones and those that spoke out against the raping and homosexual influencing of small boys. Hitler youth were taught that raping Jewish prisoners was a way to punish them for their religion and force:whip: domination over them. This is a glaring similarity to the customs of the Aztecs in conquest during battle. Homosexuality was rife among the early americans as many spaniards were raped after losing a battle. It was a mark of domination. Think people don't or wouldn't do something like that. Look in prison, that is all I need say.
I swear you don't think I read up on this stuff. I KNOW my history. you do not. Yes rome was conquered by Christians, that was great. They deserved it. You better come smarter than that:slap:. I knew you couldn't handle it. What do you want to try me on next? I think you are scared:
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if thats what those two men want to do then it's no skin off my back, eh Toby? Just like it's no skin off of yours, you goddamn first generation farm equipment.

Hoegun, Hoegun still trying to frustrate the Bass with his oudated, cornball racist jokes that really have no damn point other than making you look even more like the idiot you are, if thats what homos like to do and if thats what you like to support them doing keep that to yourselves and quit expecting the government to give it special attention and quit trying to force others to accept those sick acts as being just as normal as heterosexuals.
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Notice Truthspeaker's complete failure to provide a reference of any sort. LOL. But, if I recall, the moron didn't say anything about homosexual rape, he said same-sex marriage. Remember? He went on and on about how societies that allowed same-sex marriage didn't last long.

What a fucking dolt.
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Obviously the dick in your ear has jammed into your brain and clouded your ability to see reason. Or read properly. I told you the source. I didn't say gay "marriage". I said societies that embraced homosexuality:banghead:. You refuted nothing of what I said and remain stupid. Time for you to run and hide:scared1:
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Obviously the dick in your ear has jammed into your brain and clouded your ability to see reason. Or read properly. I told you the source. I didn't say gay "marriage". I said societies that embraced homosexuality:banghead:. You refuted nothing of what I said and remain stupid. Time for you to run and hide:scared1:

Okay moron, societies that embrace homosexuality............

If that was true, then one society that embraces it is kicking our ass economically and taking our jobs overseas. Know which country? India.

Try again idiot.
Okay moron, societies that embrace homosexuality............

If that was true, then one society that embraces it is kicking our ass economically and taking our jobs overseas. Know which country? India.
So you are saying that we need more homos to kick our economy into high gear?

In other words, American has a sodomite shortage!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
So you are saying that we need more homos to kick our economy into high gear?

In other words, American has a sodomite shortage!!!:

Wow ... good point. If only we had seen the light sooner! We need more gay men and women, or at least more of them coming out of the closet.

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