Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Man O Man. The closet homosexuals are still hating themselves. Hiding who you really are is not good for you, Glock, Sunni, Bass. It's just not good. Please, come out of the closet and love yourselves.
That's the trouble Mac. They HAVE been loving themselves, which is why they don't want to come out of the closet.

Easier to beat off I guess.
In truth, I really, really, pity the sodomites.

Instead of following the path to a normal life of joy and spiritual fulfilment.

Homos choose the Hershey Highway of sickness, disease and eventually death.
Normal is a setting on the washing machine Someday Man.

I think I'm gonna start calling you that, because someday, you may become something other than the sad little boy that you currently are, scribbling hatred on messageboards.
In truth, I really, really, pity the sodomites.

Instead of following the path to a normal life of joy and spiritual fulfilment.

Homos choose the Hershey Highway of sickness, disease and eventually death.

Stop hating yourself, Sunni. It's O.K. to enjoy homosexual love. Stop biting your lip when it happens. Smile.
I think he's pissed because his spine won't flex as far as he wants.......

I mean.....with a small pecker like Sucking Moron appears to have because of his repeated overcompensation, it's kinda hard for him to blow himself.
I think I'm gonna start calling you that, because someday, you may become something other than the sad little boy that you currently are, scribbling hatred on messageboards.
Like I said, I pity homos, not hate them..

Their mental illness causes them pain, sickness, a life of torment and eventually death.

To hate them would be inhumane. They need to be cured by treatment or locked up for the welfare of society.
That is what THEY claim. There is NO evidence to support that claim. NONE. Many gays that allowed themselves to be subjected to this "reparative therapy" were just suppressing their sexual orientation and then the pressure to conform was off, they stopped the act and resumed their lives as homosexuals.

Wrong, there was an actual study done by Spitzer which does prove that gays are certainly capable of becoming heterosexual and there are numerous ex-gays, so acting like a jackass with your pro-gay activism.
Also you can call it discrimination or whatever you want, but equating homosexual "marriage" to interracial marriage is extremely insulting to people like me who married a person of color. In fact there is no such thing as interracial marriage. We are all one race.
Gay "love" is not legitimate. It certainly is not equal to the true love of a man and a woman. It is, however the same as a false love between a man and a woman outside of marriage that leads to promiscuity.
My life is certainly better now that I know my children cannot be legally taught that homosexuality is normal and acceptable. We have held off the wickedness for one more day.
There is NO evidence to support the idea that sexual orientation can be changed. "Reparative therapy" is a scam.

NARTH: National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Truth Wins Out - NARTH

"NARTH also has bizarre theories, such as encouraging male clients who drink Gatorade and call their friends “dude,” because this will supposedly make them more masculine. Dr. Nicolosi also espouses the bizarre idea that, “Non-homosexual men who experience defeat and failure may also experience homosexual fantasies or dreams.”

More dishonesty from NARTH:
Major Geneticist Francis Collins Responds to NARTH Article | Ex-Gay Watch

And then there is Joh Paulk, head of Exodus International, a group who claims to have success in changing homosexuals into heterosexuals, including Paulk himself. Imagine his embarrassment when he was caught in a gay bar offering drinks to other men. voice.html

He claims he didn't know it was a gay bar and was there only to use the bathroom. Yeah, right!

Spitzer Study Published: Evidence Found for Effectiveness of Reorientation Therapy
Also you can call it discrimination or whatever you want, but equating homosexual "marriage" to interracial marriage is extremely insulting to people like me who married a person of color. In fact there is no such thing as interracial marriage. We are all one race.
Gay "love" is not legitimate. It certainly is not equal to the true love of a man and a woman. It is, however the same as a false love between a man and a woman outside of marriage that leads to promiscuity.
My life is certainly better now that I know my children cannot be legally taught that homosexuality is normal and acceptable. We have held off the wickedness for one more day.

HA! yea, homosexuality sure will dry up and go away just because gays can't get married in Cali for the time being.. You goofy bastards never were all that bright.
I don't understand how people can be pro gay "marriage":cuckoo:. It just doesn't make sense. Every major society that has embraced homosexuality has been decimated :("coincidentally". Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Babylonian Empire, Aztec Nation, Hitler's Germany(check your history before you fire back and get embarrased), and of course, Sodom and Gomorrah. If you really want to have a discussion, let's talk specifics. See if you can handle it. You had better be ready with truth. Or you will get blown:eusa_whistle: away. No pun intended on the blow.
I think we should all know that just because a guy is a "Scientist" doesn't mean he is legit. "Scientists used to say that the Negro brain is inferior to a white brain, or a woman's brian inferior to a man's.
NARTH. again. worthless.

Hey, did you enjoy that video I posted of a SCIENTIST calling narth out for misconstruing her data? Didn't have a lot to say about that, didja?


That Robert Spitzer study wasn't done by NARTH you incoherent retarded jackass. Spitzer was one of the members of the APA who voted *FOR* homosexuality being removed from the list of mental disorders, so up in smoke goes your ad-hominem attack on NARTH, you have shown no evidence that discredits and or refutes NARTH.

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