Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Blah, blah, blah... We should trust you for proclaiming false debate victory. That picture of the guy with his head up his ass is perfect for you, boy. :cuckoo:

i've posted my evidence, bitch.. where is yours?

Sodomite, attacking religion in order to validate homosexuality is retarded and a failure in itself, surely you put homosexuality as being more righteous than God. We who are Christian and follow the Bible don't based whats right and wrong on that which is acceptable in society, we are held to a much higher standard and are held accountable to a much higher power than whats acceptable in society. Now go ahead and chew on straws, and personally attack and call the Bass a dogma junkie for not lowering his standards to the filth that is acceptable in society today.


You and your religion is about as relevant as an old joke, dude. Indeed, since there is no god I put humanism WAY above trite fucking rituals and ignorant beliefs of cromagnon motherfuckers who can't seem to stop danging around the bonfire. YOU who are christian are free to believe in whatever bullshit pantheon you need to in order to swim in shallow waters instead of the deep science that you don't understand. You've been PWNED by the first amendment, motherfucker.


Thank you for posting how a decent and moral woman is supposed to look and dress. :clap2:

Only radical Islamists say that a woman is supposed to cover her face.

Everyone else (all the NON RADICALS) say that just the hair is to be covered.

Are you SURE you know your own religion Sunni Man? You sound about as knowledgeable about your own theology as Warren Jeffs knew about Christianity.
The opposition:

APA, WHO, National Geographic etc, all say that two men driving trucks up each other's Hershey Highway is natural, good for children, loving, scientifically approved so you must like and embrace because all three of these credible organizations says its ok so it must be ok if they said it. I believe those organizations because I support two men shagging up the anus and would do it myself and would support my kids doing it.
The opposition:

APA, WHO, National Geographic etc, all say that two men driving trucks up each other's Hershey Highway is natural, good for children, loving, scientifically approved so you must like and embrace because all three of these credible organizations says its ok so it must be ok if they said it. I believe those organizations because I support two men shagging up the anus and would do it myself and would support my kids doing it.

That's a non-starter CB.

Try again......
The opposition:

APA, WHO, National Geographic etc, all say that two men driving trucks up each other's Hershey Highway is natural, good for children, loving, scientifically approved so you must like and embrace because all three of these credible organizations says its ok so it must be ok if they said it. I believe those organizations because I support two men shagging up the anus and would do it myself and would support my kids doing it.

Dance, minstrel, dance.
Only radical Islamists say that a woman is supposed to cover her face.

Everyone else (all the NON RADICALS) say that just the hair is to be covered.
The Quran only says that a woman only has to cover her hair.

Many women who are very religious, go the extra mile and cover their face.
The Quran only says that a woman only has to cover her hair.

Many women who are very religious, go the extra mile and cover their face.

Again, check your religion again clown show, those that go the "extra mile" are the radical extremists.

Shit man.....I've even heard them say that on the news......good Muslims who are moderates were saying that if you force your women to cover their face, that is how you tell the radicals from the regulars.

Do you REALLY know anything about your own religion other than what you pick up from FAUX news?

I think you claim that just because you want to be viewed as a rebel.
i've posted my evidence, bitch.. where is yours?

I have viewed your evidence and judge it to be as pitiful as you are, lungs saturated with cold river water, draining from your nose as you lie on your back, head down on a mud slope. :badgrin:
I have viewed your evidence and judge it to be as pitiful as you are, lungs saturated with cold river water, draining from your nose as you lie on your back, head down on a mud slope. :badgrin:

thankfully, your opinion on means two things: jack and shit. And, if it's all the same, you can go ahead and spare me a vivid description of your favorite scene from Brokeback Mountain.

Shit man.....I've even heard them say that on the news......good Muslims who are moderates were saying that if you force your women to cover their face, that is how you tell the radicals from the regulars.
That is just a bunch of lies and non sense from "uncle Tom" muslims who want to pander to the western media.
That is just a bunch of lies and non sense from "uncle Tom" muslims who want to pander to the western media.

Really? Then explain again why they were living in Dubai UAE and Jiddah Saudi Arabia?

Were they pandering to the western media then? WTF were they going to get me to do, call CNN?

You've just gone full retard dude.
Thank you for posting how a decent and moral woman is supposed to look and dress. :clap2:

I'm sorry, but did you just imply that I am indecent and immoral?

Before I ignore you for becoming more of a nuisance and embarrassment to intelligent people than I can tolerate any longer, have I ever told you my theory on why Muslim men hope for 72 virgins in paradise? I believe it's because only a virgin would be unable to recognize how much they suck in bed. :eusa_angel:

Have a nice life. FLUSH!
thankfully, your opinion on means two things: jack and shit. And, if it's all the same, you can go ahead and spare me a vivid description of your favorite scene from Brokeback Mountain.


I was fully expecting you to "go homo" on your retort, and you did not disappoint. But actually, I didn't see that lame Movie either. Perhaps you can tell us about it, boy.
No, I didn't imply anything about you personally.

But obviously, I must have hit home for you to take it so hard!! :lol:

See people? This is what this f-cking therapist Sunni Man does, he uses his training as a way to get into people's heads so that he can screw with them.

That's why I call him Sucking Moron, The Rapist.
See people? This is what this f-cking therapist Sunni Man does, he uses his training as a way to get into people's heads so that he can screw with them.

What do you mean "See People"? :cuckoo:

Do you think you have an imaginary audiance of people listening to you and your psycho rants!!! :lol:
I was fully expecting you to "go homo" on your retort, and you did not disappoint. But actually, I didn't see that lame Movie either. Perhaps you can tell us about it, boy.

suuuuuuure you didn't see that movie. suuuuuuuuuuuuure.. I believe you.


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