Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Considering the statement on their homepage was at one time "...dedicated to affirming a complementary, male-female model of gender and sexuality," you can be sure they operate with a specific motive. The statement has been moved, however, as it no longer appears on the homepage. I'm certain you'll be able to find it if you look.

But, again, my point is amplified: They're not credible. They operate with a specific motive.

Given that, the closet homosexuals on this forum might as well stop hating themselves. NARTH is wrong, guys. Every major medical institution in the United States agrees NARTH is wrong. You don't have to be ashamed anymore Sunni, Bass, Cecile, and Glock. What you do each night with bananas and your neighbor is simply a normal, and natural, sexual experience. Enjoy.

God made you the way you are. The Bible was written by man. All of his prejudices were well in mind when it was authored. God made you who you are. Don't be ashamed anymore. Especially you, Bass. Just bend over, smile, and love yourself like Jesus loves you.
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NARTH is a professional, scientific organization


how so? narth is full of scientists, you idiots are damning NARTH without having even read anything from NARTH simply because they don't agree with the APA's stance on homosexuality[people keep forgeting that the APA was divided over this issue and speak as if all of the people in the APA all agree on everything when they don't].
Dance, minstrel, dance.

Actually thats a cracker in blackface you stupid jackass, wiggers from back from in the days of Jim Crow who were afraid to affirm their wiggerdom.
That's a non-starter CB.

Try again......

Why get mad and try to play it off jackass? That is what you sodomite lovers support, you guys support two guys bumping penises and driving big rigs up each others Hershey Highways. You support sodomites raising children and telling them that two men having anal sex is ok. Whats the matter? Are you sickened by the reality of what you support?
Actually thats a cracker in blackface you stupid jackass, wiggers from back from in the days of Jim Crow who were afraid to affirm their wiggerdom.

I'm pretty sure it's not lost on anyone what a white man in minstrel blackface is making fun of, dude. Way to keep your eye on the ball.

Considering the statement on their homepage was at one time "...dedicated to affirming a complementary, male-female model of gender and sexuality," you can be sure they operate with a specific motive. The statement has been moved, however, as it no longer appears on the homepage. I'm certain you'll be able to find it if you look.

But, again, my point is amplified: They're not credible. They operate with a specific motive.

Given that, the closet homosexuals on this forum might as well stop hating themselves. NARTH is wrong, guys. Every major medical institution in the United States agrees NARTH is wrong. You don't have to be ashamed anymore Sunni, Bass, Cecile, and Glock. What you do each night with bananas and your neighbor is simply a normal, and natural, sexual experience. Enjoy.

God made you the way you are. The Bible was written by man. All of his prejudices were well in mind when it was authored. God made you who you are. Don't be ashamed anymore. Especially you, Bass. Just bend over, smile, and love yourself like Jesus loves you.

Bah! Jesus isn't gay ...........

....... he's bi, he'll fuck anything, anywhere, anytime, just like all good shepherds.
how so? narth is full of scientists, you idiots are damning NARTH without having even read anything from NARTH simply because they don't agree with the APA's stance on homosexuality[people keep forgeting that the APA was divided over this issue and speak as if all of the people in the APA all agree on everything when they don't].

There is NO evidence to support the idea that sexual orientation can be changed. "Reparative therapy" is a scam.

NARTH: National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

Truth Wins Out - NARTH

"NARTH also has bizarre theories, such as encouraging male clients who drink Gatorade and call their friends “dude,” because this will supposedly make them more masculine. Dr. Nicolosi also espouses the bizarre idea that, “Non-homosexual men who experience defeat and failure may also experience homosexual fantasies or dreams.”

More dishonesty from NARTH:
Major Geneticist Francis Collins Responds to NARTH Article | Ex-Gay Watch

And then there is Joh Paulk, head of Exodus International, a group who claims to have success in changing homosexuals into heterosexuals, including Paulk himself. Imagine his embarrassment when he was caught in a gay bar offering drinks to other men. voice.html

He claims he didn't know it was a gay bar and was there only to use the bathroom. Yeah, right!
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There is an organization called Exodus International that has a 30 to 50% success rate in curing homosexuals from their sickness.

They are a Christian orientated organization that has offices in most American cities.

Exodus International - Home
There is an organization called Exodus International that has a 30 to 50% success rate in curing homosexuals from their sickness.

They are a Christian orientated organization that has offices in most American cities.

Exodus International - Home


that page has all the validity of a snake oil cure, dude. You might as well have offered a bottle of watered down whiskey as some kind of mircle tonic.

you goofy bastards crack me up.
There are Exodus International treatment centers all over the US.

They have a high success rate and have helped many homos out of that despicable lifestyle.
There is an organization called Exodus International that has a 30 to 50% success rate in curing homosexuals from their sickness.

That is what THEY claim. There is NO evidence to support that claim. NONE. Many gays that allowed themselves to be subjected to this "reparative therapy" were just suppressing their sexual orientation and then the pressure to conform was off, they stopped the act and resumed their lives as homosexuals.
That is what THEY claim. There is NO evidence to support that claim. NONE. Many gays that allowed themselves to be subjected to this "reparative therapy" were just suppressing their sexual orientation and then the pressure to conform was off, they stopped the act and resumed their lives as homosexuals.
Each person is different.

People go to alcohol treatment centers.

Some get cured the first time.

Others have to go back several time before they are cured.

Sadly, some people never kick the problem and die as alcoholics.

Same with people trying to escape the living hell of homosexuality.

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